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To the leadership of the 41st - Printable Version

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To the leadership of the 41st - Hawk - 04-23-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I'€™m kind of at a loss here and that doesn'€™t happen often. Just what kind of outfit are you running and what kind of half-wits are you promoting to the rank of captain? One of your fine upstanding captains just docked an LABC on Rochester. After the dock master finished screaming at me about this, the captain of the 41st LNS-Alexander claimed he had no idea that Rochester was a Junker base and his ship shouldn'€™t be docking there. Am I really supposed to believe that your captain is THAT stupid? Am I really supposed to believe that you would put someone in charge of an LABC that has absolutely no idea what the various public bases in Liberty are?

I'€™ll tell you what I think. I don'€™t believe for a second that any of you are really that stupid. Therefore I believe that you did this on purpose for some nefarious plot. I was only recently explaining to a commodore in the LN about how people were always trying to set us up. Now it seems I have one more fine example to show her.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To the leadership of the 41st - X.Agamemnon - 04-23-2012

ok i'm going to tell you i'm sorry for docking at your station it was for OORP reasons, and if you wish me to tell you why? i will tell you my dad told me to do some chores. it wont happen again. i really didnt have a rp reason except i was going after a pirate.

To the leadership of the 41st - Exploration - 05-09-2012

' Wrote:
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I'€™m kind of at a loss here and that doesn'€™t happen often. Just what kind of outfit are you running and what kind of half-wits are you promoting to the rank of captain? One of your fine upstanding captains just docked an LABC on Rochester. After the dock master finished screaming at me about this, the captain of the 41st LNS-Alexander claimed he had no idea that Rochester was a Junker base and his ship shouldn'€™t be docking there. Am I really supposed to believe that your captain is THAT stupid? Am I really supposed to believe that you would put someone in charge of an LABC that has absolutely no idea what the various public bases in Liberty are?

I'€™ll tell you what I think. I don'€™t believe for a second that any of you are really that stupid. Therefore I believe that you did this on purpose for some nefarious plot. I was only recently explaining to a commodore in the LN about how people were always trying to set us up. Now it seems I have one more fine example to show her.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

I am the leader of the 41st, his answer is reasonable and my PC has been out of action for a few weeks, i had no idea of this incident, might be and idea to consider reasons before complaining, these things happen, might be better to forget this.


To the leadership of the 41st - Hawk - 05-09-2012

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Consider all the facts you say? That'€™s interesting. The truth is I did speak to this individual when the incident happened. He offered a different explanation then. He told me he docked there because he did not know it was a Junker base and he thought the Liberty Navy was welcome there. I also know the explanation he gave to my complaint is false, because he undocked and cruised away almost immediately after he docked. Are you telling me you are that unaware of what your people are doing behind your back? Because if you are aware of this and endorsing this action it begs the question why this is happening and what is really going on here.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

To the leadership of the 41st - Exploration - 05-10-2012

' Wrote:
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Consider all the facts you say? That'€™s interesting. The truth is I did speak to this individual when the incident happened. He offered a different explanation then. He told me he docked there because he did not know it was a Junker base and he thought the Liberty Navy was welcome there. I also know the explanation he gave to my complaint is false, because he undocked and cruised away almost immediately after he docked. Are you telling me you are that unaware of what your people are doing behind your back? Because if you are aware of this and endorsing this action it begs the question why this is happening and what is really going on here.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

This is not what he told me, i will look into it