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Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-17-2009

Marcus was in the midst of watching the movie's when suddenly the door to sunbuck's opened. Marcus usually just glanced over to see who it was and then would usually get back to his business. H glanced.

And he glanced one more time.

He rubbed his eyes.

He got up and walked to the person who was standing in front of the door.

"Hello Marcus..."
"It can't be..."

A few of the other officer's turned around thinking a celebrity had just walked in.

An officer pulls up next the Marcus.

"Dude, who is this guy, your missing the movie."
"Yeah, so? stop wastin' our time and get back to the movie!"
"He's...supposed to be dead."

Everyone turned their heads.

Sunbucks Cafe - Donutman - 07-17-2009

Joe turned his sead and said what everyone was thinking.

"Say wha?"

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-17-2009

Marcus pulled out his sidearm instantly and pointed it towards His brother's (Doug) head. The other LPI officer reached for their weapons, some of the officers yelled stand down. Marcus wouldn't listen. This was personal.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do butthole."
"Its complicated."
"I don't give a damn whether its complicated or not. I'mm the one with the gun, my safety is frickin' off."
"That never scared me, you know that."

Marcus fired his sidearm right beside Doug, the shot hit a coffee mug.

"Watch. Me."

Doug saw his brother had changed since the last time they saw each other.

"You point that weapon, YOU BETTER BE READY USE IT MARC."

Marcus, evidently pissed off, smacked Doug with the butt of his sidearm. Doug fell to the floor, his head bleeding.

"DEAD PEOPLE, STAY DEAD, THEY DON'T COME BACK ONCE IN A WHILE TO SAY HI!" Marcus screamed. The other LPI Officer's reminded themselves of Sergeant Price. No one dared mutter his name, they knew Marcus didn't believe Price existed. Doug accepted the fact that Marcus was no longer a civilian, and that he could hit someone with the butt of a weapon really hard.

"Now, you tell me what the hell happened Doug, this hasn't gotten ugly yet..."
"Allright...I survive-"
"No kiddin.'"

Marcus quietly switched on the safety, but didn't lower his weapon.

"As I was saying, when the xeno's were attacking Detroit, LSF Intercepted that attack before, and I managed to get my hands on that intel. The xeno's somehow managed to get a nuke mine. You were on that transport which was shipping light arms from Detroit, and they disrupted the lane. I shot down as many as I could, but my weapons were overheated, I scanned all the nearby xeno ships and found the one with the Nuke, I rammed it."
"And thats when and where you died. I saw you die with my own eyes. I stayed there for days looking for an escape pod. You're supposed to be dead."
"I know, right before I rammed the ship so I could destroy the nuke, I did eject. My ship got in the way of the nuclear explosion, and shielded me from it too. But no one could spot my life pod, it stopped working except for life support. The radiation blocked most of the scanner's from detecting what was there. So I just stood there."
"You expect me to believe that? Our ship had advanced cargo scanners, those CAN scan radiated area's you dumb fool!"

Marcus became angry again, his brother just lied. Again. He turned off his safety on his sidearm once again.

"I KNOW! Jesus Christ, let me finish! at least thats the one thing that hasn't changed about you-"
"Shut up. Go on."
"Like I was saying, it turned out the LSF hid everything. The hole xeno attack was staged by the LSF. They managed to allow the Xeno's to get hold of the nuke mine."
"Thats impossible."

The other officer's couldn't believe what they were hearing. Some of them began pointing their weapons from Marcus towards Doug, his brother.

"Apparently, they staged the whole thing so they could get their hands on me. They managed to pull me out of there and took me to...well..ya'know..."

Other officer's began muttering 'Blindspot'.

"They had some critical information, the LSF. Apparently they needed me to be officially dead for some investigation."
"You're telling me LSF 'killed you' so they could send you under cover in Rhienland?"
"No, they kept me here in Liberty. Due to recent, well, nomad movements in Manhattan, we had reason to believe some people were infected. We had had intel one of them was in LPI."
"You mean...ya'mean Jeff?"
"Yeah, you know that guy?"

The other officer began mumbling to themselves about Jeff, some recalled their last conversations between themselves and Jeff.

"No, I don't know him, but these guys do." Marcus pointed at the rest of the officers at sunbucks. One officer, confused, mistaken Doug for having done something to Jeff and pulled out his weapon and fired. Luckily, he missed, and a whole army of LPI jumped on him to restrain him.

"Jeff left. He went...somewhere..." Marcus said, noticing an inconsistency with what Doug was saying.
"I know, I arrived to late. We couldn't st-"
"Who's we."
"LSF butthole, stop interupting."
"Up yours."
"AS I WAS SAYING, I failed my mission, couldn't stop him..."
"This doesn't make sense...LSF...they would know if you came here...they would have you killed..."
"I know...I just wanted you to know that I was alive, before I really died. Again."
"Dammit made sense when you were dead, why the hell did you have to tell me why you were alive?!"
"What? I thought you'd be happy to know I was alive, I didn't expect half of Fort Bush to pointing guns at my face dammit!"
"Doug, before you died, I was lazy, didn't give a crap about anything. And then my brother, and officer in a Navy, died. That gave me meaning, something to fight for, AND NOW YOU'VE RUINED IT COZ' YOU'RE ALIVE!"
"What the hell?"

Nobody could understand what Marcus just said, but nobody had the time to think about it

The LSF had caught up. The doors opened and the agents walked in.

Doug slowly whispered "Shoot me now, dammit stop lookin' at 'em just shoot me!"

Marcus, without thinking shot his brother. Doug fell to the floor, all lifeless, blood spitting out of his head.

"Ah, good job officers." The agent saw what Marcus did to his own brother.
"We see you managed to find out the Rhienland Spy. Good job shooting him on sight. The less of them, the better."

Marcus stayed quiet and stared at the LSF Agent's put his brother into a body bag. The agen't noted his silence.

A few hours later...

Marcus sat by in Sunbucks, alone. He thought about what he had done. He wondered what would the LSF Agent's have done if Marcus didn't kill his own brother. He wondered what he would've turned into if his brother didn't die that day. Would he still be here, in Fort Bush, eating donuts, getting tazed, flying his libby? Perhaps not. He'd be in his previous dull job. Designing weapons and making them. It may have sounded creative, but all he was doing was creating the same shotgun in two different ways. He thought about his brother and all the time's he had with him.

And then, the Chief's Daughter walked into Sunbucks.

Marcus had a thing, a weakness, for daughters and younger sisters. He instantly forgot he even had a brother and got of his chair.

*To Be Continued...*

Sunbucks Cafe - themasterelite - 07-17-2009

Deveron Kerry walked into the Sunbucks just as the medics and some LSF walked out. He looked furious...unnaturally furious.

He sat alone in a corner, farthest from Lindberg...then suddenly got up, walked up behind him, tapped him on the should, and tazed him at point-black range.

His tazer had been set pretty high, so high it was particularly hot after he fired it, but he was none too happy with Lindberg. Not a few hours ago, he had been forced to fight a Phantom and three other criminals all at once, and Lindberg had refused to assist, something about being off duty...

Kerry had succeeded in killing the Phantom, and taking down two of the three criminals...but he knew that if Lindberg had lent assistance, they would have taken down the remaining Rogue's Gunboat AND possibly even saved that trader.

But that was a "would", not a "did", and Kerry made sure Lindberg would remember it.

He dragged Lindberg to the hanger and his Libby's hold, locked him into a Pod, and took him for a ride.

Just as an Ion storm conveniently started brewing on the horizon...

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-18-2009

Lindberg broke open that pod with his own bear hands. Just when he had forgotten about his brother, he jumped on kerry and tazed his face with jumpstart libby. He had to kill his own brother just a few hours before and killing a bunch of rogue's was all Kerry could think about.

Sunbucks Cafe - themasterelite - 07-18-2009

Unfortunately for Lindberg, Kerry was wearing his custom Flight Helmet at the time, and thus was unaffected by the taze.

He set his ship on cruise control and kicked Lindberg with such force he sent him flying to the back of the cargo hold and into the wall. Zero-G made it easy to dispatch him. Kerry yanked Lindberg back to the pod and locked him up good and tight, then set his Tracter Beam on LOCK, keeping Lindberg firmly positioned inside the pod.

Kerry then returned to the pilot's seat and switched to manual as the Ion Storm hit...

There is no escape, Lindberg. Your turn has come.

Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 07-18-2009

Sadly for Kerry, he had underestimated Lindberg.

Lindberg was patient.

When Kerry finally got to the destination, he went back to the cargo hold to unlock the lifepod.

Kerry forgot lindberg had an engineering degree in weapons design, and that he had a considerable supply of Brainwash serum.

(which by the way is only available to him since LSF brainwashed him into believing aunt billy's and that blindspot in NY don't exist...)

While Kerry was flying, Lindberg quietly and tacfully replaced the barrel of his sidearm and made a makeshift one so that he could shoot the Brainwash Serum using it.

As soon as Kerry opened the pod door, he fired the brainwash serum at Kerry. Kerry blindly stood there, waiting for orders.

Sadly, this brainwash serum had expired, and therefore the effects were only temporary, only a few hours at the most. Marcus made the most of this and turned the flight around.

When suddenly and overpowered Libby appeared with very big guns and was partially see through...

Sunbucks Cafe - Donutman - 07-18-2009

Several LPI Officers are Drinking in the Sunbucks, including Hull O'brian and Lindberg. Suddenly, Lt. Smith busts in the doors, dragging something behind him. On a closer look, the Officers realize It's a bound and gagged Officer Norman Radcyffe, passed out. Before anyone can react, Joe yelled out;

Lindberg threw it to him, and Joe injected the whole thing into Radcyffe. "Lieutenant, what the hell's going on?" said Deputy Hull.


Sunbucks Cafe - Nitram - 07-18-2009

"I am a LS-LPI Officer"
"I am a L-LPI Officer"

*alarms sound in Radclyffe's ship, and a autmated message sounds*
"Alarm! Alarm! Danger Norman Radclyffe! IMG BattleGroup being called in to coordinates! Assistance Required! Alarm! Alarm!"

Sunbucks Cafe - Donutman - 07-18-2009

A tech ran in from the hanger. "Theres an alarm going off in Radcyffes bomber! It says its calling an IMG battlegroup!"

Joe tazed the tech, then turned to Hull.