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Moderator Notice: Player Suspended - Printable Version

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Moderator Notice: Player Suspended - arvg - 04-17-2012

Account name: P4ND3M0N!UM
Duration: [color=#33CC00]48 hours (pending Admin review)

For swearing on the forums

Comments: Real class act, that one. 2 days off for swearing for the sake of swearing.

Moderator Link: Moderator Link
This is an official warning for violation of forum rules.

Do not swear, do not circumvent the filters with creative spellings of swear words.

Don't get up my nose by swearing.

Don't do it especially when I haven't had a cup of coffee.

Get, take a two day vacation. Stick your nose in the corner and think about what you've done, and be thankful Marburg isn't around with the bar of Caustic soap!
The thread

The thread.

Forum rules.

Repeated violations committed after this warning may result in in-game and/or forum penalties.

Moderator Notice: Player Suspended - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-18-2012

Moved up to a 'Karlotta' after the review ...