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SOLVED - Account lost - Printable Version

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SOLVED - Account lost - Pacificator - 05-02-2012


Hi everyone,

It's been few months ('bout 2 or 3) I haven't been in game. I don't remeber how long is the delay before your account are deleted but it seems i cannot access mine now. Disco launcher can't find anything and the game creates a new account on starting multiplayer mode, wich is normally bad sign.

The last updates have been installed ok. My config hasn't changed (no OS re install).

Please please please, is there a way i can have them back ? I have all account ID available... There was a bunch of ships there, 6 diferent account, lotta money, lotta time.... I really hope it isn't a permanent delete.

Yours in anxiety,


SOLVED - Account lost - Stoat - 05-02-2012

They'll need some ship names to let you know one way or another

SOLVED - Account lost - bloogaL - 05-02-2012

Ship deletion due to inactivity time is 6 months so it's probably something else.

SOLVED - Account lost - Pacificator - 05-03-2012

Ah, I got it.

I am using a different user on a different session under win XP, so their is propably something missing from one session to the other.

Does someone knows what ? Do I have to rz install the game under my new session and user ?

SOLVED - Account lost - Veygaar - 05-03-2012

Give the admins a few ship names on the account, and they will try to help you with /movechar codes as best they can.

So to break it down for you:

1: Give some shipnames on the accounts to an admin
2: Give them plenty of time to sort it out, they're busy fellas
3: Move your ships to a new account when/if you get the new codes


SOLVED - Account lost - SparkyRailgun - 05-03-2012

' Wrote:Ah, I got it.

I am using a different user on a different session under win XP, so their is propably something missing from one session to the other.

Does someone knows what ? Do I have to rz install the game under my new session and user ?

Freelancer generates account IDs using the Windows Account logged in.
If you only had one account, and weren't using FLAM, your account is now lost.
As people have mentioned already, ship names are required to move them.

SOLVED - Account lost - Pacificator - 05-03-2012

Problem solved, that's what i though.

<strike>Thanks Veyggar, I appreciated. But I do not think it is an out of game delay deletion, as it sure is less than 6 months.

I wont bother the admin until i am sure that only they can sort it out.

The problem - I think - is that FL and the Discovery Launcher were installed and updated on a certain XP session of windows, and this session being crashed, me using another new one, therein lies our problem.

Here is the error message the Disco Laucher gives me :

"system.NullreferenceException : La référence d'objet n'est pas definie à une instance d'un objet.
à FreelancerLaucher.DiscoveryLaunchpadDlg.loadAccountStatus(Boolean supressError)

(approx translation is : Object's reference isn't set to an objetc instance.
at FreelancerLaucher.DiscoveryLaunchpadDlg.loadAccountStatus(Boolean supressError)

Whaddyouthink ?

I'm gonna link this question to Jongleur, the Disco laucher designer.

Thanks for your time anyway.</strike>

SOLVED - Account lost - SparkyRailgun - 05-03-2012

As a note, you can still get those characters back, admins willing.
Just make sure to back up your account files somewhere off your PC. (Dropbox, email it to yourself, etc)