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Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - Printable Version

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Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - Badboy - 04-20-2012

Is it possible to use them all in a single ship? if this is possible, what type of ships they?

Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - Govedo13 - 04-20-2012

Look at the pinned topics here.

Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - Badboy - 04-20-2012

' Wrote:Look at the pinned topics here.


Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - lw'nafh - 04-20-2012

We have eyes for a reason.

Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - Badboy - 04-20-2012

' Wrote:We have eyes for a reason.

C'mon... I Know this topic... I did not mean it...


CAU 8 = 300 Cargo Space
Hyper = 400 Cargo Space
Jump Drive = 900 Cargo Space
Large Cloak = 450

TOTAL = 2050 Cargo Space

and MOX , H-Fuel , Oil.....

Show me the ship I can use all of them

Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - lw'nafh - 04-20-2012

' Wrote:C'mon... I Know this topic... I did not mean it...


CAU 8 = 300 Cargo Space
Hyper = 400 Cargo Space
Jump Drive = 900 Cargo Space
Large Cloak = 450

TOTAL = 2050 Cargo Space

and MOX , H-Fuel , Oil.....

Show me the ship I can use all of them
You can't practically. That's the point.

Cloaking , Jump Drive Module, Survey Module and Hyperspace module - Zahas - 04-20-2012

Get a battlestar and you can.
Also. Liberty Carrier got 2000 cargo hold, you can try your luck with this