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To: Sarah McFarlen - Printable Version

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To: Sarah McFarlen - Toaster - 03-26-2012

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Good day, Miss McFarlen.

I hope you remember me. Jacob Blunt, captain - ... former captain of the LNS Unity.

A while ago, I allowed you to leave Liberty without disturbance when you were having troubles with the Rogues. Quite the risky thing for me to do, considering that assisting a registered pirate vessel to escape the law is considered to be treachery. So you promised me a favor in return.

Well, it seems now I've gotta ask one of you.

If you are interested in keeping your promise, reply to this message.

Jacob Blunt.

To: Sarah McFarlen - Commissar - 03-28-2012

[Image: UndisclosedLocation-1.png]

Er... Hey.

Sorry for the lateness... Things have been a little... Well, I guess I've had a lot to do. More then I'd like. But, you don't want to hear about my problems, huh?

As it happens, all the various bits and pieces going on have me around Liberty Space at the moment (I know, I know, don't rub it in.) Know I said I wouldn't come back. Sorry about that. I would have avoided it if I could. Well, I guess I could have. I didn't want to though. Well maybe I did.

Sorry, I'm rambling again. You get the general idea. I'm around.

Anyway, thanks for helping me back there. If you need a hand now, well... I wouldn't be worth much if I turned you down, would I?

Your wish is my command, Captain. Let me know what you need.

Sarah McFarlen

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To: Sarah McFarlen - Toaster - 03-29-2012

[Image: XZYpD.png]
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Good day, Miss McFarlen.

Ah, I'm glad you replied.

Good to hear that you're around Liberty again, for however long. I just hope you're not getting in trouble with the authorities.

Anyway, to my predicament. I'm stuck in the Kansas system. My ship, a Griffin, was badly damaged. The engine is offline and the shields are sporadically failing. I should've known that flying up to that Werewolf wasn't a good idea, but I could not have known that he would open fire on me almost immediately.

Anyway. I was able to thrust to some station's wreck. Junction Wreck, to be exact. I got myself more or less safely moored to what is left of the structure but am running out of water and oxygen.

If you can get it done, I would like you to get there ASAP with something to drink and, if possible, breath. And some tools too. I ran out of wires to fix the engine. If you can get that done, our deal's done. In fact, if you hurry up I'll even owe you a favor.

Jacob Blunt.

To: Sarah McFarlen - Commissar - 03-31-2012

[Image: UndisclosedLocation-1.png]

Consider me hurried.

Sit tight, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just need to grab some supplies.

Please don't die. That really wouldn't make my day.

Sarah McFarlen

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