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About Barge docking... - Printable Version

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About Barge docking... - muratubis - 04-18-2012


I got a problem with my Barge since 4.86 started... I tries dock to ''Tradelanes'' millions of times but all the time it stucked from flags and nose .. In old times it flags and nose can enter to TL but this time i didnt ... Something wrong on it.. Can you please help me about it .. ?

About Barge docking... - Govedo13 - 04-18-2012

other model- no lines for it, no jumping for it no 350 speed for it- no powertraders in barges.:)
( at least I haven't figured out how to use lines and how to jump with it if someone knows it PM me I am barge nub.)

About Barge docking... - muratubis - 04-18-2012

' Wrote:other model- no lines for it, no jumping for it no 350 speed for it- no powertraders in barges.:)
( at least I haven't figured out how to use lines and how to jump with it if someone knows it PM me I am barge nub.)
But i saw a new model Barge and it can dock to TLanes.. :/

About Barge docking... - Govedo13 - 04-18-2012

As I said I am barge nub- if someone can show screens how to log it on lines I would be happy, same with jumping. But I guess both are made not possible right now.

About Barge docking... - Badboy - 04-18-2012

İmpulse speed : 25
Cruse speed : 90
cannot use Trade lane
Problem in Gate
Result : :crazy:

About Barge docking... - AeternusDoleo - 04-18-2012

It'll be able to do gates fine come the next patch. Lanes remain an issue. But the damn thing isn't a trade vessel anyway. People using it as such usually end up venting their frustration as Q_Q on the forum. Care-o-meter is reading 0 on that issue.

It's issues with not being able to dock to a base I'll try to address.

About Barge docking... - Govedo13 - 04-18-2012

' Wrote:Lanes remain an issue.
Lines are indeed smaller then the engines of the barge it could be possible to take line with a bit of synch and forming but I haven't found the solution yet. May be to reduce the size of the engines and change the model- however I am not sure if this is not feature- not to be usable on lines.
The ship have no problem in gates- it just requires certain technique.
It also have no problem docking on stations except if their quick dock is tower based -then you need to maneuver a bit more but it is still possible.
What I wonder is why it cannot jump when it is formed on mk4 JD ship- bug or feature?

About Barge docking... - kremmy - 04-18-2012

This is a problem with other large vessels as well, when using my pirate train I have to approach trade lanes from just the right angle or I "miss" and stay frozen in space until I cancel the docking procedure and try again.

I'm not complaining, bugs are inevitable with a mod that releases so many new things at once with each major update. I'm just saying I don't think the problem is with the barge.

About Barge docking... - Govedo13 - 04-19-2012

' Wrote:I "miss"
You wont miss ever if you fly transps in cockpit view.