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my little BH char - Printable Version

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my little BH char - NoMe - 04-06-2012

hi all

ship: Bottlenose max equipped i cant use him!

Why ?

probably cause update 4

he is in boredom :unsure:

thanks for your help please!

my little BH char - NoMe - 04-07-2012

an Admin could perhaps help me?

my little BH char - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-07-2012

No character name makes it a little difficult ...

my little BH char - NoMe - 04-08-2012


this charname is Ape.

based in java station Tau23


my little BH char - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-08-2012

Try that now ...

my little BH char - NoMe - 04-08-2012


sure I can access the account but I lost my cauIV

Is it possible to recover the armor?

thank by advance

if it's possible you can put that on this charname: aie in cayman system safe haven base

my little BH char - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-08-2012

Possibly, but not till the recruit ID on the ship is changed to a proper one.

my little BH char - NoMe - 04-08-2012

done but aie charname is now in dublin on battleship hood!

my little BH char - NoMe - 04-11-2012

' Wrote:Possibly, but not till the recruit ID on the ship is changed to a proper one.


it's done i've take id and iff!


my little BH char - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-11-2012

There is still an armour on that character, please make sure it has been removed.
And please rename them using 4 or more letters, they are hard to find with 3 or less.