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HMP Weare - Scaridae - 04-02-2012

[Image: hmpweare.jpg]

Her Majesty’s Prison Weare.

General data

Name: Her Majesty’s Prison Weare.
Class: V-8586 Erlestoke Class.
Primary role: Incarceration facility.
Secondary role: Transportation of prisoners from inhabited planets to HMP Newgate when required.
Build: 728as
In service: 812as till present.


Engines: 2 KT9D fusion reactors


Weapons: 9 CT-402 (external weaponry) and Security Turrets.

Shield: The Weare has been equipped with a class SG-Adv, proficiently used by several similar liners in Bretonia.

Protocols: As a prison containing prisoners in the following categories G, L, M and U. Security is on constant state of medium to high alert. Thus several measures have been implemented. These measures are grouped selectively under the title of Protocol 1-10.
Protocols 1-5 are standard measures implemented constantly. Whilst 6-10 would be implemented in case of a serious and sustained unrest.

Protocol 1 is the categorisation of all prisoners into the following categories: G- Gaians, L- Lane Hackers, M- Mollys and U – Unaffiliated.

Please note the following: Corsairs and Outcasts are not currently permitted to be incarcerated on HMP-Weare. Instead they are typically incarcerated on HMP- Newgate this is also the case for members of several proscribed groups not mentioned here. While Liberty Rogues are normally incarcerated on other prison stations pending formal deportation to the Republic of Liberty, this procedure would be the same for those affiliated with the lane hackers.

Protocol 2 is the segregation of certain prisoners from the rest of the prison; for example this would mean all category m would be segregated from all contact with any other prisoners. This ensures minimal risk of recruitment to their cause while in prison and ensures no inter-faction violence can occur.

Protocol 3 is the requirement of all prison wardens patrolling to do so in groups of two or more, following the death of prison guard James McEwen who was ambushed by a pair of Mollys and was violently assaulted by the two. Following a report into the incident by the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons in conjunction with HMP Weare Independent Monitoring Board, this was implemented to ensure no repeats of this type of incident.

Protocol 4 is the requirement that all inmates are tagged and tracked constantly. This was again introduced in the immediate aftermath of the James McEwen incident.

Protocol 5 details the replacement of food rations with paste variants, thus reducing the need for eating utensils again introduced after the James McEwen incident as cutlery stolen from the canteen was used.

As mentioned above protocols 6 -10 detail emergency procedures usually used when faced with prison unrest.

Protocol 6 authorises the use of tear gas to disperse groups and force them back into their cells.

Protocol 7 deals with the extremely unlikely circumstance that the inmates resist the tear gas then rubber bullets would be authorised.

Protocol 8 allows for neural gas to be substituted into the air recycling units, ensuring that all areas of the ship would be equally affected.

Protocol 9 allows for the deployment of live rounds and the internal defence turrets would target all inmates.

Protocol 10 would only be used when the ship has been lost and authorises the current chief governor to activate the ships self destruct feature to ensure minimal civilian casualties.

Ships history.

Originally HMP Weare was a luxury liner called the Olympia and was under the management of Orbital Spa and Cruise for approximately 75 years from the years 730as - 805as. Afterwards it lay in space dock for another 2 years while it served as a training ship for Orbital Spa and Cruise engineers. When a wealthy man called George Alfred Weare was saved by the BPA whilst he was being attacked by the vicious pirate thugs known as the corsairs. Endeavouring to pay back the BPA for all that they did on that day. He searched high and low all across Sirius for the perfect gift. Unable to find it after a years search he began to put other things in front of the search like the small but extremely profitable business he ran.

When on a business trip to Curacao he spotted the Olympia with all her grandeur having faded away as he past the space dock; he immediately felt a twinge in his heart knowing that he found the meaningful gift for the BPA he searched so long for. He decided to sell his company to major competitor known as Bowex. After receiving the payout deal he immediately used the majority of it to negotiate a deal with OSC for the wreck. As it was OSC agreed with the deal as it so happens the wreck was becoming increasingly incompatible with the L584 enterprise refits, so they were glad to have rid of the vessel.

Following this it was towed to Southampton where it underwent major refurbishment to make it suitable for inhabitation. Unfortunately George Alfred Weare was suffering at the time with the degenerative disease known as Aluhemia and subsequently died from a chest infection two weeks before the public unveiling of what was scheduled to be HMP-Collingmore this was sub sequentially renamed in honour of the finder of this vessel. In addition to this honour a black solid marble plaque with golden writing was unveiled reading “In memorandum of George Alfred Weare philanthropist, finder and funded this vessel”.

The first Governor of the ship was a man called Henry Hayes a graduate who while maintaining the exemplary record of the HMP service was unremarkable and was transferred to another prison liner. His replacement was a thin woman with a bony structure named Jacinth Downes who alas was more interested in the appearance of the staff then was with security and the once exemplary reputation of HMP Weare as a result rapidly deteriorated culminating in not only the James McEwen incident, but also with fraud allegations was sacked by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons on the behest of the HMP Weare Independent Monitoring Board. Her replacement is the current incumbent James Lucas who radically reformed the Weare into an efficient machine designed to be able of overcoming any obstacle in the near future.

Staff areas

Deck 1, 2 and 3 contain the bridge, internal defence mainframe and the ships cargo supply centre.

Decks 4 and 5 are outfitted with dormitories for the prison officers extended stay in space with shower for each dormitory. Deck 6 and 7 are the location for leisure activities for staff members such as a library, gym and a TV room which includes a small bar open on gravball match days; in addition to this, the staff grill known as the Lock Up. Headed by Chef Gaston this provides the finest food for every member of staff after a hard days work. It also contains the prisons medical facilities

Decks 6-12 are the location of the prison cells, the canteen, exercise yard and various jobs such as cook in the prisoners’ canteen or in the light work factory making wires for electrical components.

Prison cells are always allocated to the particular prisoner before that inmate arrives this like the category system was designed to make guarding Bretonia's criminals easier for the guard as well as improving Bretonia's crime figures once the inmate has left. All the Weare's cells are classed into three categories, low, medium and high . This indicates the level of security implemented in the cell.

Cells classed as suitable for low risk prisoner are typically rectangular blocks constructed from metal with a high tensile strength factor, to ensure that break outs are near impossible. Additionally the use of CCTV in each cell is common place. These cells would then typically hold two prisoners of the same gender and the same code. Usually U prisoners are classed as suitable for this level of cell. Each cell would also contain a wash basin and a bunk bed for sleeping purposes.

Medium level prison cells would typically consist of all of the aforementioned features in the low risk cells however they are permitted for single use only and thus smaller than low risk cells in addition daily searches of these cells do occur. Typically low level G and M prisoners would reside in such cells. While L prisoners would reside here waiting for their deportation case to be heard before a court of law.

High level cells have all the features medium cells have but also feature restraining jackets and padded cells walls and floor to ensure no damage can be caused to the cell, the inmate or the officers. Daily checks would also be carried out on the cell itself to ensure the cell never falls into disrepair.

Decks 12-14 are the engineering decks and house the engines of the ship.

Quote:Crew manifest.


James Lucas..... Prison Governor
Hans Booths.....First officer/navigation.
Betty Boothroyd.....Communications off.
Jessica McGregor.....Helm.
Rani Martinez.....Helm.


Adam Foreman.....Principal Officer
Jessie Williams..... Senior Officer
Wilhelm Masaya.....Senior Officer
Lenny Garver.....Senior Officer
Liam Martins......Senior Officer
Carl Kingston...... Senior Officer
Each senior officer leads a team consisting of 10 guards

Engine room.

Lily Carter.....Chief Engineer
Josh Moss.....Engineer
Melissa Banks.....Engineer
Karen Dole.....Engineer
James Stringer.....Engineer
Clare Shorthall.....Engineer
Francis Pennyworth.....Engineer


Marina Maur.....Chief Doctor
Liam Howard......Chief Doctor
April Long.....Chief Doctor
Sarah Blaine.....Doctor
Fred Knoll.....Nurse
Esther Frankin.....Nurse
Hans Holbein.....Ships counselor
Mary Thanes.....Ships counselor


Robert Gaston.....Chef
Alice Kirby.....Chef
Each chef leads a staff of ten additional cooks.

Staff entertainment.

Matt Doyle.....Manager of staff entertainment
Keira Devon.....Sports instructor