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To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - Printable Version

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To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-25-2012

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Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Senior Member
Message Details: Rheinland
Message Secutiy Level: Medium

Guten Tag.

It is no secret that in the past few days, Rheinland has begun to see a major transformation. You are all aware into such the problems currently being pushed by the Bundestag. Interspace being banned entirely from ze Fatherland is just the start. And to that I wish to discuss a few things with you.

More than likely in the next few weeks, Bonn Station will be emptied of virtually all Interspace employees and personnel, but from that point it will simply be left to float in the vacuum of space. I personally for one do not wish to see such. I am currently in talks with our CEO and the board over discussions to either legally purchase or acquire from the Government total property rights to Bonn Station. We do have our facilities in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Hamburg, but aside from our Corporate offices on New Berlin, we have no real figure or place to handle trade off planet in our House center.

Currently our talks are at a standstill, and I am requiring the extra incentive to give our board the push it needs to finally focus from total profits, to the well being of our home as a whole.

Aside from that, I am wishing to talk to you about the future being our our Fatherland after Interspace is finally gone. And the odds are very high that will happen. The faster we get onto this subject as a whole, the less likelyhood of reprocussions from the outfall.

With Interspace gone, the most likely course of actions after such will be Synth Foods, and then Orbital Spa and Cruise. You are most likely aware on my stance and RepEx's stand on Synth Foods as a whole, to that there is no need in discussions. However I believe we should try to keep Oribtal Spa and Cruise within ze Fatherland. They have virtually done nothing wrong nor use any financial powers to push their ways around. I have not once heard of complaints into such and I see no reason to remove them from Rheinland as a whole.

With the likelyhood of Synth Foods being removed from Rheinland, our studies show that the LWB in that sector will drop their attacks almost 70% within a few weeks. Weeks Ladies and Gentlemen. Thus allowing more room for our companies to breathe in safety and our brave men and women of the Rheinwher and Federal Polizei the ability to focus on other problems.

You may be thinking to yourselves, "What do we do next after they're gone?" RepEx has come up with several plans in such. Here is one that would allow us to fix our unemployment issues and our work in the Koeln sytem.

Quote:Project Eisenbahn-

Phase One.

With the recent opening of the Koeln system, new products have begun to flow into the Rheinland market, thus creating new ventures into which to strengthen ze Fatherland to an extent with the help of Kruger, Daumann and ALG. The new aluminum fields within the system can assist in the completion of the Koeln Trade Lane, allowing goods to move faster and local law enforcement the proper needs to quickly ensure safety within the system.

Phase Two.

Upon completion, Phase Two would begin, starting in New Berlin. I propose that with the help of Daumann Construction and ALG, we begin to attempt the construction and/or retrofit of the current lane system to improve traffic performance. This project at our current productivity due to the war effort would take approximately 3 years to complete, entailing the full salvage of the current lanes, one section at a time, which would begin the hiring of approximately 1.3 million new workers, and the rehiring of another 1.9 million from across the New Berlin sector alone with the conjoining efforts of the project.

This is just one of the examples that we can do as a whole without the need of any outsourced form of assistance from Sirius abroad.

None of this can happen without your support. Let us work together for Rheinland, and not for others wanting to fill their accounts.

What say you?

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To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - Garrick - 04-25-2012

[Image: garrickelbichtop.png]
[Image: wv1.png]
Guten Tag herr Artura,
I have received your message and have yet to speak with my superior Adam Spire on how he wants to direct ze company.
I personally have no opinions on ze fate of Bonn station, other than it is gut that ze traitors are expelled from ze Vaterland.
I would hope that in ze future our companies will be working together often, especially to help rebuild our great nation.

As far as ze other Libertonian companies, well I have no love for any Libertonians.
I have felt that allowing their ships to pass through our lines, also allows their spies to pass through.
They see our fleet strength and position when ever they travel through our systems.
I know that for me and my crew, we prefer ze real food rations over ze paste. *laughs*
Other than ze personal opinions I foster, I have not heard of them breaking any Rheinland laws.

My main concerns lately are ze Hessians, I have also recently heard a report of a base in Omega-11.
I was already aware of this station and have seen it with my own eyes while prospecting in Omega-11.
Unfortunately with ze collapse of Kruger, ze Military recalled their gunboats we had, all we have left to defend our facilities and personnel are a few snub craft.
No match for really any threats that ze Hessians can bring to bear on our mining activities.

I am interested in hearing more from you on project Eisenbahn.
However Kruger can help you, I am interested in hearing ze details.
We are trying to rebuild ze company with a new image. *laughs*
A friendlier image in this great time of peril.
Ze great struggle with IMG in ze Omega's, ze treaty and ze collapse of ze company has all but stripped us of our once great fighter squadrons.
Those that are left, we are miners and business men, trying to rebuild ze company from ze ground up.

[Image: garrickelbichbtm.png]

To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - AeternusDoleo - 04-25-2012

// Dev/storyline reminder: Rheinland does not posess the technology to build a trade lane network from scratch. They're certainly capable of building the frames for one (even in their own house style) but only Gallia (Solar) and Liberty (Ageira) posess the neccesary technology to actually make the lane's superluminal travel work. That said, keeping an eye on this to see where it goes.

To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-25-2012

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Senior Member
Message Details: Rheinland
Message Secutiy Level: Medium

Herr Voss.

It is good to hear from you on behalf of Kruger. Please give Herr Spire mien regards onto this matter as I have also fought alongside both parties against the Hessian threat, and lost just as many friends and co-workers.

Now into your question about Project Eisenbahn. It basically is to be possibly the largest scale project in the history of Rheinland since the lanes creation. The project would virtually start up our proud manufacturing centers once again, and employment would finally begin to see a change for the better. ALG would see a sharp increase in employment within the start of it, to the point where new salvagers and holding vessels would need to be built. ALG may focus on recycling, but this scale in such would make their work in Sigma 13 look like a weekend job.

Point being. We need to get the people of Rheinland awake again with a project so large, that it would be the envy of sirius. The psychological effect would motivate the people once again. The only problem is that Ageria, would be responsible for making sure that they operate once again. We can salvage and rebuild the lanes, but even I do not know the complexities that make such a system work.

I do trust you're starting to see what can be entailed over such a project?

Kruger is trying to rebuild its image after such problems. I see no reason to exclude the company from such works and projects.

When it comes to your thoughts on the Hessians. I know. Trust me I know of the base. And the sooner the war with Liberty and our problems with the companies here in Rheinland exploiting us, the sooner we can focus fully onto the threat with such a force, it would rock them to their bloody core.

Last. It does make sense on your worries about OS&C. But my views are the same. No evidence on any such activities you mention have reached mein ears. And their work on Baden Baden employs a good deal to the workforce and is a company that works for the well being of humanity, through letting people relax etc etc. It is a debatable topic though in the least.

[Image: repextbbtm.png]

To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-30-2012

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Senior Member
Message Details: Rheinland
Message Secutiy Level: Medium


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To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - Dane Summers - 04-30-2012

[Image: falktbar.png]

Guten Tag, Herr Artura.

The ALG Board has been discussing this plan at length. We currently support this draft of the proposal, however, we are still in discussion over the details. While planning is always good in this case, we look forward to when we will see action, once this plan goes into effect.

We ask you keep the ALG apprised of all details as they change, so we may better plan our role in it. We will always support opportunities that that will benefit Rheinland as a whole.

Thank you.
Mach's gut, Herr Artura.

[Image: NellySachsBottom.png]

To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-03-2012

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Senior Member
Message Details: Rheinland
Message Secutiy Level: Medium

Herr Falk.

On behalf of the board, we thank you for responding to our call on Project Eisenbahn, just one of several plans we currently wish to implement once things begin to tone down.

Does ALG have any questions entailed over what I had said earlier?

[Image: repextbbtm.png]

To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - Daumann Heavy Construction - 05-05-2012

===Incoming Transmission===

Source: DHC-Munificent, New Berlin
Comm ID: Rebecca Daumann, CEO.

Guten tag herr Artura!

Please excuse me for the late respones, the Munificent was transiting through Stuttgart last week, and with the current situation in Rheinland, we had to use tightened security measures. The Munificent blocked outgoing transmissions, however we have been receiving them; now that we have reached New Berlin we can start negotiations again.

On to business then.

I think you are pretty much aware of Daumann's current position regarding this whole situation with Interspace, and that we still support them, and we support Synth Foods and Orbital Spa and Cruise as well, and will keep supporting them unless we have solid evidence that kicking them out will ensure the stability of Rheinland, which so far, seems unlikely.

However, anything that benefits Rheinland benefits us all, we are interested in project Eisenbahn, but the meeting with the board raised a few questions.

1- How are you planning on retrofitting the lane network, if no Rheinland corporation has the technology to do so? I believe a DHC/ALG/Republican joint project would be enough to rebuild the network in less than a few years, but they key factor is still missing, we don't have the technology.

2- The Rheinland military remains strong, but they cannot be everywhere, if DHC is to start a mining operation in Koeln, which we are pretty much interested in; we will require an ore storage depot. How will we be able to hold the base against the unlimited hordes of Hessians battleships? It seems that red pirates replaced all their fighter wings for battleships fleets. Perhaps a joint effort to build and maintain the base plus a common account for hiring mercenaries to defend the base could work.

Don't misunderstand us Herr Artura, DHC is pretty much interested in the project, however we want to ensure we have every potential weakness covered. We can arrange a meeting later to discuss the further development of the project.

Have a good day mein Herr.

===Transmission Terminated===

To All Major Rheinland Based Companies--ALG, Kruger, Daumann, Krupp Munitions - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-05-2012

[Image: repextbtop.png]

Identification: Daniel Artura, RepEx Senior Member
Message Details: Rheinland
Message Secutiy Level: Medium

Guten Abend Herr Frauline Daumann,

On behalf of the board and mein wife and CEO of RepEx, Veris Artura, I am pleased to receive your words.

It seems that of the current powers that be, Kruger, ALG, Daumann, and RepEx, are very much split on the situation concerning the Libertonian based companies of Interspace, Synth Foods, and OS&C. Given the situation as it is, I do not blame you.

I see no reason to question Daumann's policies on who and what the company supports, and I don't see any reason to think otherwise. We are simply people wanting the best for our Fatherland and nothing more. I simply hope that in the end, we all see eye to eye.

Seems though that the rough proposal of Project Eisenbahn has drawn more attention than I thought. I do hope to answer your questions to the best of my abilities.

You are right concerning our abilities to recreate the technology missing, I'm not a scientist and I know I never will be. I do believe that there are two choices to the matter. Either having to resort to reverse-engineer the critical lane components, which would take ages, or result to having Ageria do that bit of the work for us, something I know is not popular at this current time. Rebuilding the base setups of the lanes is something I'm sure Daumann is most capable of, not the tiny details on how the lane works. On a minor note. The project itself would include all Rheinland Corperations. Yes that includes your competitors of Kruger Minerals.

As much as I would agree to the construction of a new storage facility in Koeln, I for one am not a supporter of more stations in such, using up a magnitude of materials which could be more wisely used. I am also very well noted into the development of the Hessian Jorgmand Class battleships now being built, but remember, each one downed results in more saved lives of those still loyal to the Kanzler and to our Fartherland. For now, I would protest quietly against the construction of a storage facility in Koeln until the lanes in the system are finished, not before. One step at a time Frauline Daumann. One step at a time.

In all. I believe that a meeting should indeed be held to discuss the current matters at hand and what we all can do to help Rheinland move on. However I believe it best that we should wait until the Bundestag has dealt with the situation of Bonn and Interspace before we do anything.

In regards,

Daniel Artura...

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