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Most fighters can't cloak - Printable Version

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Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-07-2012

Yeah, those are the 2 problems.
I mounted a testing server, keeping original stats and such, and made a fighter (which had 60 units of cargo space). Now, I completely outfitted it to simulate actual conditions of use (mines, razor, class 10 shield, adv. cargo scanner, and au viii, AND the cloak itself) and it left me with 14 units of cargo space. The cloak takes about 10 seconds to charge, plus about 7 seconds to complete the cloak animation, so it's impossible to cloak with such a fighter. So, (cargo space)-67= seconds cloaked. Few ships have enough cargo to make cloaking slightly useful. This is not right.

Also, the list of changes stated nomad lf's had 400 cruise speed instead of 350, but they still have 350 speed.

Anyways, thanks devs for such an amazing update!

Most fighters can't cloak - Cannon - 04-07-2012

I'm afraid the behaviour you observe is intentional. You can get almost useful cloaking on this ship if you don't carry armour. This is the trade off for this class of ship: cloaking or armour and is intentional.

Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-07-2012

That's what I was thinking. Thanks cannon.
But what about the nom speed?

Most fighters can't cloak - JayDee Kasane - 04-07-2012

Im also interested in this matter. can it be done so Cloacks will drain Energy and after it fuel. or fuel and after it energy? this would make more sence. or wouldnt?

Most fighters can't cloak - HuggieSunrise - 04-07-2012

Cloaks are...and always will be a hot topic. theyve been done many ways and in many mods.. not vary well. I reserve my personal judgement that.. NERFED TO HELL.. is worse then none at all.

Providing a 1-5 minute period of cloaking has been seen and proven in some cases to be horribly horribly unbalancing. The only time ive seen it done correctly is when the cloaking time is unlimited but RECLOAKING is on a timer of at least 15-20 minutes.

This give cloaked ships (usualy the capital ships) the ability to launch a surprise attack but no chance of hitting the button to get away unscathed.

This leave open the ability for ships to get away if they dont use thier cloak.. but its not as good a tactic for large vessles because thier big and are still hittable.. an invisable barn is still a barn.

One other change ive seen to a cloaking system is special mines/Cd's that shut down the feature HOWEVER we never saw it working in game..cause the mod/server died due to personal problems with the host.

Most fighters can't cloak - Silmathien - 04-07-2012

Speed on LF seems to be back at 350.

Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-07-2012

' Wrote:Speed on LF seems to be back at 350.
Yeah, and it's supposed to be 400

Most fighters can't cloak - Govedo13 - 04-07-2012

I would humbly ask if you have access to such server to write a quck guide what module makes what so the people wont be confused. And you would safe people a lot of time building not needed module.

Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-07-2012

What modules? Base modules? They are all explained in the guide.

Most fighters can't cloak - Govedo13 - 04-07-2012

no the ship modules that the base produces- from mk1 to mk3-4 There is no info for them.
This guy explains a but but I am not so eager to play 2 days to build something that I does not even know if it would suit my needs or it would be useful at all. So if you have the opportunity, the time and the will to do it it would be more then nice.