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Newbie: Unable to log onto any discovery server - Printable Version

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Newbie: Unable to log onto any discovery server - Goomba - 03-29-2012

Hi. Having difficulty getting onto the servers. Just getting back into freelancer. I bought the game - and think i still have the cd somewhere - almost 8 years ago. However my current laptop doe not have a cd drive. So i 'borrowed' an .iso file. anyway, i installed vanilla FL, but did not play. i then immediately installed the discovery file. On starting up discovery it downloaded an update (i think it was update 2?) which seemed to install fine. On starting up the game itself i went into multiplayer and saw a list of servers but their versions are all written in red ink - i'm blocked from them. The thing is, my own version at the bottom of the screen says 'VER 48.6' - which is the same as what all the servers are running.
Any idea why this is so? Any help would be appreciated. One thing - i'm accessing the internet via my 3g phones mobile internet - which surely should be good enough since when the game was released, broadband had nowhere like the speeds currently available.

Newbie: Unable to log onto any discovery server - Aingar - 03-29-2012

Absolutely no idea why do you have this problem, and pretty much the only thing we can advise is a complete reinstall, oh, and you are asked twice for the directory during the installation, 1st is the FL directory, 2nd is Discovery FL you want to install to, make sure you install disco into the vanilla FL folder.

Newbie: Unable to log onto any discovery server - Goomba - 03-29-2012

' Wrote:Absolutely no idea why do you have this problem, and pretty much the only thing we can advise is a complete reinstall, oh, and you are asked twice for the directory during the installation, 1st is the FL directory, 2nd is Discovery FL you want to install to, make sure you install disco into the vanilla FL folder.

i left everything as was suggested by the installation files....i did not pay attention of where exactly everything was installed. does the fact that im able to start it up and play in single player suggest i have it installed correctly?
I had it installed then reinstalled it after my initial attempts failed...

EDIT: also - im running it on Windows 7 - dont know if there are known issues with it...

Newbie: Unable to log onto any discovery server - Stefz - 03-29-2012

If you have only update 2, that's the cause. DL update 3 and you should be good to go.

Newbie: Unable to log onto any discovery server - Goomba - 03-29-2012

' Wrote:If you have only update 2, that's the cause. DL update 3 and you should be good to go.

Yep! it works now - apologies. had assumed that all the updates required would be installed sequentially. what happened is that it installed update 2, then when i quit and reloaded it found and installed update 3.
Thanks for the replys!