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KNF Secondary Fleet- Patrol and Order - Printable Version

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KNF Secondary Fleet- Patrol and Order - viragons - 05-02-2012

[Image: kusari-1-1.png]

Kusari Naval Forces HQ
resender: 66th.Division KNF
Kansai Research Station

KNF and 66th Division KNF, after a given time for the registration of the secondary fleet KNF publishes:

Registered ships IKN:

1- IKN|-Toyota - Kusari Naval Forces Battleship class vessel
2- KDS-Yahagi (formerly IKN-Yahagi) - Kusari Gunboat
3- IKN|-Ajvar - Kusari Naval Forces Destroyer class vessel
4- IKN|-Pendrekman - Kusari Naval Forces Gunboat class vessel
5- IKN-Furea.Taiyou - Kusari Naval Forces Battleship class vessel
6- Yukikaze - Kusari Naval Forces Destroyer class vessel--MIA
7- Kamikaze - Kusari Naval Forces Battlecruiser class vessel--MIA
8- KDS-Miyakojima - Kusari Naval Forces Battlecruiser class vessel
9- IKN-Saito.Hagakure - Kusari Naval Forces Battleship class vessel
10- Saito`Benkei - Kusari Naval Forces Destroyer class vessel
11- IKN-Hisoyaka - Kusari NAval Forces Destroyer class vessel
12- Minamoto.No.Tametomo - Kusari Naval Forces Bomber class vessel
13- IKN-Teiko`suru - Kusari Naval Forces Battlecruiser class vessel

These ships have unlimited access to the complete technology, technical support, logistic support, and all the tactical and technical achievements, which in the future be upgrading on all ships of the KNF. Also have the right to support in the patrol, and are also obliged to respond to any emergency signal from the KNF / KSP, as well as to combat act in accordance with the Kusari Code, on any threat of internal or external enemies who are trying to overthrow or disturb law, and honor of Kusari.

In the accordance with this, KNF Command HQ and 66th division KNF, opening this channel for any report, notification of irregularities, or any noticed violations of the Code by a third party. And Also to establish a joint command and speedier transfer orders between KNF Fleet and KNF secondary fleet.

Commanders of ships, feel free to use this channel, do it in the interest of a joint command and easier to establish the chain of command and joint action, to maintain the honor and spirit of the law in our Kusari.

[Image: KNF_66_3_copy.png]

IKN Raport - Camtheman - 07-05-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Kyushu

[Image: plana.png]


What a busy day...

I was requisiting some fuel for the Superbass' cloaking device aboard Sapporo Station in Hokkaido when I recieved a notifcation about a large Blood Dragon force in New Tokyo, already under scruitiny (with plasma... of course) by numerous allied Bombers and several fighters.

Once I arrived in New Tokyo, the crew activated our cloaking device and we went in to the reported skirmish location. Contacts suddenly flooded our scanners.


Two Blood Dragon Battleships, a blood dragon bomber as well as other accompanying minor forces. Our heavy armor upgrade mark eight had not come from the Central Armory yet, so naturally we toyed with the Dragon ships, even speaking over comms.

They soon took notice and fled about 10-20k to nearly directly above the New Tokyo star. Our allied [KNF] and [KSP] forces began bombarding the lesser armored' Togo with Supernova shots as well as the occasional Nova torpedo. I relayed to my wingmen that I was lightly armored and could not charge the feeble Dragon capital ships. We stayed back untill our cloaking device ran out of fuel at around 10k range from the battle, waiting for our time to strike.


The lesser armored Togo was downed in no time and the bomber force began picking away at the much more heavily armored ship. I moved the Superbass closer to the lone Dragon Battleship to begin missle barrages, far out of range of his primary turrets. The ship had nearly cracked in half before the cowardly Dragon captain tried to escape from our glorious forces... evidently heading toward the Hokkaido Jump Gate. We had forces intercept at the gate just in case, but luckily the ship was disrupted far from plausible escape.


Once again we began our missle barrage as had the allied Bombers began firing Nova salvos at the crumbling battleship, it lost at least one of its fighter defense turrets due to our withering fire.

Eventually, it succombed to the will of Kusari's mighty forces.


During this battle a Golden Crysanthemum came and taunted the idling capital ships and bombers with prickling words of a feeble woman confused and, most likely, high on cardimine...

We thought nothing of it and the feminist never came beyond 10k range to our ships... The Lady Red one day will also succomb to my will...

Not long after, another Dragon, this time a fighter, leisurely sauntered past Narita as if headed toward a picnic, right in front of the eyes of myself, a Komainu-class Battlecruiser that also assisted with the Togo assault, several bombers and several fighters. He was dispatched easily by the fighter wing.

After this never-ceasing excitement and adrenaline of battle, I decided to station at Planet New Tokyo for a while, when this came upon me...


The Kusari State Police's mobile command Battlecruiser.

Quite a rare sight, and welcome at that, to wrap up the day...

Isuzu Kintano
Captain of the KNS-Superbass

// OOC Note: Someone should probably change this topic's name as well as the original post's content as we are no longer an empire...

IKN Raport - Camtheman - 07-06-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Yokohama Shipyard, New Tokyo

[Image: plana.png]

Konnichiwa, Comrades!

What a glorious day for Kusari!

First, my day began with a call for assistance if I was not particularly busy from the Kusari State Police who were having trouble with an Outcast Tridente Gunship pirating their supply convoys directly outside of the Honshu -> New Tokyo gate. A Kusari State Police Gunboat as well as a snub was on the scene, but when we completed our jump the feeble Tridente Captain probably soiled himself as he thrusted away from my ship as fast as his ship would carry him. He soon turned to face us, when we released our combined hellstorms he ran for good away from Kusari space.


Then, we were passing through New Tokyo when a State Police Bomber was under verbal assault from the honorless Dragons and a Golden Crysanthemum as well. Luckily we were cloaked at the time due to moving sensitive political prisoners to Fuchu Prison. When we deactivated the device, the enemies of Kusari were visibly intimidated, moving quickly away from us. More fighter support arrived and they took it from there.

Not long later, a Blood Dragon Cruiser appeared on scanners from the New Tokyo star's direction, pausing at 14k distance, and after some talk about how honorless it's Captain was, foolishly ventured into range, believeing it could take advantage of us. HAH! Arrogant Dragons.

We unleashed hell upon it with assistance from several Kusari State Police bombers keeping its cruise engines at bay and bombarding it relentlessly with Nova torpedos.


With a gaggle of countermeasure flares, it escaped momentarily... but then a well-placed Nova torpedo destroyed its thruster and it took the full brunt of a missle salvo.


This was a glorious victory in of itself. I will never miss a chance to put a Dragon in his place.

The Kusari State Police continued with supporting fighter's that tried to stall and dull our glorious assault upon their lone Cruiser. The battle soon drifted to near-directly above Yokohama Shipyard. Our Secondary weapons gunners started to chip away at the nimble, yet flismy, Dragon fighters when suddenly the Dragon's flagship appeared...

I felt slight anxiety at the sight of something that could possibly dent our hull, but then I was reasurred by the constant prescence of the Kusari State Police's bomber squadron... They quickly refilled on Nova Torpedos at Yokohama while I was being 'chased' by the Flagship and an accompanying bomber and fighter compliment, feigning fear. If they were truly experienced, they'd have a clue that Kusari Captains know no fear.

Once it arrogantly cruised within 2-3k range, suicide for a ship it's size going up against something as large, grand, and proud as the Superbass, we opened fire with all of our might as it strained turning so its front faced away from the glaring might of our ship's turrets. We avoided a large amount of its fire, so much so that we only used around 1400 emergency hull repair nanobots, with the entirety of Shield restoration batteries being unused during the battle. The Kusari State Police's bomber squadron assaulted the insignifficant Togo-class with their harsh Nova torpedos, not to mention their snub forces keeping the Blood Dragon's single bomber at bay.

The Dragon leader didn't stand a chance. The arrogant, apparently short-statured fellow declared he was 'here to claim his prize' at the beginning of the battle.

He is correct in one thing... the Superbass is a treasure, one that is filled with deadly, deadly traps to keep its suitors at the entrance, sparing none who try to swindle it's glory.



Sayonara to a valorous day,
and Sayonara to courageous, dedicated wingmen.

Isuzu Kintano,
Captain of the KNS-Superbass

IKN Raport - Camtheman - 07-07-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo

[Image: plana.png]

Konnichiwa, comrades.

Today was much more 'relaxing' than the previous action packed escopades.

I was headed to do some combat situations in the C.O.N.N.E.T.I.C.U.T. Simulator, when I recieved a call from the Kusari State Police that a Blood Dragon Togo was in New Tokyo causing trouble.

By the time I hastily exited the simulator and reboarded my ship, the lowly Togo ran to Kyushu, just outside of the asteroid field south of the Kyushu -> New Tokyo jump gate. A single Dragon fighter accompanyed the capital ship.

Several allied snubnose ships of various classes were already on the scene, and an allied KNF battleship was also heading to the scene. The Dragon didn't respond to our calls for him to surrender his ship to our forces so we wouldn't have to quickly reduce it to rubble, but after several static bursts from the ship, it attacked the other Kusari Battleship on the scene, not even a potshot at us.

It's turrets were quickly silenced.


Dragon must've been drunk to attack such a large, glorious fleet such as the one we assembled.


Isuzu Kintano
Captain of the KNS-Superbass

IKN Raport - Camtheman - 07-20-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo

[Image: plana.png]

Konnichiwa, fellow Comrades.

Another busy day.

Or was it yesterday? All of our days are busy... after a while they start to... run together.

Either today... or yesterday...

a known Blood Dragon Cruiser appeared on our scanners on the fringes of its effective range just outside of Planet New Tokyo's defense grid.

Not long after, a KNF Battlecruiser encountered the full force of the feeble dragon-minifleet near Yokohama Shipyard.

Two Dragon cruisers and a single fighter.

We mobilized immediately, moving to assist the battlecruiser under seige.

When we arrived, the Battlecruiser was already quite heavily damaged, and was dragging the Blood Dragons out of our effective missle range, I implored its captain to bring it back but it appeared his cause was lost anyway, charging into battle like a true warrior. Luckily, we scooped up all of the Komainu's pods before the Dragons could defile them.

They began to attempt to hammer us with their misguided forward guns, none hitting enough even to touch our hull. Hah. Dragons. For all of their macho honor talk, they still cannot aim...

Soon, a KSP Bomber and another Komainu came to assist us, this Battlecruiser stayed quite near to us, allowing our missles to have quite an effect. We concentrated our fire on one Cruiser, and before long it popped like a graduation-party balloon, while our Bomber was busy fending off the lone Dragon fighter.

The Komainu charged the now-solo Dragon cruiser, while we barraged it from afar with our missles. Eventually it capitulated as well.

Unfortunately, some idiot down in engineering had disabled our guncameras... sadly this battle will only be remembered by our souls...

Isuzu Kintano,

IKN Raport - Camtheman - 07-28-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo

[Image: plana.png]

Konnichwa, fellow servants of the Republic.

A pretty average day, for once.

First, a Zoner Cruiser undocked right in front of us from Planet New Tokyo's moor system...

It quickly saw us, and cruised away. I gave chase as well as a single KSP Destroyer, eventually catching up to it in an asteroid field. It said nothing back to us after our numerous calls to halt, cut their engines and allow us to board them... so... we did what we had to.


Not long later, a Blood Dragon Battleship was reported in Hokkaido by an allied trader, so naturally we gathered our forces and went to investigate.

The Battleship moored on a station, escaping our grasp, for now.... However, a Dragon fighter undocked, and we chased it into Kyushu where our snub forces began whitling it down to nothing.

Another Dragon Katana came to join the fray, versus our force of several snubs, a KSP Gunboat, and of course, our Battleship. The dragons actually thought they could destroy our Gunboat in their feeble fighters!

Naturally, it didn't work out that way at all. One of the fighters ran (to secure repairs and come back again... Honorless dragons, hah.) and the other continued but ran toward the Hokkaido hole in Kyushu.

For a few seconds, a Dragon Gunboat and an unknown-shiptype Golden Crysanthemum appeared on far scanners but their signals soon disappated. Not long later, they were intercepted by what I believe was a KNF Destroyer, and both of them were blown to oblivion, much to the relief of our forces.

Battle records, in no particular order.




IKN Raport - Camtheman - 08-01-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo

[Image: plana.png]

Whew, what a day, comrades!

Nothing doing for a while, except for a single Blood Dragon fighter, that, when confronted, cowardly attacked one of our bombers that we had stationed near Yokohama and nearly destroyed it. Luckily, the bomber pilot had his wits about him.

The Dragon fled after it was hammered by an allied KSP Gunboat. We saw some suspicious contacts in Hokkaido, possibly gathering forces to assault us, as a known Dragon Battleship was among them.

They did not move at all, however as we recieved reports of Outcast capital ships in Kyushu.

They could not infringe on our soverignety forever, so we went to investigate. Right at the gate, one of them uncloaked and escaped in mid conversation with us.

Rude Outcast scum.

Back on the New Tokyo side, another Ransuer uncloaked and began to whittle us down. However, we were not about to commit sepukku. We activated cruise and our cloaking device and fled to Shinjinku and quickly laoded emergency repair bots onto our ship and rejoined the two KSP Bombers and single KSP Gunboat engaging the force of two medium-armored cloaking Ransuers, as well as a rather incompetent Sabre class fighter.

While we were going to rejoin the battle, a Komainu class Battlecruiser came to assist, but its pilot must've been just out of the academy as the ship foolishly charged the two Ransuers and was quickly destroyed. While the bombers were clobbering the first Ransuer we chased back through the gate from Kyushu to New Tokyo, and the gunboat was tieing down the fighter, the second Ransuer that tried to ambush us turned toward us.


Normally, we would speed away from an anti-captial armament battleship, but this one was lightly armored and I felt I could handle it. We exchanged missles, a single Outcast missle impacted our hull throughout the entire barrage while several of ours impacted the Ransuers hull.

Eventually, we brought our ship to bear and unloaded hellfire on the Ransuer. It matched us for several seconds, but as its powergenerators overheated, the fire subsided to a dull roar. In the end, we triumphed.


We sustained medium-heavy damage from the Outcast onslaught, we returned to Shinjinku for the 2nd time and used the last of their emergency repair bots and returned for a final time to assist the bombers that had slowly been picking away at the main Ransuer. During this time an [KNF] Fighter arried and ahniliated the Sabre with a well placed mine. With us cruising up on them, bombers clobbering them and their time running out, the main Ransuer cloaked and escaped to Tau-23, the cowards...



Isuzu Kintano

IKN Raport - Camtheman - 08-09-2012

Incoming Transmission
Adress: Kusari Naval Forces Central Reporting
Sender: Captain Isuzu Kintano
Location: KNS-Superbass, Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo

[Image: plana.png]

What a succesful day!

I gained word of a large battle in Hokkaido, so I activated our MOX-Fueled Cloaking Device and headed in system.

Quite a lot of dragon fighters.

When a random Dragon Gunboat arrived on the scene, I ordered my missle gunners to fire...

and victory was achieved. The gunboat, and an additional Dragon Fighter were caught in the blast.

Unfortunately, two of our alied fighters were also caught in the blast.

Luckily only their ships were destroyed, although I'm not entirely sure if they were injured or not. Both parties scattered after our valorous act.


Isuzu Kintano

RE: IKN Raport - AeternusDoleo - 11-13-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Hyu Taisu, commanding officer, KDS-Furea.Taiyou
To: Kusari Defense Forces, command reporting channel
Subject: Status report
Encryption: Standard Kusari Military


Our refit at Yokohama is now complete, transponders and encryption protocols updated to the latest standards. What are our current orders and deployment requirements? With the conclusion of our brief and heavy conflict with Gallia, the need for active warships such as the Furea seems less pressing. We do not wish to waste Kusari's resources needlessly by patrolling systems when one of our destroyers could do such with less then a quarter of the fuel costs.

In essence, I require an update on our standing orders. Are there any zones of that could benefit from the presence of a heavy vessel?

- Hyu Taisu, commander, KDS-Furea.Taiyou

**** Transmission Closed ****

RE: IKN Raport - Yaoquizque - 11-15-2012

[Image: KusariDragon.png]


We currently give a special attention to three areas.

+ The galactic north :

The terrorist organizations such as the Golden Chrysanthemum and the Blood Dragons appear to be quiet. It most certainly means those criminals are preparing something. On the other hand, the failed attempt to take over the former Naval Forces base in Tohoku system lead the Kempeitai to take an active interest to the threat coming from the Omicrons.

The new head of the primary fleet, Nagata Yuri, is favorable to increasing our presence in Rishiri and Nagano. The disposal of an heavy unit in those system would increase our patrols range.

+ Honshu administrative quadrant :

The Emperor's decision to go against the GMG during the Kurile crisis made our relations with this entity worse. While we do not believe GMG could threaten Kusari interests, i personally doubt their paramilitary can successfully mitigate the Outcast presence in the Sigmas.

So far, the GMG seems to be unwilling to negotiate a new treaty with Kusari, thus making our job difficult by not being able to venture in Sigmas.

The role of Kansai isn't to serve as an head quarter. Having your men there could help us to keep Honshu civilians safe.

+ Tau border :

Our relations with Gallia are good for now. We must however stay vigilant. I personally don't trust them too much.

As you may know, we now have an agreement with Gallia allowing us to patrol in Tau 23. Many criminals are based there.

Keiretsus seem to have found lucrative routes between Gallia and Kusari.
We are bound to protect the convoy and to prevent criminals from venturing in Kyushu system.

As a final note, i'd like to ask you to be attentive in order to gather as many intel as you can regarding the fate of Takahashi Mikako, our former leader, who disappeared in the Taus not so long ago.

I won't give you directives, commander, trusting you will take the best decision regarding your assignment.

Shall you remain true to your ideals.

Sakamoto Ryoma,
New Tokyo.