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Buy a non civilian ID - Printable Version

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Buy a non civilian ID - nestpasdisponible - 04-19-2012

Hi there,

I need some help with an id problem. I was playing a few month ago with the 4.85 version, and now it's the 4.86, you really need the correct id for your ship to play.
I have a bounty hunter ship, and i can see a message telling me because of a technical problem, performance will be reduce for 8% (meaning power recharge really, i mean reaaaaally, slow during a fight). Apparently, i have to buy a bounty hunter id. Well, ok, but i can't, my reputation is not good enough, even if it's more than 8 on 10. So i've paid a man in sheffield station in Manchester system to improve it, but nothing happended.

So, what can i do? i really need some help for this.

Buy a non civilian ID - Starfish - 04-19-2012

' Wrote:So, what can i do? i really need some help for this.
Make a missions until rep will be ~0.9. Then you will able to buy id.

Buy a non civilian ID - Narcotic - 04-19-2012

Ask someone (who has a BH char), to buy you one.

Buy a non civilian ID - Sol - 04-19-2012

' Wrote:Ask someone (who has a BH char), to buy you one.
Don't do that. Trading of IDs is against the rules as far as I am aware. Make sure you have a BHG IFF before you buy the ID.

Do missions until you can buy it.

Buy a non civilian ID - Echo 7-7 - 04-19-2012

' Wrote:Don't do that. Trading of IDs is against the rules as far as I am aware. Make sure you have a BHG IFF before you buy the ID.

Do missions until you can buy it.

It's actually no longer against the rules to carry multiple copies of the same ID on a ship. It is still a rules violation to carry two or more different IDs, though.

Buy a non civilian ID - nestpasdisponible - 04-19-2012

OK... how so i have to do get that iff?

Buy a non civilian ID - JayDee Kasane - 04-19-2012

to get IFF you need full rep with (insert faction) and dont having any IFF. in shorrt: make missions and /droprep

Buy a non civilian ID - Data Minion - 04-19-2012

The thing JayDee said, first type /droprep, then do missions, otherwise you'll drop the rep you earned by doing missions...