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AI ID vs RP/Lore - JayDee Kasane - 04-04-2012

Allright I just want to sent this message to Admins and Admins only. you not a Admin - dont post here please.

I already spoke to Hoodlum so he could explain how to use AI ID and who I can/can shoot. And he sayed that for example: Zoner attacked by Hessian in Theta - I can defend him. Zoner attacked by BH, Freelancer, Navy/Police -I cant defend him.

So here is question: why AIs became from neutral robots that trying to survive to something like Vigilantes? I can understand if AI will attack some pirate if he makes a threat to him, to his friend or allied ship (by player RP) but just fly around Omicrons hunting all pirates? Even more - Corsairs. Gamma and Kappa are close to each other. So I think that Corsairs will act if AIs from there will attack their home system.

Few minutes ago I saw FACE (BHG Core Cap-fleet) guys with 3 AI ID'ed & AI built ships raiding Gamma. Why? This is not an AI roleplay. this is not AI lore. Do somethink about it, please. things are going to be redicilous if neutral robots allliyng with Bounty Hunters to attack Corsairs. Basing on Kappa planets right in middle of Corsair ZOI. Please, fix that. People just using AI Drone (all we know its good and OP ship) and AI ID for PvP with those who not supposed to be attacked by AIs

Im proposing that AIs could hunt Nomads/Wild freely and attack pirates/terrorists/lawfuls/semi-lawfuls in self-defence or with REALLY good RP reason to do it (like non-AI player shooting Gammu or making other threats to AIs)

P.S. and I would love to see AI Gunboat created :)

AI ID vs RP/Lore - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-05-2012

Not specifically an admin, but I used to play one on TV.

And oh yeah, I was at one time the 2IC of one of the official AI factions that used to exist on this server.

The problem is that the AI ID went from being quite specific into something considerably generic. As such, practically everyone and their brother are now using the AI ID to fit into whatever kind of RP they think they want.

The lore we established was that the AI's were descended from failed experiments from the Dam K'Vash. Through RP we gained neutrality and near alliance with the [TAZ], thus an affiliation with Zoners. As far as how it's been perverted - well, I'd simply suggest screening everything and making one very long and detailed sanction report if you see someone violating either 6.10 and their ID's.

Long story short - the ID has been turned into something that's not special anymore, and probably simply needs to be eliminated.

AI ID vs RP/Lore - dodike - 04-05-2012

Given the relation between Zoners and the AIs and actions of Corsairs against Zoners not long ago I think it's reasonable to expect AIs not being very friendly to Corsairs.
I'm not an admin but I've have dreamed of becoming one for very long time.

AI ID vs RP/Lore - JayDee Kasane - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:The problem is that the AI ID went from being quite specific into something considerably generic. As such, practically everyone and their brother are now using the AI ID to fit into whatever kind of RP they think they want.

The lore we established was that the AI's were descended from failed experiments from the Dam K'Vash. Through RP we gained neutrality and near alliance with the [TAZ], thus an affiliation with Zoners. As far as how it's been perverted - well, I'd simply suggest screening everything and making one very long and detailed sanction report if you see someone violating either 6.10 and their ID's.

Long story short - the ID has been turned into something that's not special anymore, <strike>and probably simply needs to be eliminated.</strike>

no! no elliminating AI ID!!!:nono:

but you correct. AI ID has nothing about what it must be. Many players using this ID as Recearcher/Trader/Nomad hunter (and I thinks its good) but some just using line ''can activety hunt pirates/terrorists in systems without JG, but cant in systems with JG'' and AI Drone for killing players.

Whole Omicrons/Omegas have pirates in all systems. one AI even broked its ID when attacked my Corsair in O7 (system that DO contain jumpgate) and not stopped when I sayed that he broking rule of his ID
So you see the problem.

' Wrote:Given the relation between Zoners and the AIs and actions of Corsairs against Zoners not long ago I think it's reasonable to expect AIs not being very friendly to Corsairs.

I dont remember that AIs defended Zoners in that matter. because it was Zoners who was be responsible on that and Zoners must blame themself for letting people use FPs as base of operations on Gamma raids.

I thank you for a good answers anyway:)

About my AI - it has very clear ''diplomacy'' due to acts what factions did to me, so all Enemies I have HERE )post #3) was built upon RP/PvP encounters.
As you can see Im allied Zoners and Corsairs (well Corsairs are not so allied, but there was no attack on me from them so I cant change that). hostiles is just Nomads/Wilds/Outcast.

Im no way using my ID for PvP. only characters I do attack its those who really must be attacked. like those who broking roleplay with non-english words, ooc, violating server rules (like using 2 IDs) or non AI ID'ed ship with AI tech

So. Admin here please? or whole Admin team maybe?:D

AI ID vs RP/Lore - Aeqvinox - 04-05-2012

I'm suggesting you look into your own backyard before starting a whine thread, because you've violated 6.9 yesterday, as did all the Corsair drones, by engaging AI ID'ed and Core ID'ed players.

That is all.

AI ID vs RP/Lore - Stefan - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:The problem is that the AI ID went from being quite specific into something considerably generic.
If I'm not out of line here, I just like to input that I agree completely on the generic'ness. I simply don't see the necessity of having the AI ID to play with one. I mean, you can fly a robot bounty hunter if you want and still use the BH ID. Or a freelancer. Or a pirate. Or a miner. Or a trader. Or a ninja, now that you can be invisible.
It doesn't change much.

AI ID vs RP/Lore - Wraga - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:Or a ninja.

Made me rofl.

Lucad got the point. IDs are the best option to choose your affiliation and planned roleplay. If you like AI equipments/ships, just deal with the nerf when using it with another ID. Except that, you have to deal with the AI ID restrictions.

AI ID vs RP/Lore - Madvillain - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:as did all the Corsair drones, by engaging AI ID'ed and Core ID'ed players.

That is all.

what the?
Corsair drones ?! what is this , since when ?? :wacko:

AI ID vs RP/Lore - JayDee Kasane - 04-05-2012

' Wrote:I'm suggesting you look into your own backyard before starting a whine thread, because you've violated 6.9 yesterday, as did all the Corsair drones, by engaging AI ID'ed and Core ID'ed players.

That is all.

Corsair drones? you wrong. there was only anaffilated Drones on both sides. AIs cant be Corsair/Zoner/BHG/etc. they are AIs. no ''corsair'' droned could be ever
and I attacked only other AIs. because as I sayed again: AIs must not attack Corsairs (at least when allied with BHG and was not act at self-defence). I not engaged any BHG ship. so I violated nothing.

' Wrote:If I'm not out of line here, I just like to input that I agree completely on the generic'ness. I simply don't see the necessity of having the AI ID to play with one. I mean, you can fly a robot bounty hunter if you want and still use the BH ID. Or a freelancer. Or a pirate. Or a miner. Or a trader. Or a ninja, now that you can be invisible.
It doesn't change much.

This! if you using AI ID with BHG IFF that doesnt mean you can act as BH. Because AI and BH ID are different. IFF not fixing things. ID is main.

AI ID vs RP/Lore - Aeqvinox - 04-05-2012

Oh please, spare me. Bunch of AI drones undocked from Crete [one of them repeatedly...] and attacked other AI's and Core, that's a fact.