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Light Hardpoints Missing - Printable Version

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Light Hardpoints Missing - Goddess Astra - 04-11-2012

On my Nyx, SD|Thyme, HpRunningLight01 and HpRunningLight02 have mysteriously vanished, along with the lights associated with them. I think this problem has surfaced before with someone else, but I couldn't find the thread.

Could an admin please look at this or help me out?

Light Hardpoints Missing - AeternusDoleo - 04-11-2012

Quickest way to solve it is to simply rebuy the ship. It'll reset all lights to standard.

Light Hardpoints Missing - Goddess Astra - 04-12-2012

Consider this fixed, then.

Light Hardpoints Missing - Narcotic - 04-12-2012

Had the same issue on my Freelancer's Cutlass.
Using pimpship helps though. But I wonder why they disappeared...

Light Hardpoints Missing - Goddess Astra - 04-12-2012

Lights have once again disappeared on my new Nyx, the same two hardpoints.

Light Hardpoints Missing - AeternusDoleo - 04-12-2012

What are you doing to the light hardpoints exactly? Are you pimping the ship, and if so, what are you trying to put in those slots? I need to know what you're doing to cause this fault - if I can reproduce it, I can probably fix it.

Light Hardpoints Missing - SweetGeorge - 04-12-2012

' Wrote:What are you doing to the light hardpoints exactly? Are you pimping the ship, and if so, what are you trying to put in those slots? I need to know what you're doing to cause this fault - if I can reproduce it, I can probably fix it.
The problem same here.
I have my "Stork" Advanced Civilian Train.
When I changed the standart ship-lights to other ones like: FastLargeYellow, FastMediumWhite, FastLargeOrange, LargeRed, and etc. - than the hardpoints with new lights installed is missing right after logout / login. I had tried a lot of different lights (the old ones too), but there is no lights that will not disappear after logout and login in to the server. All the light changes I made at Oder Shipyard, using the " /pimpship ", some others, and " /buynow " (at the end) server commands.
This issue can cost a lot of money for those , who cares about their vessels look. :unsure:

Light Hardpoints Missing - AeternusDoleo - 04-12-2012

No. I need the -exact- ship, and the -exact- loadout you are assigning to it. For sake of ease I will assume that you use the default package as the baseline.

Light Hardpoints Missing - Goddess Astra - 04-12-2012

I used a Nyx, which was pimpshipped with the following hardpoints:

HpHeadLight01: FastSmallRed
HpRunningLight01: FastSmallLBlue
HpRunningLight02: FastSmallLBlue
HpRunningLight03: SlowSmallGreen
HpRunningLight04: SlowSmallRed
HpDocklight01: LargeWhiteSpecial
HpDocklight02: LargeWhiteSpecial

It had normal lights before I changed it, and I changed it only once.

Light Hardpoints Missing - Syrus - 04-13-2012

Grizzly, all hardpoints set to XLargePurple.
All hardpoints disappeared the next day.