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To: The Xeno known as 'Canebreak' - Printable Version

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To: The Xeno known as 'Canebreak' - ChillerMiller - 04-04-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission

>>>Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Natalie Cahoone

Hello 'Canebreak'.

My apologies for using your codename, the barkeeper only gave me a sheet of paper with the neural net address on it, but your real name wasn't mentioned there.

And yes, I followed your advice and headed to Ames, I didn't want to take any risks yet and decided against sending this transmission from Liberty.

I was thinking about the story you told me about the Pittsburgh riots, and searched for some reports about it. In each one of them it was only classified as an accident, like you've told me. But, thanks to you, I know the truth about it.

It rose my interest. If you have nothing against it, would it be possible for you to tell me more about the past?

We know the history, which we were being taught in school, but often it is just a lie.

I can't stand lies, nor do I want to live with them. So, tell me the truth.

I'll await your reply.

>>>End of Transmission

To: The Xeno known as 'Canebreak' - The voice of free Liberty - 04-05-2012

Incoming reply

[Image: voiceofliberty.jpg]

Call me Dudley , miss Cahoone....
I must say our meeting surprised me,
I am glad that there are young people like yourself that aren't brainwashed by the system....

Now history is a big place and as you know half of the time I spend in that place was behind bars.
Frankly, I don't know where to start and it would be best to talk in person.
I am currently below the radar, people like your superiors do everything to kill off the truth.
Let me have a talk with the guys and find out how we can help ya.

In the meantime, here is the radio frequency to Radio Free Liberty.


Deathadder has some wise words that you should be interested in to hear.
Stay in touch, don't be a stranger.

Dudley Johnson.

[Image: XenoBannermoarbullets.png]

To: The Xeno known as 'Canebreak' - ChillerMiller - 04-06-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission

>>>Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Natalie Cahoone

As you wish, Dudley, contact me as soon as you can.

And thanks for sharing that frequency, I wasn't able to find it, or better said, it was too risky to search for it.

Be careful, I'll be hearing from you.

>>>End of Transmission