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Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - SparkyRailgun - 04-19-2012

Concept by Lobster
Modelling/Texturing by Hades
Freelancer conversion by BakaKoneko (Erica Hartmann)

Oder-class Rheinland Battlecruiser:

Ship renders

Ship comparison

Main gun
The main gun is basically two Rheinland Battleship primaries merged through the power of strudel, with slower refire rate and a generally more limited firing arc.

Fire control (cosmetic turret; no gun)

Proposed stats:

1x Class 10 Gun (Custom Main gun)
1x Class 8 Turret
4x Class 7 Turret
8x Class 6 Turret


Hull strength 500,000
Max. shield class 9
Cargo space 1,000 units
Nanobots/Batteries 920/920
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 120 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 3,600,000 u
Power recharge 170,000 u/s

Main gun:
Dammage: 67200
Sheild dammage: 50,400
Range: 3200
Speed: 800
Refire rate: .5 (one shot every two seconds)
Energy used: 176000

Turret Hardpoint location diagram

Cruiser Cerberus replacement:

Closeup of the new Cruiser Cerberus cannon (This will replace the current one, so across the board, not just Rheinland).

Feedback appreciated (entire point of this thread).
Not fully ready for submission, but it'll be there soon barring any unforeseen consequences of this thread (for which we are certainly not prepared).

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - kikatsu - 04-19-2012

Impressive stuff I must say. You nailed the Rheinland aesthetic and still made the ship look advanced and new. Loving the idea of that massive turret, it looks fantastic on the model. I actually like this look more than the current RM Cruiser, that big massive curved belly section and the columns near it never looked right to me. Excellent look, love the general shape, especially how the engine module works on this one. I think this is like a real, proper, modernized RM capital ship... keeps the look and style of the battleship but does it smaller, cleans it up, gets classy and new and what not.

Also kudos to making some fantastic looking Cerberus guns, finally it looks like they are serious weapons and not a bunch of green bamboo tubes taped together.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Manuel Smith - 04-19-2012

very good! It looks Rheinland-ish, it isn't OP and Rheinland should have a BC

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - kikatsu - 04-19-2012

Hah I just noticed the fire control turret... cute idea, a radar dish that just turns to face targets. I like that.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Jsu Chrstu - 04-19-2012

Looks awesome ... and this is really gonna happen? In the next update or so?

Liberty has a BC so Rheinland needs one too :cool:

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Syrus - 04-19-2012

Not bad. Not bad indeed.

Overall it could use some more "details", look at the RM Cruiser for comparision and you will see - even without textures - the ship already looks like more than "a block".
My biggest concerns are the front and the mid section. Both lack those details and look too "flat" at the moment.
The mid section I dislike a bit because of the strong resemblance of the RM BS. Not every ship should be modeled after it.
The rest of the ship is alright, as I said, the level of model details should be increased though. More windows (I know they don't make much sense, but look at the other vanilla vessels), more different sections etc.

The Cerberus turret is just perfect, nothing to complain about there, same with the fire controll, though I have to ask, where it is supposed to be used?

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Narcotic - 04-19-2012

Very nice model. I approve.

The stats seem to be balanced, too.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - SparkyRailgun - 04-19-2012

' Wrote:The Cerberus turret is just perfect, nothing to complain about there, same with the fire controll, though I have to ask, where it is supposed to be used?

It sits right behind the main gun.
Not intended to be used anywhere else.
(Though it was amusing when I accidentally put it on every one of the ship's hardpoints)

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Cleaver - 04-19-2012

This looks great.

Nicely done!

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - timelesschain - 04-19-2012

' Wrote:Not bad. Not bad indeed.

Overall it could use some more "details", look at the RM Cruiser for comparision and you will see - even without textures - the ship already looks like more than "a block".
My biggest concerns are the front and the mid section. Both lack those details and look too "flat" at the moment.
That RM cruiser isn't the vanilla/ingame model, has too many details for it to be.

I kinda like the flat middle section, actually. Makes me think of WWII German tanks like the KT and its frontal sloping.

Overall, I really like it and the turret!