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I want to F1 - Printable Version

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I want to F1 - Tibbles - 04-05-2012


I want to rp a "stolen" ship from a shipyard (heavy lifter) , i have already rep it up + ID so it can go to the destination (unlawful system) but not dock again at the original base (lawful system where it's sold) - but now we are going to do a minievent so my question is:

Can i F1 5k under plane of a lawful shipyard (i'll wait until no one is there to interect) so when the event goes i can "appear" from the base?


I want to F1 - SparkyRailgun - 04-05-2012

I don't think there's any rules stopping you from logging in from space; just make sure you don't log out with people around.
Also I hear there's some drift shenanigans going on with F1's, so you may end up somewhere else completely.

I want to F1 - Tibbles - 04-05-2012

thank you for the fast answer :)

I want to F1 - Wraga - 04-05-2012

I did the same some months/years before when some navy chars arrested my pirate ship and escorted it to Texas. We roleplayed the inprisoning process by F1-ing below the base. So you can do it, just be sure, that others will know, why are you do that, and ask for their aproval than.

There are sanctionlancers you know...

I want to F1 - SA_Scavenger - 04-05-2012

Sure, as long as you're not interacting with other players at the time and the players there are aware of your reason for pushing F1, you should have no problems.

I want to F1 - Tibbles - 04-05-2012

I'll check no one is there at least twice before I "disappear".

Thank you all! :)