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KNF News - viragons - 04-05-2012

[Image: kusari-1-1.png]

Kusari Naval Forces HQ
resender: 66th.Division KNF
Kansai Research Station

We inform members of the secondary fleet of Kusari Naval Force, that at the last meeting of the KNF command and 66th. Division KNF, was achieved agreement about working on improving mutual cooperation and common action, as well as information exchange, technical and tactical improvement between primary and secondary fleet of KNF.
Therefore KNF Command and 66th Command Division KNF announce the order:

1 - All members from the Secondary fleet of KNF must be registered in the form: Name of vessel, type of ship, parent base ship, and the number of crew members (if the ship is bigger than GB).

2 - All members of the secondary fleet of KNF must show to date route patrols,

3 - Inform command of KNF or 66th Division about observed enemy ships, which are constantly occurring in their area of operations, also about the type and name of the ship and the ID card which hostile ship has.

4 - In the event of an attack by military forces against Kusari, all members of the secondary fleet will be placed under the permanent command of KNF and act according to the order of the same.

5 - Registered members of the secondary fleet will be informed in advance of the training and combat tactical technical innovation and future improvements of ships of Kusari lines.

6 - Contact officers responsible for orders that concern members of the secondary fleet are KNF Itto Kaisa Takata.D from 66th Division and Itto Kaii Shigehito from Primary KNF fleet

7 - for all future correspondence use this channel, or directly address presumed officers.

After the expiry of the registration period (one month), every ship that is observed in the territory of Kusari Zone of Interest, which has KNF ID card, and is not on the list, will be detained for interrogation and trial concerning possession of the ship.

[Image: KNF_66_3_copy.png]

KNF News - Michelandjelo - 04-08-2012

Name of vessel: IKN|-Toyota
Type of vessel: Kusari Naval Forces Battleship class vessel
Crew number: 250 Crew members
Route patrols: Core sistems of kusari including bordering Sigma sistems

KNF News - Ursus - 04-08-2012

Ship Name: KDS-Yahagi (formerly IKN-Yahagi)
Ship Class: Kusari Gunboat
Base of Ops: Honshu
Patrols: Eastern Kusari, periodic trips west for assistance

KNF News - Michelandjelo - 04-08-2012

Name of vessel: IKN|-Ajvar
Type of vessel: Kusari Naval Forces Destroyer class vessel
Crew number: 75 Crew members
Route patrols: Core sistems of kusari including bordering Sigma sistems

KNF News - Michelandjelo - 04-08-2012

Name of vessel: IKN|-Pendrekman
Type of vessel: Kusari Naval Forces Gunboat class vessel
Crew number: 15 Crew members
Route patrols: Core sistems of kusari including bordering Sigma sistems

KNF News - AeternusDoleo - 04-09-2012

Name of vessel: IKN-Furea.Taiyou
Type of vessel: Kusari Battleship
Crew number: 120, not including service androids
Route patrols: New Tokyo, unless called to action elsewhere

KNF News - Sean Hazard - 04-09-2012

*(Naval Forces Internal Transmission Package)*

Decrypting . . .
[Message Begins]

[font=Trebuchet Ms]Vessel Class: Destroyer

Vessel Name: Yukikaze

Crew Number: Currently Running on Skeleton Crew

Route of Patrols: Kusari Inner Core Systems


Vessel Class: Battlecruiser

Vessel Name: Kamikaze

Crew Number: 93

Route of Patrols: Kusari Borders

[Message Ends]

KNF News - Ursus - 04-23-2012

Ship Name: KDS-Miyakojima
Ship Class: Kusari Battlecruiser
Base of Ops: Kyushu
Patrols: Western Kusari, periodic trips east for assistance

KNF News - Caballero_Andante - 04-24-2012

Name of vessel: IKN-Saito.Hagakure
Type of vessel: Kusari Naval Forces Battleship class vessel
Crew number: 237 Crew members
Position of home base: Hiroshima, Kure Shipyard
Route patrols: Core systems of Kusari including bordering systems


Name of vessel: IKN-Saito.Benkei
Type of vessel: Kusari Battlecruiser
Crew number: 80 Crew members
Position of home base: Hiroshima, Kure Shipyard
Route patrols: Core systems of Kusari including bordering systems

I make full uninstall discovery-game and all this chars erased.
Please remove them and this message.

KNF News - viragons - 05-02-2012

[Image: kusari-1-1.png]
Kusari Naval Forces HQ
resender: 66th.Division KNF
Kansai Research Station

After the expiry of one month from the publication of the registration, informs all ships, which have not yet done, it will be stopped, prosecuted and will be required to submit background of possession ship. Failure to submit the required documentation, regardless of the proper possession of ID lists, command KNF will be considered to have alienated the same ship and will operate in the accordance with the law and the Code
[Image: KNF_66_3_copy.png]