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Ranseur - Printable Version

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Ranseur - Xerque - 04-17-2012

all know the ranseur its an great ship beautifull elegant sexy
but that engine view from the back is just ugly doesnt fit the
whole ship can be anything done on it mybe till
the next patch ? or is it already done ?

ps. i would do it myself but dunno how

waiting for your reply's


Ranseur - lw'nafh - 04-17-2012

It does look a bit funky.

But this doesn't belong in the Ship Submissions forum.

Ranseur - Xerque - 04-18-2012

' Wrote:It does look a bit funky.

But this doesn't belong in the Ship Submissions forum.

sry wrong section lost my direction

Ranseur - SparkyRailgun - 04-18-2012

It's almost as if whoever created it spent a lot of time lovingly crafting the front sections, turning it into a beautiful ship.... then died before he could finish the engine.

Currently, it looks hideous from behind, but wonderful from every other angle. It's a real head****.

Ranseur - AeternusDoleo - 04-18-2012

So. Who wants to do work on this model then. Anyone? Yes? No? Maybe?

I agree the back end looks bad, but unless someone steps up and does something about it, it'll likely stay that way.

Ranseur - Polarkreis - 04-18-2012

Bring back the old Star Wars Ranseur import!!! :)

Ranseur - Durandal - 04-21-2012

' Wrote:So. Who wants to do work on this model then. Anyone? Yes? No? Maybe?

I agree the back end looks bad, but unless someone steps up and does something about it, it'll likely stay that way.

Dude seriously, didn't we go over this on skype? All you need to do is stick a ton of engines there. It's not the best fix, and it'll screw with the FPS on some older comps, but it's better than nothing.

Ranseur - HuggieSunrise - 06-07-2012

There more involved then that sonny. infact in some cases making a whole new ship is esier then editing some elses already imported work.

If there is an original ms3d or max file it can be done otherwise im not sure anyone knows the original author.

Ranseur - Syrus - 06-08-2012

As far as I remember the ship was supposed to get its own engine effect, looking like the Liberty Dreads engine or the Osiris engine (but in red, and bigger?). Somehow...that never happened. So in the end it stuck with a grey flat surface as an engine.

Btw, the textures are off as well, compared to Storta and Sarissa.

Ranseur - Barb - 06-09-2012

' Wrote:It's almost as if whoever created it spent a lot of time lovingly crafting the front sections, turning it into a beautiful ship.... then died before he could finish the engine.

Currently, it looks hideous from behind, but wonderful from every other angle. It's a real head****.

Eppy made them.

SUGGESTION: Put a Osiris/LibertyBS engine trail, and done! Its very sexy even imagining it have that...