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Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Printable Version

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Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - AeternusDoleo - 04-25-2012

There shouldn't be too many things left anymore. I've already been told of the following:

- Cortez: Lanes aren't in sync
Yes they are.

- Weapon Platforms: They're the wrong loadout (the ones now are the long range ones, was looking to put the midrange ones up until we figured out the way to make more types available)

- Blood Dragon cap weapons: Get deleted for some reason. Very similar bug to the light hardpoints being deleted. Wonder if there's some list of "valid items" somewhere...
Aet: Cannon fixed this.

Any more bugs? Let me know!

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - alphadog - 04-25-2012

Escape key doesn't work after you undock from a player base

Aet: Ticketed.

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Croft - 04-25-2012

Gallic Civilian Transport guns aren't available on New Paris, haven't checked Lodeve.

Aet: New Paris has 3 rings. They're there on one of em, not sure which.

Edit: Ah its the top rings that sells them, didn't even realise there was a third ring.

Added to all 3 rings now.

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Ursus - 04-25-2012

For the Rheinalnd Cruiser and the ALG Mover, you changed the turret camera instead of the default 3rd-person camera.

Aet: Only these views were reported. The standard chasecam looks good to me on both ships.

Turret steering still doesnt work correctly -- edit for correctly

Aet: Cannon mentioned it's as good as it's going to get...

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Stefz - 04-25-2012

Labraid aka Nomad Light Fighter still has 350 cruise speed instead of 400.

Aet: You may need to rebuy the ship in order to get the upgraded engine.

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Fifty. - 04-25-2012

Every time I click on a Freeport 10 bar NPC,FL crashes :(
Edit:Tried other stations on different chars,same result. <strike>Reinstalling now. I will edit the post to tell if the problem persists.</strike>
Edit2: Also the first time I updated I had the following video problem: First 20 seconds are fine with any char,but after that game tears apart simulating massive lag...
Edit3: After the bar NPC bug the lag issue came back.
Final edit: NPC problem still here. Reinstalled both Vanilla Fl and Disco. Everything is fine till I talk to a bar NPC.
Massive lag after 20+ seconds of playing still present...Suggestions?

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Fifty. - 04-25-2012

Bump. I'm getting desperate here.

Aet: This isn't the place for requesting instant fixes. Do you have the bloom mod on? Tau 37 is notorious for being bright by itself... I tested this just now and the bug does not appear for me. It is something local to your system. Upgrade your video card drivers and disable bloom if active. Delete your entire Discomod folder and reinstall from scratch if in doubt.

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Snak5 - 04-25-2012

' Wrote:For the Rheinalnd Cruiser and the ALG Mover, you changed the turret camera instead of the default 3rd-person camera.

Turret steering doesnt work
Works on my Titanic and Stork. Not tested any other ship so far for TS.

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Rommie - 04-25-2012

The NPC's on Carrier Hades(T39) display the name 'Warhammer' when mousing over them. This should actually be 'Hades'.

Aet: Fixed.

Disco 4.86 Update 5 Bug Reports - Pavel - 04-25-2012

Repping in Mintaka field in Okinawa, between those all explosive gas pockets is a nightmare. Are you sure missions should be also setted there? Two times NPCs just stayed in one place, I could shot them one after another, they even didn't fire.

Aet: Can't take the heat? Don't take the mission. Those are more meant for gunboats and snubs wanting to practise minedodging and such. Take missions from the planet if you need them in clearer space.