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Fafnir + Cloaks - Knjaz - 04-29-2012

Is it intentional that Fafnir, and quite some SHFs and heavy bombers can't use cloaking devices, due to amount of cargo they have? And if it's not, is it possible to scale down the amount of cargo on those?

After all, all of them are significantly bigger then your average fighter/bomber, and without CMs they will be quite vulnerable to double missiles in fleet fights.

Fafnir + Cloaks - Lunaphase - 04-29-2012

these things arent meant to go on snubs. they were intended for larger transports and capital ships.

Fafnir + Cloaks - dodike - 04-29-2012

Ye but why?

Fafnir + Cloaks - Tommeh - 04-29-2012

' Wrote:these things arent meant to go on snubs. they were intended for larger transports and capital ships.

Not sure I am following, fighters can mount them, cause they are useless if you want to have Universal armor 8 VHF with cloak, but on bombers where they might be bit more useful cause of bigger cargo space, they can't be mounted?
How does that make sense, if they weren't mean for snubs, then why do you put them ingame in first place?
This is one of the philosophies I don't understand, putting something ingame, just so it's there, but making it useless so it's just for show off.

Fafnir + Cloaks - Toaster - 04-29-2012

Considering the Fafnir is huge it oughta be able to use a cloak. That way, that huge, slow, easy to hit, thing could be used as a sort of... cloaked strike bomber?

Ye know what I mean?

Fafnir + Cloaks - AeternusDoleo - 04-29-2012

Problem is that the ships right now don't have proper mass values - to base what can use what of. Changing this is a BIG job, which may be done somewhere in 4.87. So the cargo space value is used instead... Not sure what the exact cutoff is though.

Fafnir + Cloaks - Klaus Lange - 04-29-2012

' Wrote:Problem is that the ships right now don't have proper mass values - to base what can use what of. Changing this is a BIG job, which may be done somewhere in 4.87. So the cargo space value is used instead... Not sure what the exact cutoff is though.

Do not forget about my belowed Mjolnir, cloak in my work could be very helpful;)


Fafnir + Cloaks - Knjaz - 04-30-2012

' Wrote:Problem is that the ships right now don't have proper mass values - to base what can use what of. Changing this is a BIG job, which may be done somewhere in 4.87. So the cargo space value is used instead... Not sure what the exact cutoff is though.

Well, I was talking merely about the amount of cargo space on SHFs and some heavy bombers.
It won't hurt anyone to reduce their cargo space to cloak-acceptable 120, will it?

For example (just an example), hessians now have an access to cloak capable 2CD/T, 1CD bomber, that gives them a good edge in the hit'n'run fleet combat tactic. That's a very powerful thing.
Fafnir, on the other side, cannot use cloak. (yes, it's heavier then thor - and it makes it even harder to escape from snubs on your tail)

' Wrote:these things arent meant to go on snubs. they were intended for larger transports and capital ships.

I'm sorry, but Mk1 is meant for snubs, and is very effective on, say, bombers or fighters with good amount of cargo space (Manta, Wasupu)