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Sunbucks Cafe - Tomtomrawr - 07-11-2009

Jacob Carter say the small cafe and decided to treat himself. He approached the door with his slightly limping leg and pulled it open with one hand. He had read the sign as he was opening the door, he was a fast reader. He sat down at a small table near a window and started his daily injection routine. He would never get used to it, the prick of the needle and the small mental battle about whether to actually release the liquid into his viens. It was only an experimental drug, and he was only 2 weeks into taking it. But he knew that if he didn't at least try it the alternatives would be worse. So he once again won the mental battle and plunged the needle into his arm, released the liquid and picked up his menu.
His little injection display had caught the attention of two LPI officers sat in the middle of the room. It was a large table and not many people were paying attention to the surrounding tables, but those two officers eyesights had been drawn to Jacob.
They left there seats and sat next to Jacob, one either side. It didn't worry him. He wasn't that big but he knew his technics, and he recognised the large gathering as a graduation party. He could take the officers out easily if he wanted to, but he wondered what they wanted to say first.
The waitress came over to him, but the two officers waved her away.
"How can I help you two?" Jacob asked with a slight trace of aggrivation in his voice. He was looking forward to ordering a Shepherds Pie with cream.
"What were you just injecting into your arm then sir?" One of them asked.
"Are you a drug adict?" The other one asked.
"Alot of people ask me that." Jacob replied, "It's my medicine I need to live, Tretonin."
"Sir, I have not heard of that drug before."
"You wouldn't off. It's being developed by Cryer and isn't for public sale yet. The way they make it is limited. Due to my years of service for Cryer they let me buy it from them at a tenth of the usual price."
"We will need some of it for testing then sir." One of the officers replied. At the same time his friend reached his hand over and delved into Jacob's pocket. He retrieved the injection needle and began to pull it out. Jacob's reply to that was to grab his arm and fling him across the cafe. The Tretonin not only treating his disease but also increased his levels of strength, agility and stamina. The officer reached for his taser, but Jacob grabbed his hand and thrust the taser into the officer holding it. Jacob slowly got up from his seat, climbed around the young officer tasering himself and stepped over the unconcious one on the floor. He opened the door and stepped out and back into the empty hallway of Fort Bush. He decided to try the cafe on the other side of the station.

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-12-2009

"WHOA DUDEMANNNNNNNNNNN, CHILL OUT!" Screamed officer Lindberg.

Sunbucks Cafe - Donutman - 07-12-2009

Joe walks into Sunbucks, and, tired of Lindberg for the moment, tazes him, beats him with a stun baton, then locks him in a storage cabinet. Then he orders a Coffee, drinks it in one gulp, then leaves.

Sunbucks Cafe - akka1000 - 07-12-2009

Amy smashed her way through the doors of sunbucks, kicked a recruit out of the way and started yelling.
"Chief!, O'Brian!, Markey!, anyone!!!
Here, I got the comm logs from my ship when I was talking to Jeff. It's ... not good.
I think something bad has happened to him, he sounds ... different.
Here are the logs"

[Image: jeffh.png]

Amy stopped to take a breath, and waited while the others read the logs.

Sunbucks Cafe - Nitram - 07-12-2009

*reads trough the logs, and nearly chokes on his co-co*

What the? "K'hara", where have I heard that before...

*Sits down to think about it*

Sunbucks Cafe - Donutman - 07-12-2009

Joe reads through the comm logs, and his eyes stop on seeing the word "K'Hara".

"Where have I heard that before?" he thought. Then he realized, and the memories came back.

Nomads at Pittsburg. Fort Louisbourg. Flying. Lee shot down. Nomads-Light-loosing control. Flying into Maine. Ejecting-Light-An image of a planet-dead-a space station-not human-in a nebula. Feeding on-light-Nomads-not nomads, K'Hara, Slomon K'Hara-blackness-Stunning marines on Fort Lousbourg-Stunning self-Blackness.......

Joe fell out of his chair as the memories rushed forward all at once.


Then he passed out.

Sunbucks Cafe - Death.RunningVerminator - 07-13-2009

Torro.Trait looked at the comm loggs and laughed. Trait glanced at his wrist then walked out, with the popcorn he had been eating while waiting for the movie to start.

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-14-2009

Finally breaking out of the storage cabinet, Lindberg walks over the Smith, lying on the floor unconscious.

"I ain't havin' no more of this crap."

Then Lindberg slowly pulled out his handgun, and cocked the weapon, ready to shoot when another officer fell unconscious. Lindberg went to check out what made the officer fall.

And then he fell unconscious himself.

Sunbucks Cafe - skaterpro0 - 07-14-2009

Officer Jenson walk into Sunbucks, looking at the unconscious body of Lindberg.

He asks: What is he doing there, taking a nap in the middle of the place like that.

He then continues by saying: Ok, you might not have heard the news, but I am now an Officer in the LPI. All drinks for tonight are on me!

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-15-2009

Marcus decided its time for a second round of movie marathons and subsequently brings in the following movies

1. The Wolfe Identity
2. The Wolfe Supremacy
3. The Wolfe Ultimatum

A new LPI Recruit walks in and states the following:

"Heh, so much government propaganda these days..."

Marcus pulls out a syringe, the LPI Recruit screams and runs for his life, but its too late, Marcus catches up and injects him with it.

"Heh, brainwash serum"

The LPI Recruit sits down and quietly, blankly watches the movies.