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Rayburn Station expanding - Printable Version

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Rayburn Station expanding - Ronnie Rayburn - 04-17-2012

***Open transmission***

...Ronnie appears on the screen, and smiles in that way that only he can. A mischievous smile, with brutal undertones...
[Image: images1wmr.jpg]


As some of you may already know, I've built myself a little base in the Leeds system. After the Bretonians discovered it by blind luck, I've had to re-arrange the plans a little. A deal has been made with the Bretonians, so the base will stay where it is. My original idea was to build it slowly, using my own men. But with the cat out of the bag, it's time to step on the gas. *Ronnie lights a smoke and sips some of that fine whiskey* I need cargohaulers! As long as it's not a Gallian ship, I'm interested in hiring you. The Brets won't let any Gallians near my base, so I guess we'll just have to play along for now. With Gallians, I assume they mean those inbread, frogeating knuckleheads who support the even more inbread king of Gallia. *chuckles* That said... I can't see why those who oppose the crown shouldn't get a chance to connect with the rest of Sirius.

Here's what I want you to do. The commodities below, are what I will need to have shipped to me. Some of them in large quantities, and some of them in a more modest quantity. Where you get them from is your business. No questions will be asked about it's origin. It's entirely up to you to decide how much money you wanna earn, if you get my drift? *winks* You will set a price per unit on each of the commodities that you can deliver. I'm not saying that you must be able to deliver them all. Make me an offer on what you can deliver, and I'll review it.

[color=#000066]Basic alloy
Bio-neural processors
High temperature alloy
Industrial materials
Quantum multiplexors
Super alloy
Xenobiotic filters

I'm also negotiating with a bunch of scientists to possibly come and work for me. They will need a ride too, but I want them to travel in style. I'm thinking a Liner or a Yacht would be a nice touch. *turns dead serious* And if I find out that whoever gets that contract has tried to cut some corners and decided to use a Prison liner, or even worse... a Slave liner... *stares silently into the camera for a few moments to bring emphasis to what he had just said* ...then I will personally see to it that he suffers for the rest of his worthless life.

*switches back to that famous smile again* Now... i hope to see some offers real soon, and I'm looking forward to doing some business. *pours himself another whiskey and relaxes in his chair*

Rayburn out!

[color=#990000]***End transmission***

Rayburn Station expanding - Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH - 04-17-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

Encryption: Medium
From: Sean Stone, executive director of Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH
Sent from: Narita Outpost, New Tokyo system, Kusari
To: Mr. Ronnie Rayburn
Subject: Base suppliyng

[Image: SeanStone-StoneBros1.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Rayburn! My name is Sean Stone and I´m executive director of independent transport company Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH. We saw your message and want to offer you our services. We will send you pricing proposal within next 36 hours. If you want any further information about us, please contact me.

Have a nice day!

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------

Rayburn Station expanding - Karst - 04-17-2012

-incoming transmission-
-source: LL-Pennybrooke-
-Subject: Liner available-

Greetings Mr Rayburn, my name is Edwin Pennybrooke and I own a luxury liner, a Bretonia royal cruise liner to be precise.
If you want to offer passengers a trip in luxury, security and style, look no further!
The LL-Pennybrooke offers an extensive lounge, bar and restaurant area, and a ballroom in classic Bretonian style.
I have an excellent stock of Gallic wine, fine cigars and various small dishes available, to be served by experienced and dedicated crew.
The liner is currently outfitted for regular passenger flights rather than extended cruises, which I understand is what you seek anyways. It's outfitted with the highest grade of capital-class armour available, providing the equivalent protection of a Dunkirk-class battleship without additional armour!
The ship has been all around Sirius, delivering passengers to even the most remote locations.

If you're interested, please contact me.

-Edwin Pennybrooke

-end transmission-

Rayburn Station expanding - Ronnie Rayburn - 04-18-2012

***Open transmission***

...a smiling Ronnie turns his chair towards the camera...
[Image: images1wmr.jpg]

[color=#FFCC00]Greetings to you Mr. Stone and Mr. Pennybrooke!

I'm pleased to see that there are people out there who are both cultivated, wise and interested in a good deal. I've done some background checking on both of your enterprises, and from what I can tell, they pass with flying colors. As long as you're within reason on the prices, I don't see why we can't do business. Let me start with Mr. Stone. *sips his whiskey*

Your purchase of a Barge will definetly prove to be a good investment. I've used my own men to haul the goods needed for the first stages of the base, but it's time consuming. Even though a Barge ain't a speed monster, it will cut down the time considerably. A word of caution though. Make sure that Barge get's a free pass from those frog-eaters. We see their patrols often when we supply the base. A small investment to some frog-eatin' bureaucrat might be a good idea. The pilots they use on those patrols are complete knuckleheads. They shoot at everything they see, and since they have some heavy ships, they do some heavy damage. I'll be waiting for your offer, Mr. Stone.

Mr. Pennybrooke! Your ship is precisely what I want. Classic Bretonian style, heh! Just stop for a while and let those words fill your head with images of style that has been inherited for generations. *makes a describing gesture* I know there are those ships that have swimming pools, shopping malls and stuff like that, but this is real Bretonian class. And the fact that you've taken every possible precaution and spent considerable amounts of cash to make it as safe as possible, speaks for itself. Consider yourself hired! *raises his glass for a toast* Contact me as soon as possible to receive the details!

Gentlemen... I see before me a prosperous future.

Rayburn out!

[color=#990000]***End transmission***

Rayburn Station expanding - Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH - 04-18-2012

------------------------------DATA CONNECTION.................................ESTABLISHED-----------
------------------------------RECEIVING MESSAGE DATA.....................DONE---------------------

Encryption: High
Sender: Sean Stone, executive director of Stone Bros Ltd/GmbH
Sent from: Narita Outpost, New Tokyo system, Kusari
To: Mr. Ronnie Rayburn
Subject: Ordered commodities price proposal sent

[Image: SeanStone-StoneBros1.jpg]

Greetings again, Mr. Rayburn! We are glad to hear that you are interested in our services and we have good reputation. If we are talking about our Barge, you are right that investment in it seems to be a very good one. Unfortunately is now located in another part of Sirius involved in our another contracts, so it´s relocation would be very time and money consumpting. For this reason we will deliver commodities you need by our train class ships. And more, as you mentioned current situation in Leeds, despite we are in neutral relation with Gallic Royal Navy, moving this huge beast through warzone is not a good idea.

But to the main reason why I´m contacting you - we made a pricing proposal for your order. Due to security reasons and keeping high encryption, we sent it to you via PM channel. We will be awaiting your answer. Have a nice day!

------------------------------END OF THE MESSAGE--------------------------------------------------
------------------------------DATA CONNECTION......................TERMINATED--------------------

Rayburn Station expanding - GrnRaptor - 04-18-2012

'ello there Mr. Rayburn,

James Malton, "Malton Exports and Expeditions", at your service. I currently own and operate, under a Bowex license, a small but reliable Clydesdale class freighter that I've been 'auling things across Sirius in for a bit now. While I don't be seeking to compete on the mass 'auling front, I'm certain that I can be supplying some of your more specialized needs from within Sirian space. I've been looking to break into the world of contract work for a while now, and if you be amenable to idea, I be your man. Please be contacting me through a private channel if you be so inclined and we'll be working something out. Also, please be noting that this would be my first contract, so your assistance with the paperwork would be appreciated. I hope that we can be concluding some 'onest work together, Mr. Rayburn.


James Malton

Rayburn Station expanding - Ronnie Rayburn - 04-18-2012

***Open transmission***

...a shadow passes over Ronnie's face as he starts to speak. His voice now sounds demanding...
[Image: images1wmr.jpg]

[color=#FFCC00]Greetings, Mr. Stone!

I've received your offer via secure channel, and I'm currently reviewing it. But this news about you're not planning to use a Barge for this makes me wonder how many ships you intend to replace it with, and what size they are. Because I can assure you, that we'll need plenty of materials once we get things going. I'm also very interested in how long it will take you to deliver 100.000 units. We will begin production within one or two days, and once that starts, we will need large quantities just to keep production going. At the same time, we will begin work on the next core upgrade. That alone is 450.000 units.

Mr. Stone... I need some assurances here! Construction work on the base will naturally not happen over night, but you see where I'm getting at.

Rayburn out!

[color=#990000]***End transmission***

Rayburn Station expanding - Karst - 04-18-2012

-incoming transmission-
-source: LL-Pennybrooke-
-Subject: Liner available-

Very pleased to hear your enthusiastic response Mr Rayburn. The liner is prepared to depart at any time to the location you wish your team picked up at.
I'm afraid I can't make any price estimates before I know the route, but I'm sure we can work out an affordable deal.
Awaiting your response, Edwin Pennybrooke

-end transmission-

Rayburn Station expanding - Ronnie Rayburn - 04-18-2012

***Secure transmission***
***Eyes only Edwin Pennybrooke***

...a smiling Ronnie turns his chair towards the camera...
[Image: images1wmr.jpg]

[color=#FFCC00]Greetings to you Mr. Pennybrooke!

As long as you keep those eggheads satisfied, I'm willing to pay the price! *chuckles* Alright! Here's the layout! *pours himself another whiskey and takes a sip* There are currently 10.000 eggheads waiting eagerly to start working for me. They need a ride from the following locations: 3.000 at Eureka Research Station in Ellesmere, 4.000 at Sendai Research Complex in Okinawa, 1500 at Schatten Research Facility in Frankfurt and finally 1500 at Sunderland Research Station in Newcastle. They are ready to ship out, so at your earliest convenience would be prefered.

A word of caution... Try not to draw too much attention to yourself. Those bases are not exactly Freeports, if ya know what I mean! *laughs* I've arranged through some discrete payoffs for you to go there and pick them up. You shouldn't have any problems at all. I will send you the location of my base via Top secret protocol.

See to it that those eggheads have a good time! And for Pete's sake... Don't call 'em eggheads! *laughs out loud*

Rayburn out!

[color=#990000]***End transmission***

Rayburn Station expanding - Ronnie Rayburn - 04-18-2012

***Open transmission***

...a smiling Ronnie turns his chair towards the camera...
[Image: images1wmr.jpg]

[color=#FFCC00]Mr. Malton!

Don't even for a second think that I forgot about you! I just had to attend to some other business to get the ball rolling, if ya know what I mean. You're like someone sent from above. I've been thinking about hiring someone who understands what it means to fill certain needs. *winks* There will definetly be such occasions coming up, and I'd sure like to hire you when that time comes. Right now, it's a bit chaotic here, with builders and traders running all over the base, and pretty soon, I'll have a bunch of eggheads here too. Give it a couple of days, while I sort things out here. Then we'll talk business. If I can help someone get started, then i will!

Rayburn out!

[color=#990000]***End transmission***