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Origins - Printable Version

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Origins - Tabris - 04-15-2008

The LNS-Luna-A, built to replace the LNS-Luna which was lost in a freak accident, Lt.Cmdr Mathew Anobi sighed as he sipped his tea on the bridge of the Gunboat, his crew of 28 was spread throughout the ship, maintaining vital functions and doing final checks before they launch from drydock.

The 28 year old commanding officer sighed as his blue eyes looked at a report in his left hand, his right being occupied by the tea, they were still waiting on those special armour upgrades before they could see any real action, the engineers kept saying "It won't be installed until tuesday.", but he was starting to get somewhat annoyed...

THe Lt.Cmdr was from Pittsburg originally and a decent Fighter pilot for the Southern Alliance Liberty Navy, however he was stuck on the Luna-A, preparing to take her out for a shakedown cruise around the New York system, it'd basicly be from Norfolk Shipyards, to West Point, to Manhattan, to Ft Bush and back again to Norfolk, he dropped the report into his lap, he was in his command chair so it did not clatter to the floor, the ship was built to help deal with the 'domestic' problems of Liberty, basicly fighting off the increasing Order and Corsair invasions as well as stopping smuggler ships, he put his tea down to the side and ran a hand through his blonde hair...He doubted that this would be a good day...