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A newcomer appears - Printable Version

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A newcomer appears - Xendaarle - 05-03-2012

Hello there, space persons.

First of all, please allow me to introduce myself.
Known as Valen Tissenoir, I have been exploring the depths of space since 2005.
Well, maybe that's a bit too much of hero-intro-thing.

I have played Freelancer quite much several years ago, when I was still 11 to 14 years old. I must say that I really enjoyed playing this game (solo campaign and LAN server only, but there was already so much to do), especially the freedom in player's choices and actions, and the wide range of spaceships and weapons.

A couple of months ago, I heard about a "possibly upcoming" space opera called Infinity.
(You might want to check this out, it looks promising : ... I also hope it's not forbidden to post a link to another game, as I can't seem to find a forum rules thread)
After checking some videos, it somehow reminded me of "that awesome space game I played during my childhood". Investigating quite much along with old friends of mine, we found in an old dresser the legendary box : "Freelancer"... "Dans l'univers, tout est possible".
That's right, french version. (I'm french, obviously e.e)

After some (short) googling, I ended up on this website :
I then searched for some videos on youtube, and I must admit they were breath-taking.
Discovery looked like a great mod, often updated, including pretty massive multiplayer on some servers (including this one), tons of new areas to explore, dozens of new ships and weaponry to discover, wield or fear, and a huge community.

I felt excited as a kid in a toy store about installing this mod and playing online. Unfortunately, I read that I needed a "clean, vanilla install of the english version of the game", or something like that.
After a single look at the little sentence : "Dans l'univers, tout est possible", my hopes were gone. I felt disappointed enough to give up on installing discovery. I also had to prepare for exams at the time. Starting to play at this time would have been a bad idea after all.

And now, here I am. The 4.86 update seems to support other languages, and also seems to work with my Freelancer install. Even if sometimes I read english and listen to french at the same time, or even listen to frenglish, it's still quite enjoyable.
As of now, I have only been playing singleplayer open-world (You cant even imagine how much time it took me to figure out the shield thing. I've been feeling stupid afterwards.)

I successfully passed my most important exams, and still have one more to pass, but this one should be easy. (In France, only 50% is required to pass)
I decided to play through the whole vanilla freelancer game again, in order to get the story, factions etc... back in my head (it's been more than 4 years since I stopped playing FL).

Meanwhile, I registered on the Discovery Gaming Community forum, and have been roaming around a bit in order to understand how things work here, and to be off a good start when I'll finally jump in.

I also have to apologize for my unsatisfying english. I know I'm not good at grammar, I often make mistakes, and I beg you to forgive me for these. (Also, telling me what the good sentence is would probably be a plus, and I'd be thankful for that e.e)

Wishing you the best, and hoping to see you around,

A newcomer appears - William Frederick Cody - 05-03-2012

Welcome, dear customer.:D

A newcomer appears - DarthBindo - 05-03-2012

Mate, that's some bloody great english. Trust me, you'll be fine.
As for faction lore and history, Discovery is set twenty years in the future from vanilla, and a lot of stuff has changed.
If you want to find out about Disco lore, i.e what we've added to the factions and taken away in roleplay, I'd suggest logging into the server and going around reading infocards at bases and stuff.
You can also find players here who would be more than happy to give you a run down on the lore and roleplay of their favorite faction. For instance, if you wanted to know more about the Discovery version of the Mollys, the Corsairs, or Itnerspace Commerce, I'd be a great guy to talk to, being heavily involved in those factions.
Above all, never be afraid to ask a question in Flood, or get a clarification on the rules in the Rules section of the Forum, or ask a lore question in General Discussions.
No doubt somebody will come along soon with all the appropriate links to the threads you need to know, if you cant find them on the forums.

A newcomer appears - Veygaar - 05-03-2012

Your english looks great mate. Don't worry about that;)

Here are the rules:

Explore the forum here and enjoy the game. Cheers!

A newcomer appears - Xendaarle - 05-03-2012

Thank you all for the warm welcome.
I have, of course, already read the rules, but thanks again for linking. (These look like ingame rules, and I was wondering if there were any specific forum rules somewhere e.e)
Right now, I am having fun with my blood dragon pals, destroying heavily guarded bases and such. Step by step, I'm remembering the hard times I had a couple of years ago, and I'm enjoying coming back to these places, with better reflexes and overall less reckless behavior, which saves my shield from time to time.
I'm really looking forward to seek and destroy these old nomad friends of mine, and explore a free universe again.

Perhaps will I soon be able to join the multiplayer adventure:)


A newcomer appears - Madvillain - 05-03-2012


A newcomer appears - Madvillain - 05-03-2012


(yes a double welcome)

A newcomer appears - Fifty. - 05-03-2012

Welcome :yahoo:Your English is great,actually,don't worry.

A newcomer appears - r3vange - 05-03-2012

[color=#FFFFFF]Stay away from capital ships and I will love you long time

A newcomer appears - Melander - 05-03-2012

English is definitely great, and it seems you already read the rules and got into a faction!

Try getting a money maker if you have not, you'll need it for indie stuff or if factions don't pay you.