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Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) ***OLD*** - Printable Version

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Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) ***OLD*** - Evo - 04-14-2008

[Image: XenoBannermoarbullets.png]

Land of opportunity and wealth, where your every dream comes true.

Thats what they want you to believe, thats what they tell you to keep you quiet, to keep you under like good little sheep. Its time to fight back, its time to show them you know what they say is a lie. Its time to become the Wolf.

For too long we have stood by as Ageira and its lackeys, the Liberty Government have raped our homes and forced us out of our jobs, and we will tolerate it no longer.

The Xeno Alliance stands for freedom from oppression, freedom to choose, freedom to fight for what is right, a return to a labour based economy, which does not rely on slaves or foreign produce to survive.

If you wish to join up simply post your intent here, if we feel you are worthy you will be sent a communique via secure communications to a frequency where you can formally apply for our very generous introduction package

//Click the banner above to get to our faction status which will tell you everything you need to know about the Xeno Alliance. This thread is for Roleplay based applications only, please be aware that this will be judged accordingly, no RP means no acceptance.


Join Criteria

0. The XA and Xeno way of life is not for everyone. You have no friends, you -will- be swarmed on all sides by hostiles in everything from fighters to battleships and things will rarely be 'fair'. If hitting the respawn button fills you with a sense of frustration, being attacked by three utterly silent BHG Battlecruiser fills your heart with loathing, constant oorp/ooc chat in local makes your eyes twitch and undocking to hopeless odds that will kill you time and time again fill you with seething fury, believe me when I say that this might not be the faction for you. We have fun, we roleplay like bandits (terrorists, rather) but experience has taught us that persons with a chip on their shoulder do not react well to the environment.

1. Post in the Xeno Alliance recruitment thread.

2. Strong RP is mandatory, and a desire to engage in combat sans this attribute will see you stuck in perpetuity within the lowest ranks of the Serpentis until you are deemed suitable for the Xeno Alliance. The Xeno ID is one which is subject to much potential abuse, and well not be party to that.

3. Registration on the Discovery forums is mandatory. Directions to the Xeno forum will be provided pending the acceptance of your application. Register on the forum with your chosen name, not the callsign.

4. Initial setup will be aided by the Xeno alliance, with funds provided to supply you with a ship suitable to your entry grade.

5. New recruits to the Xeno Alliance will be administered a test to determine that they are familiar with the Discovery Server rules in addition to the lore of the faction.

6. New recruits to the Xeno Alliance will be named in via their given names with faction tag. For instance: XA-David.Chambers upon admission into the Serpentis, while a call sign will be chosen by the member, for example: XA-Copperhead, upon promotion.

7. All kills will be attributed to the stunning grace, style and prowess of Copperhead. Copperhead gets every kill.

Rules of the Road:
1. Discovery server rules are to be obeyed at all times, there is no excuse for not being aware of these rules. Failure to adhere to the rules will result in instant dismissal.

2. All members of the faction must be registered with the forums. Frequent posting to the message dump RP thread, when created, is strongly encouraged.

3. RP is paramount in game. Going in with all guns blazing without a hint of RP to back it up will not be tolerated. Punishment is instant dismissal

4. Your reputation sheet should reflect our diplomacy status. Hobnobbing with those damn dirty Rogues or Hackers will result in being tarred and feathered. Punishment is one week to fix rep sheet, subsequently dismissal.

5. Ship and weapons are to match permitted lists at all times, no excuses. One day to fix, subsequently dismissal.

6. OOC bantering is severely frowned upon. If youre discussing rules, your mother's cooking or which Power Ranger is your favorite and the text isnt green or pink, youre wrong.

7. Real life comes first. This is an internet spaceship game. Its the goal that should you decide to spend your free time playing an internet spaceship game youll have a good time doing so.

Credits to the Reverend Del for the original post.

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Squishy - 04-17-2008

-= Incoming Transmission =-
-= Loading... =-
-= Loading complete =-
-= Displaying Transmission =-

[Comm ID] - Brian Tavik

Liberty confines me. For too many years now I've been brainwashed by their will, a mere puppet to their dictature. They promised me peace, freedom and protection, all of which I failed to receive. I was once in their ranks, soon to be reduced to a pittiful slave. That is what I felt while in Liberty grounds. Their governement struggles to show us lies. I saw otherwise, I knew what they were trying to hide. That's why I have contacted you, the Xeno Alliance. You stand against Liberty, you stand against what is wrong. I want to take revenge on those who hid the truth from me. I seek true freedom, and I beleive that it is with the Xeno alliance that I can trully find peace and protection.

-= Comm link Disabled =-
-= End Transmission =-

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Rynzer - 04-18-2008

****Incoming Transmission****

***Message Sent on Encrypted Channel***
*Deciphering Complete*

Message Intended For: Xeno Alliance
Message From: Datrian

I was fed the same line every Liberty citizen is fed since birth. "Land of opportunity and wealth, where your every dream comes true." It didn't take long to realize that it was all a bunch of lies. My family, supposed friends, and colleagues refuse to open their eyes and see the truth; that Liberty lies to us all! Liberty continues to plunder our jobs and what little freedoms we manage here in Houston. The time has come to strike back against the greedy pigs that run the government and free Liberty from the oppression it has faced for far too long. It is time to put an end to foreign investments and stop spitting in the faces of those who founded our colony with their own blood, sweat, and tears through hard labor. I seek your guidance in helping to rid Liberty of the filth that holds it now. Freedom can be ours.

****End Transmission****

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Eternal - 04-20-2008


Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - arcane - 05-05-2008

Incoming transmission
Transmission destination: Ouray base

It happened when I was 15. Our family were pretty poor, even poorer than most of the rest of the people who lived on Denver. My father tried to support both my mother and I by his exploration. He used to travel all over Sirius looking for whatever he could find to sell so we could all eat. Sometimes he was away for months at a time. One time, we waited for almost a whole year without his return. We were convinced he was gone for good, perhaps killed those Outcasts people talked about in hushed tones. But one day, we saw the familiar shape of his battered starflier coming down to our abodes excuse for a landing pad. Naturally we rushed out to him, in disbelief. He was alive! But his ship was gravely damaged. It was a wonder that it had even survived the planetary descent, one wing was blown off and the hull was scorched all over. But he stepped out of the ship with a happy grin on his face. As it turned out, while travelling in some middle of nowhere system, (Sigma-13 I think it was), he had come across some kind of prototype weapon called an ONYX. He was ecstatic, realising he could sell it back to the liberty navy for tens of thousands. He put it in our safe (which was ironically probably our most valuable possession), with the intention of getting a shuttle to battleship Missouri the following morning.

What happened next still horrifies me to this day.

It was about 3:00 in the morning. I awoke suddenly to the sound of weapons fire and screams. I ran from my room just in time to see my father shot in the forehead, his now lifeless eyes rolling into the back of his head. They were LSF men. They saw me, my eyes wide with horror and fired at me. I was lucky. They only hit my leg, but even so, the pain caused me to black out. When came to, I saw my mother dead, my father dead, the safe empty. They had killed my family for no good reason. These people are given enormous power and authority, and all they can do is oppress those whom they profess to care? NO! I thought that there had to be a better way.

After the death of my parents, I took my fathers battered ship and sold the last of my possessions for some weapons. They were pathetically weak but they were all I could afford with my meagre savings. From then on I flew around Colarado, harassing small foreign shipping convoys. I grew to hate Liberty for ignoring their own citizens to gate their goods just a little bit cheaper. Their morals disgusted me. After a while, I had to admit to myself what I already knew. I hadnt achieved anything. I knew that I had to go where I could do some, good, change things for the good of Libertys people. I had to stand against the evil dictatorship that the government truly was. I considered the Liberty rogues. But from what Id seen, they were too concerned with being a menace than REALLY trying to change things. I realised the Xeno Alliance was exactly what I would looking for. They would be the TRUE bringers of change in the universe. I was one of them. I had to join.

Over and out, Anton.Slavik.

End transmission

// My discovery forum name is arcane (without the quotes). My original ingame character is of the same name, you can contact me there. Alternatively, my email address is

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-13-2008

Never fear, XA recruiting is still open! Just drop a post here.

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Sand_Spider - 05-19-2008

...Attempting direct connection to Nome Base...
..Attempting signal connection to Ames Reasearch station..
..Attempting to feed transmission to Nome Base through Ames..
..Successful, opening up comms channel..

Message from: Sam Willis
Message for: The Xeno Alliance

Greetings person or persons watching this transmission, and my name is Sam Willis.

I heard that the Xenos are always looking for more recruits, and I have also heard the broadcasting system of ZNO. The broadcasting system isn't actually the reason I am attempting to join your alliance. The real reason is because I'm looking for a faction that isn't boring like the Junkers were. Yes, I said Junkers. I used to be a mechanic for them, but they weren't really offering me anything good for my service to them. I was always seen on Rochester base, repairing the ships that were damaged by Bounty Hunters and the Xenos. Now everyone knows the Bounty Hunters are pretty much hated by everyone, so it made sense that the Junkers were being attacked by them. But everytime I had to fix something the Xenos damaged, it got me thinking: I bet those Xenos have tons of fun. Flyin' around, Terrorising foreign shipping, harrasing the police, and killing the Junkers. Now, I actually didn't mind Xenos killing Junkers, cuz' it meant less work for me in the long run, and I couldn't care less of what happened to the Junkers. They would always boss me around! "Hey Sam, I need my ship fixed within 2 hours, I'll be napping if you need me." "Sam, buddy! fix my ship, now, or I just might have to put the hurt on ya." I was sick of the harrasment they gave me! "I'll show 'em, i'll join the Xenos and make them wish they never did those things to me!"

So, now that you have heard my story, perhaps you can look past the fact I used to be a Junker, and accept me into your ranks, and let me have some fun once in a while. I can be a big help if I was fixing your ships, so long as you don't boss me around too much.

This is Sam Willis, out..

*Transmission ends..*

..Connection to Nome Base stopped..
..Connection to Ames Research Station halted..

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Dusty Lens - 05-19-2008

David rubbed tired eyes as he pushed aside stacks of requisition forms searching for his wayward mug of tea. The Barrow's blend was potent enough to be sought by smell alone, if only it weren't hiding amongst the thick stacks of recycled paper covered in homegrown ink. The heavy array of smells lent the room a organic quality that wasn't entirely unpleasant.

"Mr. Chambers, got a live one for you" The black speaker box sitting astride a pneumatic tube squaked, breaking him from his revere. "The folks up top want your boys to take a look at him, maybe make him or break him. Or just break him."

With that a small package shot through the tube, bearing the recruit's transcript, wearily he spit on his reading glasses and gave them a quick polish afor begining on what he believed to be yet another transfer request. Moments later the transfer request was splashed with tea fired in a burst of laughter.

Ah ho ho! A Junker! Looking for an ease of life amongst the Xenos? Haha, yes, every day is a picnic and holiday amongst our blessed ranks!

Grabbing his pen he scrawled "I give him five days 'afor he gets himself shivved in the chow hall, place your bets below!" on the application and marked it to be sent to the Serpentis ready room before placing it back in the tube.

Oh Sam Willis my friend, you may just end up finding that a few harsh words is better than the life you've chosen for yourself!

Chuckling David returned to his mounds of paperwork, a grim smile playing across his face.

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Muleo - 05-23-2008

Comm ID: Classified

I'll make this short 'n quick. Who I am is none of your concern, all you need to know is that people call me Mule cause I'm a stubborn but hard working bastard, I believe in your cause, and I ain't bad at aiming a supernova, regardless of how big or small the target is. If you've got a bomber for me, I don't care what state it's in, considering you Xeno's ain't got much creds to spare, I'll join your ranks.

Just point me at those corrupt spoilt Liberty pilots and I'll instill what justice my little self can with my cannon.

End transmission.

Xeno Alliance Recruitment (iRP) - Angelfire - 05-23-2008

transmishun classiphahd.

callsign: Kahbahjj (son of Kahbohjj son of KahLehtahs)

er...where does ah sahn fer this here free meal stuhf?

my mama done said yew lot is the roit choise fer me skilled aboilities!

my papa done died a while back of some steerange afliction of the liver... summin to do with drinkin fuel or summin.. ah dunno..

so if yew done got a jawb fer me ahd be roit happenis!

dang..gotta go..mah ass be itchin...