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kicked in random systems. help needed - Printable Version

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kicked in random systems. help needed - margee - 04-14-2012

Hi there folks.
I looked for a similar topic, but i did not found anyone else with this problem.
This situation:
I have absolutely no problems most of the time. but sometimes, when i enter another system (like the last one: alabama) the red lag symbol ( got it via launchpad) appears and a few seconds later i get kicked.
after this, i can connect again a few minutes later (after my ship dissapeared). then, when i use another char od my accound, i got no problems with it. but as soon as i want to use the char i got kicked with, the problem starts again and i get kicked again.
now if you think "well just get out of that system that causes the crash": after connecting with my char i can't do anything, because the "red lag" starts isntantly. i can't use the chat, i can't dock.
But the strangest thing is: i CAN watch people talking and flying around. so the connection still MUST be there.

i already formated my hdd, installed win7 new (but i had the problem with vista too), did a completely new installation of freelancer and discovery... but the problem still exists and continues making my chars from time to time absolutlely useless...

could anyone try to help me, please?

Greetings, margee

kicked in random systems. help needed - Cannon - 04-14-2012

Is this an old character?

kicked in random systems. help needed - margee - 04-15-2012

no, i created it today.
but it already happened to a few others of my characters too...
in most cases after a few days i can continue playing, but then, when i enter another of "these" systems, the thing starts again...

kicked in random systems. help needed - margee - 04-20-2012

could anyone help me please? the red lag appears now even more often... :/

kicked in random systems. help needed - Govedo13 - 04-20-2012
Can you specify the systems? Use the other topic in order to have it in one place.

kicked in random systems. help needed - AeternusDoleo - 04-20-2012

Smells like a network issue. You receive server updates but can't seem to send them. Is your upstream connection to the internet taxed? Someone uploading data? Running a peer-to-peer application in the background maybe?

kicked in random systems. help needed - Govedo13 - 04-20-2012

No way to be network issue- I know too many different people from different countries facing this problem.

kicked in random systems. help needed - Ursus - 04-20-2012

' Wrote:
Can you specify the systems? Use the other topic in order to have it in one place.
Different problem--he's getting red lag and client disconnect, the other thread is sudden server-side disconnect