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SI Sirius industries - kacijon - 04-19-2008


[color=#CC0000]Background story:
Sirius industries are one of the most evoled indutries. They stared their job at 435 AD. They are powerfull industries and they trade and mine all over sirius sector. They are originaly from liberty but when they sign paper they started trading in border worlds bretonia ,rheinland, omega systems, omicrons, kusari and even tau systems.Now they are one of the best industries.They even sell guns.

-make bilions of sirius credits.
-Open new trading routes
-explore sirius
-find new mineble recuorses


Well there you can chose 6 jobs.

5.gun selling

Tag ,ID:
interspace ID

exampels for name:

R is rheinland B is bretonia K is kusari L is liberty. if this is co-leader (SI_R)-Co._name. this is one of examples.

Home bases:
Well they havent got home bases. becose they almost all time trade. explorers have got one newark.And traders manhatan.

Ships and equipment:

-Traders: Trains or transports. Transport equipment and any shield.
-escorters: Any figher ship. exept criminals ships.
-Miners: Well any train ,transport or mining ship.
-exlporers: Any ship they wont exept transports trains , cruisers, battleships or criminals ships.(gunboats allowed)
-Gunselling: Any ship they wont exept fighers or bombers. (no criminal ships) (can have camera ship).
-smuggling: Only Pirate train or pirate transport.

others can have any equipment they wont too criminal.

Need players:
Pls PM me to i type names wich wont to join.

Boss:faction leader
there are 4 co-leaders
Bretonia Co-leader: Have acess to trading routes in bretoina and tau systems.(not allowed trading to kusari)
Can trade anywhere else.
Kusari Co-leader: have acess to trading routes in kusari and omicrons.(not allowed to trade to bretionia)
Can trade anywhere else.
Rheinland co-leader:have acess to trading routes in rheinland and omegas. Can trade anywhere.(not allowed to liberty).
Liberty Co-leader: have acess to trading routes in liberty and To kusari Bretonia and rheinland.(not allowed to rheinland).
emloyee: Have acess to any trading route. (faction)
Smugler: Have acess to all smugling routes. (do not need to chose his faction)

all this have their own players.first 4 players are Co-leaders .

wekk salary is 2mio

How to join?
Send me masage . Your name, Rp story, Wich faction you wont to lead.(this is for first 4 players) If you are not co-leader (you cant be then) send me masage name ,RP story why do you chose us and wich faction you wont to join.(to mine and trade there).

Starting pakage.
trader: 6mio for transport and start trading.
Escorter: 5mio starting pakage to buy escorter ship.
miner: 19 mio for buying -mining ship-.
explorer:5mio starting pakage to buy any ship he wont and start exploring.
gun selling: 10 mio to buy any ship he wont and then start lokking for weapons.

Understand RP


republican shiping
gateway shipping

bounty hunters
other trading faction

The order

liberty rouges
Crimials are enemies of sirius industries(not enemy for smuglers)

SI Sirius industries - kacijon - 04-19-2008

so waht do you say?

SI Sirius industries - 13CentKiller - 04-19-2008

Can't say you didn't put any work into it.

If you followed the faction creation rules and stuff you should be fine. You are required to submit it to the administrators for approval ultimately though.

maybe extend on the RP story or back-ground history. And the faction rules need to be looked at.

Thats my 13 cents worth:cool:

SI Sirius industries - Jinx - 04-19-2008

yes - considering that this faction spans over all the cooperations makes me wish for a more detailed story about why all those cooperations should form up such an "alliance". history, when / why was it initiated, - whats the goals of it ( sort of other than making billions of credits ) - for such a faction, there must be more than simply money, cause money is something the NPC factions can make without sharing with their competitors.

it appears to be a generic trader faction without deep roots to any house. slightly like the BHG converted into a trading faction. whats the goals about diplomacy, - whats the main trade ( cannot really be everything - those cooperations usually specialize on certain stuff )
will it allow smuggling, - how s your standing towards the lawful factions ( weapon dealers ) - how will you get along with the various pirate factions ( be like a sheep and simply pay up ) or seek friendship to allow the part of exploring.

except for that - exploring can only be done so much. - so its down to "make billions of credits" - as there are not really "new trade routes to be discovered".

will the faction encourage unorthodox routes? - will they be RP routes that take material to where its really needed - or will it seek maximum profit. - will this faction be "up for hire" if there is a shortage. - will it participate in the bretonian / kusari war? how is the standing towards the other factions that make siriuswide trade ( bowex, zoners, freelancers )

like military factions - will there be a stricter limitation on large transport ships? - ( in the end, the soldiers battleship is the traders adv. train )

- - -
things that bother me on the first glance:

- the shiplist is a little "big" for a start. - escorts "any fighter ship that is not unlawful"
- faction status friendly : kusari .... bretonia ( that ll be a tough one, as they both won t like it much )

- - -

my suggestion:

make subsections for each house + rimworld subsections of the faction ( like a co-leader for each sector ) that is in close communication with the other leaders and all those subleaders are under the faction leader. - but then, you can follow the interestest of a specific house better. - so the bretonian "branch" of the faction will have a good understanding of the bretonian politics - while the kusari "embassador" will have a good understanding with the kusaris. - both require different skills and knowledge. - same with omegas, taus, omicrons etc. they all require a sensitive handling if you want to survive successfully.

faction members should choose a branch of the faction and fly routes / explorations within these sectors, rather than siriuswide. - in RP, the BHG is subdevided into those sections, too. - there are the house BHGs with different HQs, who operate on completely different levels and are only interconnected by the core / leadership. so the liberty BHGs have little in common with the omicron BHGs ( who are generally MUCH more skilled and MUCH better equipped )

since it is a faction - i would like to see RP routes, rather than profitable only routes. - that means... if you are operating in the omicrons and wish to be at least... well, on non kos terms with corsairs ( kos terms if we ignore the trader protection rule, which is non RP ) - then i d like you to initiate talks and most probably agree to make food convoys at least every now and then. ( even if they re hardly as profitable as other routes )
mind, if you start to trader deuterium for example, - you may get into trouble with the zoners, cause its their monopoly ( and zoners don t like competition too much when it comes to trades ) - then there is a problem... how will it affect your policy when the southern omicron branch gets to an understanding with the corsairs... will there be an understanding with the outcasts, too?

all in all, a traderfaciton that is acting in such a huge area has to be extremely complex. a cooperation / faction that has the ambition to operate on a level higher than any other cooperation. - which will, in the end, affect the inner core trade again. - and then, the "smaller" cooperations have more influence ( samura, repex etc. )

SI Sirius industries - kacijon - 04-19-2008

Ok i will fix that thank you for answering and suggesting

SI Sirius industries - SimonBlack - 04-19-2008

I'd prefer a vanilla faction (BMM, Planetform, Bowex, Cryer, Kruger, Daumann etc) rather than a clan, but its just me. Stick with it if you want to.

SI Sirius industries - kacijon - 04-19-2008

' Wrote:I'd prefer a vanilla faction (BMM, Planetform, Bowex, Cryer, Kruger, Daumann etc) rather than a clan, but its just me. Stick with it if you want to.

What you meen

SI Sirius industries - kacijon - 04-19-2008

OK i think i made better now

SI Sirius industries - Praetyre - 04-19-2008

I see one monster of a problem already; You claim to be friendly to Kusari and Bretonia at the same time. Bretonia and Kusari are at war, and would shoot or privateer or embargo any ships who dealt or benefited their enemies. Liberty and Rheinland are close to war, and 4 houses with vastly different cultural values, political systems, religious beliefs and geopolitical landscapes aren't going to band together towards a generic economic coalition overnight, especially an allegedly centuries old one that sprung up out of nowhere.

So, sorry, but please try and make your faction a section/partner/affiliation of an existing corporate faction or try getting some more experience in our roleplay community before trying out your own faction idea.

SI Sirius industries - kacijon - 04-19-2008

i will ttry to fix and pls read again i already write that there should not bretonia trade to kusari and kusari dont to bretonia. About liberty and rheinland i will fix