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PC Overheat - Printable Version

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PC Overheat - Nicolas - 04-26-2012

I have a small question.

Is it possible that FL files get corrupted after my PC overheated and crashed so I can`t log any chars with it anymore? I can log the accs but chars get disconnected (not kicked) after some seconds.

Seems the RHA Support Acc A got banned after I tried to relog too. Would be nice if someone could fix that.

PC Overheat - SparkyRailgun - 04-26-2012

Reinstall FL and Disco.

PC Overheat - ryoken - 04-26-2012

Over heating should do nothing to files. The CPU and Hard drive are 2 completely seperate items. Unless it somehow got hot enough to damage the hard drive's internals, but that would have to be dam hot, as in almost on fire.

PC Overheat - AeternusDoleo - 04-26-2012

Overheating can lead to a crash - that can get files corrupted. First do a scan of your harddrive for filesystem corruption. Then delete your FL folder and Disco folder. Reinstall FL. Reinstall Disco.

PC Overheat - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-26-2012

Ban information does show your installation to be corrupted, you will need to do an entire clean and install

PC Overheat - Nicolas - 04-27-2012

Thank you.

PC Overheat - Nicolas - 04-27-2012

Seems two of my accounts are still banned because of that crash.
Could someone please fix them?

Just the char names

PC Overheat - Enoch - 04-27-2012

You shouldn't post the account keys on the forums.
The Admins can locate the accounts just with the character names.

PC Overheat - SparkyRailgun - 04-27-2012

Hey, maybe Satan WANTED all his characters stolen.

PC Overheat - Nicolas - 04-27-2012

Damn, epic hungover move :lol:.