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Rank question - stewcool - 04-15-2008

Is there a program / mod thingy that anyone knows of that can alter the rank of the Single Player? I want to try it in a cap ship!

Ioncross Character Editor doesnt do it.

I was wandering if any modder made or knows of one

Rank question - frozen - 04-15-2008

i used ioncross in SP. its a bit based on trial and error.

heres how: initially, u decide to give yourself like 500 mill, before you start the game's fighting part, before you launch in your starflea. after that mission, you have to do missions to raise your rep, si i added cash on ioncross, accordingly, that would allow me to raise in level faster, by doing just a mission each time, instead of like tonnes of missions.

current worth: 500,007,463
next level requirement: 500,085,346

and in ioncross, id have a value thats similar such as: 500, 023,235
so, i just increase tat amount in ion cross, slowly, and each time, login the game, to check how much i need to raise rank.

if it works, i do the single mission and raise rank. when i know it wont work, i give up and go play co 4 or summit:crazy:

im hopeful that there are much more easier methods to do it, cuz quite frankly, my method will only make you get pissed off pretty fast >.> <.<

Rank question - tyro - 04-15-2008

- run FL LAN server, connect to it and create char,
- open Multiplayer folder and copy .fl file to Singleplayer folder.
- edit this file in IONCROSS and change money. eg. 850 000 000
- copy changed file back to Multi, connect, start from base and dock again.
- copy file again to Singleplayer folder, run game, load file.

you will be lvl. 87 and you will be able to buy any ship.

Rank question - stewcool - 04-16-2008

Uhh tyro mind putting that in English format for me. I am so confused

Rank question - tyro - 04-18-2008

haha. is it not in English? ohh sorry, this is strange language for me...:)

step 1: run Fleerancer server on your computer. the file is in your FL forder "\EXE\FLServer.exe". run this file, write a name of your server on eg. "test".

step 2: run Fleerancer game, open multiplayer menu and you should see your server. connect to it and create a new character. you will be on planet manhattan. close the game.

step 3: open "\My documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\MultiPlayer" folder. you should see folder like : "23-b7878f31" (yours name will be diffrent). inside it, you will see file with name like : "02-36e00028.fl" (again, yours file name will be different, but important is ".fl")

step 4: copy this "02-36e00028.fl" file to "\My documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer" folder.

step 5: open will see many files, but ones name will be date/time format, somethings like : "04/15/08 13:43:35". edit this file and change amount of money you want. 850 000 000 on eg. then save changes.

step 6: copy this changed "02-36e00028.fl" file form "\My documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer" to "\My documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\MultiPlayer" folder.

step 7: run FL server (step 1) and game (step 2).
connect to your character. you will be on planet manhattan but you got big money now. start from planet and land back. game will properly save file. you should see that you have got 850 000 000 cred and you are 87 level. close all.

step 8 = step 4. after that in sp you are 87lvl and you may buy any ship... of course you may do it only to test ships, because of playing sp missions in capship is not funny, and probably you will have problems with docking on planets and finishing missions.

all this is a litle complicated and I understand your confusion. clue is. even if you change money in sp save file, the level won't change. you has to do it in multiplayer mode, because FL server changes your level accordingly to you money amount.
I see IONCROSS reads only singleplayer saves. (maybe it could list multi, but I don't know how.)

Rank question - stewcool - 04-18-2008


Yeh okay ill get right on that thanks