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OoRP chat - Lucky Luke - 03-31-2012

Recently, there was a sanction on two players for OoRP chat. As irritating as it can be, we all do it from time to time. Garrett Jax pointed out that there is a rule against it. Case closed!

But is it really that easy? This opens a door to the possibility that everyone is doing sanctionlancer against everybody. A new player in a Starflier says something OoRP... Report! Not that this report leads to anything more than extra work for the admins.

Another interesting dilemma is when a player get's DC'd during some kind of interaction with other players. Rule 5.9 clearly states what you're supposed to do in such cases.
Quote:"If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission."
I don't know how to do that InRP, so I have to do it OoRP. Sanctionable! And the other players who are just being nice, and let you come back... Sanction! Damned if I do, damned if I don't!

Keeping a zero-tolerance towards OoRp chat will not improve RP. It will make people scared of being reported if they say something wrong. Please, think carefully about this!

OoRP chat - meoshi - 03-31-2012

' Wrote:Another interesting dilemma is when a player get's DC'd during some kind of interaction with other players. Rule 5.9 clearly states what you're supposed to do in such cases. I don't know how to do that InRP, so I have to do it OoRP. Sanctionable!

You're suppose to say it in a pm and not over local or system.

OoRP chat - Jimothy - 03-31-2012

Also, I'm sure threads talking about sanctions are locked... something about trial by forums and the dis-allowing of such.

OoRP chat - Daedric - 03-31-2012

Quote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.

Reading the rules helps.

OoRP chat - Veygaar - 03-31-2012

He brings up a good, especially in a case where the battle is VERY large. PMing each member of the opposite team can be a pain. I normally PM an official faction member and once I get the go no go just do my thing.

In seldom cases do I respond oorp in local chat, but sometimes it's the only plausible way to communicate an important subject to the entire group.

I say keep to PMs as much as possible, if you do for some reason -HAVE- to oorp in local, record the events and be ready to explain yourself in detail.

OoRP chat - ryoken - 03-31-2012

Well to answer the question "when is it sanctionable?" It is always sanctionable, but most just ignore it. Being nailed for 1 line is/would be just a waste of time. That sanction as of late just means someone got pissed off, and wanted revenge.
Also if a new player in a starflee spoke OORP in main, and was reported? I am sure admins would not even bother unless he cursed, or spammed OORP alot. After all new he would not know the rules right?
It is like any rule. Just need to look if it really hurt others gameplay/fun.
For example i was shot at atleast 5 times this week with 0 RP, but reported none of them. Why? Did not hurt me, or anyone else's RP, and i won the 2 fights that started because of it.

OoRP chat - RAL - 03-31-2012

I don't see the harm in one local message of "I got d/c sorry about that, permission to continue on?"

I wouldn't even think about reporting someone for that. Maybe if they kept on doing it and it reached more then 3 messages. But other then that I just see it as a no harm no foul thing. Its not like you telling me that your connection dropped is going to ruin my day or anything to where I report you for it. Just respect your fellow players, a sanction isn't a sanction till it is reported. Humans play this game, some level of fail is bound to happen.

OoRP chat - Lucky Luke - 03-31-2012

' Wrote:Reading the rules helps.
Even if our rules are good, they don't cover every situation.

' Wrote:He brings up a good, especially in a case where the battle is VERY large. PMing each member of the opposite team can be a pain. I normally PM an official faction member and once I get the go no go just do my thing.
That's precisely my point. Just because I get permission from one guy, doesn't mean I get it from everybody. And if everyone isn't asked... Report! More work for admins, and sanctions to me.

' Wrote:Also if a new player in a starflee spoke OORP in main, and was reported? I am sure admins would not even bother unless he cursed, or spammed OORP alot. After all new he would not know the rules right?
Of course, but it still puts an additional workload on admins. They don't know that this player is a new guy until they examined the situation. This might not take more than 2 minutes, or so, to find out. But imagine if there were 100 such reports every day.

OoRP chat - Daedric - 03-31-2012

' Wrote:Even if our rules are good, they don't cover every situation.

That rule does indeed cover every situation. There is no situation where out of character chat in local or system chat is okay by the rules. None. Zero. Zilch. Oh, sorry, unless you're conversing with an admin.

Does that mean you'll get in trouble if you do it? Depends on if the people around you get annoyed by it or just have a stick up their arse and want to sanction you.

You act like this rule adds a ton of work to the admins work load: if it created so more work than it was worth the admins would remove it. Need I mention SRPs?

OoRP chat - dodike - 03-31-2012

So far admins have been punishing it selectively which led to false belief that it is a fine thing to do as long as "//" is used.