Discovery Gaming Community
Moderator Notice: Account Tempbanned 48h - Printable Version

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Moderator Notice: Account Tempbanned 48h - ProwlerPC - 04-30-2012

Account name: Spazzymama
Duration: [color=#33CC00]48h

Rules: 3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

What's the point with this one? No really?

Moderator Link:

Moderator Notice: Account Tempbanned 48h - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-01-2012

Account status set to indefinite ban.