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To Liberty Navy - Printable Version

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To Liberty Navy - Starfish - 04-18-2012

Incoming transmission...

Comm Id: Berrio
Location: New York System
To:Liberty Navy public-relation office
Subj: Clarification of contraband needed
Greetings, gentlemen.

Here is Nicolau Coelho, freelancer. I have a simple question: is the Gallic artifacts are counts as a contraband by Liberty Laws?
As far as I know, Law says next:

Quote:It is illegal to have any amount of these goods on your person at any time:

• Cardamine
• Liquid Cardamine
• Counterfeit Software
• Black Market Munitions
• Human Organs
• Synthetic Marijuana
• Artifacts
• Slaves
• Blood Diamonds
• Nomad materials

So about Gallic artifacts. Recently LN officer told me that any Gallic materials are forbidden and demand my personal amulet, gallic artifact, from my ship, light fighter named Berrio. Incident happens near Norfolk Shipyard during my trade transaction with esteemed mr.Cody. I try to persuade LN officer that he is wrong and point him on other items of gallic origin, such as wine or cryocubes, but he don`t care and under threat of destruction I was forced to comply his demand. Regrettably I lost the record incident so now I don't need any repay or somewhat and ask only clarification for this matter.

Thanks in advance

Nicolau Coelho


Transmission closed.

To Liberty Navy - Starfish - 04-19-2012


To Liberty Navy - Starfish - 04-20-2012


To Liberty Navy - Starfish - 04-22-2012


To Liberty Navy - Starfish - 04-23-2012


To Liberty Navy - Sonja - 05-04-2012

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: Fort Bragg, Planet Manhattan
Encryption: Secure


Gallic artifacts are not currently contraband within the Republic of Liberty. You will see a public announcement if this changes.

Forgive half of the Liberty Navy for not knowing what laws they enforce, a lot of them are physically and mentally disabled in some form. Call it a government equalities initiative that has gone awry.

We would appreciate any information you have regarding the source of these artifacts, in order to more properly assess their status and whether they should, in fact, be illegal or not.

Transmission Terminated