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Hardest role to play - Printable Version

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Hardest role to play - looqas - 04-20-2008

I don't have enought experience to really tell. Currently I have only one and that it a trader. I'm thinking of creating a new char, but I don't want to go the real deep end yet.. I'm under the impression that trader is a very good char to start with and learn the ropes. So what should be my second char roleplaying-wise?

Hardest role to play - Tubalcaine - 04-20-2008

I'd say Terrorist. Not in the form of a Xeno or something, but a stand-alone 'Terrorist ID' Terrorist.

Being a Terrorist isn't about blowing up lawfuls and unlawfuls all the time, you have to have a reason, a solid, respectable RP reason to have a Terrorist ID. Most people who could get their hands on an ID like that would abuse it to hell and back soley for the purpose of PVP, and for that reason you have to ask for one, ans it cannot simply be bought.

Hardest role to play - Linkus - 04-20-2008

For most people, I'd say Police. You can't go off shooting things on sight like the military can. You have to deal with the rampant unlawfuls and pretty much constant abuse from people. Terrorists, although needing to have great RP, can always disapear for a while. If the police disapear, the people start asking where they have gone, why they have no protection etc.
Even take it into real life, the police has a lot more hassle than the military does on their home turf. Walk into a police station, thats ok. Walk into an army barracks, not as ok.

Traders would be the easiest I think. Bounty hunters are restricting themselves with bounties etc. Mercenaries are also restricting themselves somewhat, though I would say this is the second - easiest.

Hardest role to play - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-20-2008

I agree with Tubalcaine. Unlike the Xenos, Terrorists have to have their own story, their own cause. The ID would be a pvper's dream, so its restricted accordingly.

However, I think that mercenaries are also hard to roleplay. They have possible the most lenient ID in terms of equipment and ship. This can lead to abuse, or roleplay.
Also the bounty system sadly isn't utilised that often, in fact Robert's bounty list only consists of 5 or so names. If it was used more, we'd have more in-rp mercenary attacks compared to the "i killed x, can i get pay so the kill was legal"attitude that's around.

Hardest role to play - Jihadjoe - 04-20-2008

Gotta be terrorist. The temptation to just pvp everyone to hell must be huge.

And Robert, who does that? Kill someone then look for justification, what the hell kinda merc would do that?

My merc, despite being a murderous bastard, at least tries to cover that up with a contract. He enjoys killing, but won't do it unless someone has paid him to. I currently have a long term contract with the AW, which would, if I could get in game right now (damn real life...) be his dream come true...

Pirates are hard to RP properly. For instance, when joining the outcasts, do you want to
A. pirate traders
B. Be part of a military group
C. smuggle...

the options go on.

No one likes a "2milz or die" pirate, and that is what most people sem to do... having said that, I've seen some pretty dire policing as well..

Hardest role to play - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-20-2008

I've seen lots of mercenaries do it. No notable ones, just some from the drift-in crowd that Discovery gets.

Pirating is easy in my opinion, all the pirating factions have set rp guidelines that give you a place to start. Pirate ID... Well, that's a whole other story.

Hardest role to play - chopper - 04-20-2008

I'd say pirate. But a real pirate, not the 'lul pay or ban' one.
I played a Xeno as well, and it was more fun then hard to RP. It depends on your behavior, how hard it will be.

Hardest role to play - mjolnir - 04-20-2008

Police is most difficult in my eyes followed by Military...

as police every pirate tries to kill you...smugglers try to pass by.. and OOC chat + messed id/tag/ships/weapons are your main enemy every time...

facing all this.. you are in a LF that can get wasted any second.

Comming with new and new in RP responses to ooC answers all the time while excepting to die... and also while nobody (Transport, GB and up) takes you serious because you are in a small ship and can't move their shield that's hard..

but.. you can always say that it's too much for police and leave (LPI;)).. saying it's job for millitary.. millitary can't leave the area with honor... but they are at least in VHFs also.

All the other roles.... you can simply not say anything and leave the area if you encounter some of the ooc mess or BHG caps hunting you around.

Or in short:

as Police/ Military you are constantly on defense having things thrown at you, also you are responsible for something, in all other roles you can pick your own situations.

Hardest role to play - Raekur - 04-20-2008


Hardest role to play - Etaphreven - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:So far I think I have encountered 4 Terrorists. Only 1 attempted any RP while the other 3 just attacked without so much of a " the way...."

And the purpose of this post is? You want to flame someone? Go somewhere else. If not, then answer the question, don't post stuff not related to the thread.

Anyway, on the topic of 'hardest to roleplay', I'd have to pick Terrorist aswell. Just look at what Mon'Star did... *rolls eyes*