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Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - Printable Version

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Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-29-2012

ID: Sir Markus Aquinas - Undersecretary for Communications, MP for Inverness
[Image: 52bbe7914a81bc63cb933f5d8ec5.jpg]
Ministry of Communication-GCHQ

BE IT SO NOTED THAT ARTICLE F-R-2 of the Bretonian Armed Forces Charter, has been enacted.

All BAF/ BPA/ BIS/ and Civilian Vessels are ordered to observe the FR2 protocols in accordance with an emergency session of Parliament which authourized the classification of the 13th Northern Fleet as Dangerous Rebels, who are acting contrary to the wishes of Her Majesty, her adviser the Duke of Norfolk, the Prime Minister, and the collective will of Whitehall.

Pursuant to law the 13th Task Force, or Northern Fleet is ordered to surrender immediately to the nearest Officer of the Bretonian Military or Police forces. Failure to do so will result in their immediate arrest.

The Officers and Men of the 13th Fleet have 24 hours in which to surrender to the authourities to stand GENERAL COURTSMARTIAL, the board of which will be presided over by the Duke of Norfolk himself.

The Articles of War are in effect, and Treason is punishable by Spacing.

Quote:Article 6: No person in the fleet shall receive an enemy or rebel with money, victuals, powder, shot, arms, ammunition, or any other supplies whatsoever, directly or indirectly, upon pain of death, or such other punishment as the court martial shall think fit to impose, and as the nature and degree of the crime shall deserve.

Admiral Black is to be arrested forth with, and brought before a courtsmartial of no less than Five ranking officers, THREE CAPTAINS, ONE COMMODORE, and ONE ADMIRAL, wherein he shall be tried for his myriad of treasons against the crown.

Clemency shall be granted to members of the 13th who surrender within 24 hours, brining ships and equipment with them, each of them publically renouncing affiliation and ties to the Traitor Black!

This declaration has been signed by Parliament, passed through the Lords, and witnessed by Her Majesty.

For the Good of the Realm,

Bretonia shall Prevail

Under Secretary for Communications
MP for Inverness

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - Black Widow - 04-29-2012

This Declaration has been based on a WHIM and without proper dialogue between our parties.

You DECLARE us ROGUES for selling a Cloak to a Liberty Navy Ship, have you been on the Frog Wine this morning! ?

Last I heard the Liberty Navy were our allies or am I wrong?

I am cross refrencing this channel with what seems to be the cause of the problem!:;#entry1759152

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - arvg - 04-29-2012

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: norfolkciv.png]

I am adding the charge of Breaching the Omega-3 treaty to the list of charges.

You will surrender, Admiral Black, and once you do, face a courtsmartial, where upon you can make your case, and if you are found not guilty you will be reinstated to your position. However, considering you yourself are recorded as stating this:

' Wrote:We Sold the Cloak to a LNS Ship "USS~Thanatos" a Liberty Navy ID Carrier, if I am not mistaken the Liberty Navy are our Allies

An Admission of guilt, directly, I must advise you to prepare for the worst.

We will not tolerate any breach of the law!
Long Live the Queen!
In Service to her Majesty,
[Image: Norfolk.png]
The Duke of Norfolk
Fleet Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - Black Widow - 04-29-2012

I have done nothing wrong and this charge is unfair, I will not subseed to a court marshal as thats going to far

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - Black Widow - 04-30-2012

I accept this court marshal and hereby do stand before you humbly to answer any charges, that are brought before me and I would also like to prepare my case for defense.

Awaiting Further Orders

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - arvg - 04-30-2012

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: norfolkciv.png]

Thank you for doing the honourable thing,

there are times when actions precipitate responses, and people are forced to do things through duty that they might not want to do. But now this is a matter for the Courtsmartial board, that will be announced by days end.

Be prepared.

In Service to her Majesty,
[Image: Norfolk.png]
The Duke of Norfolk
Fleet Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - Deneth Aleski - 04-30-2012


PRIORITY: [color=#3366FF]Highest
ENCRYPTION: Secure - Visible to channel (Protocol 7-TR)
IDENTIFICATION: Admiral Deneth Aleski



Be it noted that a formal Courtsmartial Board will be established and called upon to convene on this Thirtieth day of the Fourth month of the Eight-hundred nineteenth Year after Arrival in Sirius (30th of April 819 A.S.).


The Courtsmartial Board will be given the Royal Mandate and Prerogative to establish the Facts and enable Justice in regards to violations committed to Article F-R-2 of the Bretonian Armed Forces Charter by the entity formally known as the "13th Northern Fleet".

As per judiciary protocol regarding the Courtsmartial process, any executive decision produced by a Courtsmartial process can be challenged only by Her Majesty the Queen of Bretonia and God Himself through means He alone knows.


The Courtsmartial Board designated to establish the Facts and enable Justice in this case will be headed by Bretonian Armed Forces officer Admiral Wilhelm Deneth Aleski (subsequently referred to as "Admiral Deneth Aleski") and will be further composed of a number of additional individuals.

Admiral Deneth Aleski was selected to head the Courtsmartial Board due to the fact that he has had no contact of significance with the 13th Northern Fleet, its leaders or its operatives. It has been determined that his impartiality will suffice in making this process a fair exercise in the restoration of Justice.


All parties involved in this Courtsmartial process will be summoned to the Stateroom of Her Majesty's Ship "Royal Sovereign".


No individual is to interfere with the authority vested in Admiral Deneth Aleski in the proceedings related to this Courtsmartial, with the exception of Her Majesty the Queen of Bretonia and God Himself through means known to Him alone.

The Bretonian Police Authority, also known as the "BPA" is to ensure a secure and orderly environment conducive to the proper application of judiciary protocol.

For the Good of the Realm,
Bretonia shall Prevail


Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - Black Widow - 04-30-2012

I call upon the Independent LNS Captain of the Liberty Carrier "USS~Thanatos" to give evidence in my name by declaring his name for this court and his affiliation and his rank in the Liberty Navy. I also ask him to confirm what object that was sold to him in the strictest confidence of business.

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - arvg - 04-30-2012

The Prosecution has no objection to the statement from the Captain of the Thanatos being entered into the record, as is, without challenge.

We reserve the right to use said evidence in our prosecution case, however.

Declaration - Bretonian Lawfuls and the 13th - arvg - 04-30-2012

ID: Lt-Commander McBain
[Image: 928_ltCmdMcBain.jpg]
Crown Prosecutor

My Lord's, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

I have been so diligently charged by the Bailey to represent the Crown in this heinous matter, to ensure the Queen's justice is swift and sure against the accused.

The Prosecution is preparing its list of charges, and will present them to the court on the morrow.

Admiral Garibaldi, as well, will be called to the stand for her professional Opinion into the matter. I am sure Bun-bun will make short work out of this Admiral Black.

Until the Morrow,
