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History of the Republic of Latium - Printable Version

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History of the Republic of Latium - Khassym - 03-28-2012

The Republic of Latium

[Image: tU1fC.png]


-Unknown Our ancestors and the War of Sol.
-42AS The foundation of Latium vetus.
-Unknown The expansion of the Latium Vetus and the first social conflicts.
-814AS The meeting with the Huns and our collapse.
-819AS The attack of the Nomads and the new beginning.

Our ancestors and the War of Solar

Our ancestors were a coalition of Nova Roma, a sect in Italy, who expressed itself through the Latin culture. The sect was dreaming of a new social order founded on the values ​​of what that was once the Roman Republic in Italy. This sense of renewal is expressed at its peak with the Allieance-Coalitation war. In that period the Italian state was corrupt and decadent, and was attacked by pro-reformist groups and popular revolts, always repressed with the use of the army. Every current reform expressed their ideas in secret meetings with some people and other groups in churcs with the support of the clerics. So were born ties between the organizations, and the Nova Roma took over the leadership of these founding the Circle of the Reformers. At the news of the destruction of the Italian fleet by the Coalition, the population fell into panic and social order seemed on the verge of collapse. It was at this point, with the terror of the imminent end of the earth, that the sect, to the leadership of the Circle of Reformers and with the consent of a small part of the population, made a radical choice. With his influence, they built some ships with which they would traveled in the universe to found a new colony. Two years later, the Alliance attacked the Coalition and the Sect take advantage of the confusion to send its ships into space.

The foundation of Latium vetus

After many years, these ships went to a new system, where the Circle of Reformers, under the leadership of the Nova Roma, founded the first colony, called Lavinium in honor of Aeneas, the main character of Aeneid to which they felt very close. After the first colony, there were other grounds, which were given Latin names of ancient cities, so the system took on the name of Latium. Also the Nova Roma found the first Republic of Latium and assumed control of the colonies, proclaiming the birth of Latium vetus, the territory occupied by them. Ignorance and indifference of the people never allowed the spread of Latin as a language, as the Sect had wanted. In reality, this language continued to belong only to clubs of reformers. The Sect seek to dissolve thes clubs to avoid the risk of an alliance between them against the excessive power which it had obtained. But Holding the power with the illusion of a Republic founded on the will of the people, they did not notice the birth of a new club, the Imperium Society, who secretly sought the leadership of Latium Vetum. While the colonies grew, others were founded and new trade routes were established. Life in the colonies was pacific and stable social order. The sect controlled the Republic through the favor of the people and the temporany leader, a member who had the task of controlling the operations of the Republic.

The expansion of the Latium Vetus and the first social conflicts

After centuries of expansion and colonization, Latium Vetus was formed by three systems, of which the first colonized and placed at the center was the Latium Centralis, while in the sides were situated the other two systems, called, respectively, Latium Ulterior and Latium Citerior. Each of these systems contained rich colonies with raw materials and outposts on major trade routes. Around the three main systems, however, there were other colonies, located in more remote areas where Latins were able to reach, but these areas were poor of primary resources and far from Latium Centralis, the center of territorial power, and then left to themselves. But despite this, the expansionist impulses of the Latins led them to populating these territories, creating a distinction between the rich and powerful internal colonies, and the poorer outer colonies, with fewer political rights and less economic possibility. Since outsiders thought that the internals wanted to keep them in that condition of poverty and backwardness, as reaction they developed a neo-Sabellic culture and a separatist sentiment against the Roman ideology and centralized of the Republic. This caused the end of the Latin expansion and the social conflict between the two movements,the first one being centralist, the second one being separatist.The political movement of the outer colonists was designed to create a federation, separated from the power of the Republic and with recognition of their civil and political rights. This led them to establish the systems of Campania and Samnium, in line with their new Sabellic culture, and created a new economic and social organization. Also, after a long period of indifference to their demands by the internals, the outsiders secretly prepared a military division in order to declare war on the Republic and definately secede from it, but the arrival of the Huns stopped their plan.

The meeting with the Huns and our collapse

During the Latin expansion and the social conflict between external and internal colonies, the following years were marked by the meeting with a faction of pirates who refused any kind of diplomacy and attacked the outer settlements. We gave them the nickname of '' Huns.'' The Imperium Society saw the collaboration with the Huns an opportunity to directly attack the Nova Roma and take command of Latium Vetus. So they organized a conspiracy against the Republic. They helped the Huns to place their ships in strategic locations, away from the watchful eye of the colonies to attack the Latin fleets by surprise. In return the Imperium Society would gain control of the colonies. In 814AS pirates attacked the Latin fleets and colonies. Before long, the Republic collapsed and the Imperium Society conquered with force the Latium Vetus. Thus began the persecution of Nova Roma members and they, with the part of Latin population still loyal to them, together with the most desperate parts of external society, tried to escape with some transports in search of a new home.

The attack of the Nomads and the new beginning

Traveling through the universe, after 5 years, the convoys reached Sirius. There were 20 ships, all transports. They were finished in the system called omicron Iota and there, they were attacked by the Nomads. Since they were totally helpless, they split into groups to increase their possibility of survival but only a group went in Omicron Delta through a jumphole. The convoy was almost completely damaged and the enemy ships were reaching them, when a group of Zoner convoys, seeing them in trouble, hit Nomads with a massive attack and brought them to safety. In gratitude, they decided to became allied with Zoners and to respect their rules and covenants. They also decided to start in Sirius the foundations to give a new prosperity to their faction. Their new Lead Consul Lucius Aurelius tooks the task of finding the remaining members lost in omicrons and found the new Repubblic of Latium. Latin members received control of the military and political branches of the new state, while Sabellics received the reins of the economy.

History of the Republic of Latium - Khassym - 04-02-2012

The Republic of Latium
[Image: tU1fC.png]


Start recording:

Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius
Location : Freeport 9
Date : 819 AS

It's been 6 days since we started the research of our comrades lost in the omicron and so far we have not found anyone. The only information on our convoy was provided by a merchant in Freeport 9, who showed us through the recordings, one of our transports destroyed, after a massive attack of the nomads and an unexpected escape from the cloud of asteroids of omega gamma.

fragment of the recording n1
fragment of the recording n2

Probably the destruction of the ship and the killing of the entire crew were caused by radioactivity in the system and the massive damage inflicted by nomads. The merchant tried to rescue them but it was too late. However, he has sought among the debris any survivors escaped from the blast with lifeboats but he has found only some cargos, containing a small part of our technology that the ship was carrying. So he has delivered us the cargos and what 's left of our scientists has started now to work in laboratories of Freeport 9 in order to reproduce our technology and sell it in large scale.

::End recording::

History of the Republic of Latium - Khassym - 04-03-2012

The Republic of Latium

[Image: tU1fC.png]


Start recording:

Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius
Location : Freeport 9
Date : 819 AS

We have found a new symbol for our faction. It's the caduceus, an ancient symbol reused by us according to a new interpretation that represents our history:
the two snakes represents the two sects, Nova Roma and Imperium Society, fighting for the control of the Latium vetus, represented with the wings.

::End recording::

History of the Republic of Latium - Khassym - 04-15-2012

The Republic of Latium

[Image: tU1fC.png]


Start recording:

Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius
Location : Unknown
Date : 819 AS

It's been 12 days since the last registration and the Republic is beginning to take form. Not only we are rebuilding the order of the old Republic, modifying and organizing it to make it even more efficient, but we found even 3 latins missing since the attacks of the Nomads, who immediately joined the new Republic. In addition, we explored much of Omega and Omicron systems and now we're ready to head toward the House space. Our research of technology continues and we are creating the first diplomacies, while we hope that sooner or later our efforts will be rewarded.

::End recording::

History of the Republic of Latium - Khassym - 05-20-2012

The Republic of Latium
[Image: tU1fC.png]


Start recording:

Sender ID : Lucius Aurelius
Location : Lavinium, Omega 49
Date : 819 AS

It's been a month since the last recording and it's time to record our progress. In this period we have built an outpost in omega 49 that allowed us to enter in the house spaces and strengthen our presence in the Omega systems. For the development of the base, we have been assisted by The Free Trader United, a company focused on mining and trading ores in sirius's wide, with whom we have forged important diplomatic relations and that now we regard as allies. But with our presence in Omega 49, our population was imprisoned in the Freeports of Omega 41 and Omicron Theta. We were too far away from our loved ones and unable to defend them in case the Freeports were in danger.
Furthermore, when we reached Omega 49, we stood amazed by Gran Canaria, the only habitable planet in the system and the traffic center of deuterium, but above all, it was a place inhabited by more people, because of its characteristic of being a paradise land and perfectly suited to life and full of space. For this reason we had the idea to transfer there our population. But at that time the territory was under martial law by the SCRA and the situation was too risky to transfer our population. With the end of tensions between SCRA and Zoners, the FTU, in search of a homeland where they could live also decided to build a base in omega 49. But their bound with the IMG had made ​​them hostile to Corsairs and their presence alarmed the Zoners who lived in the system, due to a possible conflict between Corsairs and IMGs. And when the REAPER-17, a support-faction of the FTU, decided to build a base in Omega 49, this worse 'even more' the climate of tension and lead the Corsair to move en masse formation of battleships against the two bases.
After a long battle, which saw the FTU, REAPER-17, Mollys, and other factions to fight against the Corsairs, the FTU lost the battle and the two bases were destroyed, but fortunately the human losses were limited, except for the REAPER-17, who suffer the greatest losses, but they were able to react and re-establishing their faction and so they called their new faction SOBT, doing something that it was incredible.
When the climate of tension ended, we made our move and we began to realize our plan: to carry our people from Freeports to Gran Canaria. In this project, completed two days ago, SOBT gave us assistance, providing cargo ships and an escort. So the convoy of the RoL and SOBT carried 17673 Latins and 8123 Sabellics to Gran Canaria, where they began operations to build two separate and independent settlements. Now we are helping them, while we are upgrading our outpost and preparing for future events.

::End recording::