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Sirius ID Data Base - ioha - 04-18-2008

AGEIRA SOLUTIONS 790 Ageira Technologies, Liberty
Release 03/05/787 A.S.

Heptium III
Checking NNRAM...


Current Date Check...
Date: 04/18/817 A.S., Manhattan Standard Time (MST)


Welcome to the Sirius Registered Personal Identification Data Base!

PLease specify your requested information


Sirius ID Data Base - ioha - 04-18-2008


Directory: Bretonia Space


Sub-Directory: Bretonian Police Authority

Requested Identification Subject: Joshua Cooper, Chief Constable


No Image file found

Subject data:

Name: Joshua Brian Cooper
Gender: Male
Birthday: 05/01/794
Born on: Planet Cambridge
Nationality: Bretonian
Height: 1,83m
Eye Colour: Chestnut-Brown
Hair Colour: Ash Blond
Occupation: Captain, Bretonia Police Authority

The subject was born as the son of a simple worker from Leeds (George Cooper) and the daughter of a Cambridge farmer (Emily Cooper, b. Shendale).
Was raised on Cambridge, went to school in the western hemisphere. Voiced the intent to become a constable for the BPA at the age of 17. Moved to planet New London one year later, started attending the New London Royal Police Academy (NLRPA). His instructors commended his straightforward behaviour, loyalty and wholeheartedness. Mastered the individual testings after the first year at the academy and was recommended for service in the BPA, rather than in the Bretonian Secret Service. Shooting skills were ranked as above average, flying skills as bottom average.
Met and befriended fellow constable-hopeful Samuel Vimes during his second year in the academy. The two of them were often put in the same squads and received notable grades for outstanding teamwork.
Cooper completed the training at the NLRPA after the standard time of four years and was promoted to the rank of a Constable in the BPA's spatial patrol forces.
Has been serving under BPA Superintendent Sir Alan Lauderdale and Inspector Bruce Scott since the start of his career and quickly climbed the ranks, being promoted to Sergeant, then to Captain of the Bretonian Police Authority.
After several incidents, including the events revolving around Humphrey Burlington, the Lane Hacker intrusion at Newgate and the signing of the Treaty of Dublin, Superintendent and Commissioner Lauderdale decided to resign from the troublesome life at the BPA. Due to Inspector Scott's absence for months, the Crown and his superiors decided to honour Cooper with the position of BPA Commissioner and Chief Constable.
For a short time, Cooper then led the BPA, struggling against several Corsair invasions, the increasingly spotted 'Harvester Units' and a overwhelming number of smugglers. In order to fight the latter with their own means, Cooper braught the Commerce Control Division into being. Flying Percherons and Armoured Transports, this specialized sub-division of the BPA is able to withstand the usual smuggler's transport turrets and can destroy contraband cargo with ease. Also, rescueing slaves became an easier tasks.

Hobbies include collecting and savouring various tea sorts, spending free time on the Cambridge countryside and visiting Christy's on New London.

Has a younger cousin (Timothy Cooper) who is currently serving in the BPA's Special Response Division (SRD).

Checking Sirius Ship Database...
Vessel(s) registered on subject found:

B-40-E "Percheron" Bretonia Transport

B-294-L Series "Hussar" Bretonia Light Fighter

Image file found:

[Image: cooperhussartakeoffsmaliy6.png]
Chief Constable Cooper's Hussar taking off,
New Scotland Yard Launchpads, Security Camera footage

Sirius ID Data Base - ioha - 05-25-2008


Directory: Liberty Space


Sub-Directory: Wanted Criminals


Sub-Directory: Criminal Organizations: Liberty Rogues


Requested Identification Subject: Lance Thompson, self-proclaimed "Captain"


Image file found: no files found

Subject data:

Name: Lance K. Thompson
Gender: Male
Birthday: Unkown, supposedly in the years 788-789 A.S.
Born on: Unkown, supposedly Planet Manhattan
Nationality: Libertonian
Height: 1,88m
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Blond
Occupation: Unemployed, known pirate

Information concerning this subject is incomplete. Will be further investigated by LSF.
Assumedly born on Planet Manhattan, the subject was raised in an orphanage, fled at the age of 11. First actions on record include theft, brawls and disrespect of authority, all committed in the slums of Planet Manhattan.
Member of various criminal gangs in the slums, more or less a typical gangster. Went into hiding after committed intentional homicide.
Next known information shows the subject having joined the criminal organization "Liberty Rogues". Multiple entries about vandalism, destruction, malicious mischief, disrespect of authorities, attempted murder. Summary: subject became a pirate.
Latest records show the subject gaining influence and gathering a crew. Subject acquired an old Z-8901 Pirate Transport, seemingly christened "Hotchkissville". Multiple entries about committed acts of piracy in entire Liberty Space and the surrounding independent systems.
Contacts within the Junkers confirmed Beaumont and Rochester to be main reloading points for pirated goods.
Until now, subject has not been caught by the authorities, however, quarrels between the group "Xenos" and the subject have been reported. Thompson has apparently developped a strong dislike for the Xeno Terrorists.
An official bounty upon the subject has not been posted yet by the major corporations within Liberty.

Checking Sirius Ship Database...
Vessel(s) registered on subject found: None

Vessel(s) supposedly under control of subject:

Z-8901 Pirate Transport "Hotchkissville"
Callsign: LRS.Hotchkissville

Image file found:

[Image: Hotchkiss.png]
The Hotchkissville in orbit of Planet Chisos
Texas System, Sector D4, LSF Stealth Satellite footage