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LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - ryoken - 04-21-2008

Ok this will probly start a flame war, but i am done caring.
I was in my outcast bomber(yes a bad guy) passing through NY going to texas.I did not shoot anything/no contraband/no pirating. Just as i get to the texas JG an LSF fighter comes out of TL and blows me to hell.
I was not moving/did not return fire nothing.He did not tell me leave,warn me i was about to die nothing.
Just BOOM! i was dead,and he left bragging he killed me.(like it is hard to kill a non moving bomber just sitting there) What i want to know is why do police/military ship's get to kill on site with no RP what so ever.
Yes i was outcast but still how is it fun to just kill a motionless ship with no RP.After all this is an RP server.
I am not upset i died, it is the total lack of RP on LSF's part. After a year and a half of playing here, i am truly thinking of leaving.I enjoy RP,but there is non in NY these days, just a swarm of police/military killing anything on sight they find to be "not good" IE any pirate faction/trader's smuggling/even a few neutral's.
NY is now just a big LSF/SA gangbang, not an RP system.You go there with anything but a police tag expect 4 BS's 4 cruiser's and a horde of fighter's to kill u with no RP what so ever.:angry::angry::angry:

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Jihadjoe - 04-21-2008

As has been said elsewhere, it is considered good form to give someone warning that you're about to blow them up, and let them get moving at least beofre you open fire.

However the LSF/SA/whatever are well within their rights to shoot you on sight. They are fighting a rather long and tedious drugs war with the Outcasts, who are a tough enemy to beat, and any kill is a little victory.

However I do think people shoud get a bit of warning before you get shot, although you were in New York and shoulda been expecting it really.

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Serval - 04-21-2008

Honestly, this sort of thing has been pissing me off in NY and surrounding liberty systems lately.

The LSF, LNS, and SA are abusing their power. They're no better than the pirates now, and i'd fully trust a criminal over one of them any day of the week.

They seem to think that, because they have some sort of 'authority', they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, without consequence. I'm not an enemy - i'm a junker, meaning I remain nuetral - yet i've been attacked several times by the above stated groups for doing nothing but floating past manhattan, and currently there is no price on my head, i paid my fines for smuggling and havent done it since.

I think it's time for war. The outcasts, liberty rogues, lane hackers, and our other allies need to rise up and put an end to these corrupt officers who exist only to force their domination on all citizens in liberty space, whether they've done something illegal or not.

Hell I bet we could even get the rheinlanders to assist in such an effort, they've had no love for liberty for quite some time now, and are convinced that liberty is using nomads for military experiments that could cause future harm to their house.

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Mars - 04-21-2008

' Wrote:As has been said elsewhere, it is considered good form to give someone warning that you're about to blow them up, and let them get moving at least beofre you open fire.

However the LSF/SA/whatever are well within their rights to shoot you on sight. They are fighting a rather long and tedious drugs war with the Outcasts, who are a tough enemy to beat, and any kill is a little victory.

However I do think people shoud get a bit of warning before you get shot, although you were in New York and shoulda been expecting it really.

i usually try ot giv a warning but some times we jsut have to much to deal with and we can be blamed for the chaos in NY if every independant pirate with a capship didnt feel the need to come in to Ny it might be less chaotic. i mean there are times where we are under attack from xenos and multiple rouge capital ships ect. and lsf cap ships? we only have a few gbs and most of the time we are in fighters and we cant control the independant caps ships...

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Mars - 04-21-2008

' Wrote:Honestly, this sort of thing has been pissing me off in NY and surrounding liberty systems lately.

The LSF, LNS, and SA are abusing their power. They're no better than the pirates now, and i'd fully trust a criminal over one of them any day of the week.

They seem to think that, because they have some sort of 'authority', they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, without consequence. I'm not an enemy - i'm a junker, meaning I remain nuetral - yet i've been attacked several times by the above stated groups for doing nothing but floating past manhattan, and currently there is no price on my head, i paid my fines for smuggling and havent done it since.

I think it's time for war. The outcasts, liberty rogues, lane hackers, and our other allies need to rise up and put an end to these corrupt officers who exist only to force their domination on all citizens in liberty space, whether they've done something illegal or not.

Hell I bet we could even get the rheinlanders to assist in such an effort, they've had no love for liberty for quite some time now, and are convinced that liberty is using nomads for military experiments that could cause future harm to their house.

um yes your a junker who attacked us and is spamming in system chat about takeing a more active role agaisnt the police and you attacked a police depot ... of course your going to be treated like a criminal

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Linkus - 04-21-2008

Generally, the various Liberty law enforcing powers have a large amount of capital vessels, or at least manage to field a good few of them at the slightest hint of trouble.

Still, it is a busy system with plenty of action. A war would be nice though, might force people out of Liberty a bit. No safe havens inside the houses, easier to go edgeworlds.

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - sn!p3r - 04-21-2008

Right, ryoken.

Was a shoot LSF in the foot post needed? Talk to me about problems with my members next time via PM;), Moving on now, i sorta understand your situation here, Its not very nice to just go kosing people, makes us look like pvp whores which is what im trying not to do.

As for the wonderful, yet annoying junker serval,

Nothing to say to you but have a good day, keeping my cool here. *breathes*;)

EDIT: Oh, and linkus.. if you are referring to LSF, check here

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - DBoy1612 - 04-21-2008

"Cap'n! Der be fla... Ah what's the use...

Anyway, right. First of all let me make it clear that I have no Liberty characters so I could of course be totally wrong on this, but then again I do watch New York quite a bit from my Angels character. From what I see, both sides made a mistake here. The LSF, it's always good to say a couple of words in system before firing. If you don't want them getting away, just fire a CD, not hard. And then Ryoken, for making a topic that will obviously burst in to flames and get locked...

Also, if some are under the impression that the SA/LSF are abusing their powers, it isn't hard to send a simple PM to the leaders asking what's going on. Assuming "Screw em! They're being abusing their powers and being stupid, lets kill em!" isn't the best way to go, because it most cases I've seen, the one yelling that is completely wrong and ends up making an entire idiot of him/herself. Ever been to Rheinland?

Now, for the comment for a war in Liberty? The words "hell no" come to mind. Liberty is whored enough as it is. Not just by hostiles (including ones that shouldn't be there), but the random Liberty/Merc cap ships that hangs around and PvPs for absolutely no reason. Of course forgetting to mention the level 5 starfliers that like ramming everything in view. Bringing even more problems in there won't solve anything, it will just make people angry, including the ones making the attacks in the first place. No point.

My two cents, enjoy.

EDIT: Oh, and something I just noticed. Comment on Rheinland assisting pirates in attacking Liberty? Ya, you'd have to get me fired before that ever happens...:dry:

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Magoo! - 04-21-2008

I too am upset by the gynormous gangbangs that occur from the 'authorites'' lack of skill. I also concurr that braggin about killing a stationary target is stupid and only makes people angry; but usually nobody cares enough to stop it.

However, unless we can convince them to appropriate their RP, this wont solve anything. They will continue their malevolent ways and their supposed 'goodness'.

I'll count the seconds till a lock.

-Edit- That's... Semi-RP, by the way. Not entirely a supportive post of the above rant.

LSF/SA and other"legals" killing no warning? - Boss - 04-21-2008

I know this is about the SA/LSF, but hear the LPI side.

We are victims in this war between Outcasts, Hessians, Corsairs, various Rogues, Xenos, and Hackers and the SA/LSF.

We often get KoS by the aforementioned unlawfuls, all because we have lawful tags. For the record: Jim is level 39. A certain Rogue GB killed Jeff the other day because he had LPI tag/ID/in the name. This was AFTER he hired a merc to try and take me out. Not starting a flamewar here, but after the incident I spoke with the pilot of said GB. The conversation went like this:

He said that I should not have fired; I never scanned anyone's ID.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

He quotes rule 6.6 at me.

I go look it up. He is right about the scanning thing, but he never scanned mine either. He justifies it by telling me I have an LPI tag and it's in my name.

I said this was completely against what he had just said.

He brushed it off.

I was getting a bit mad, as can be understood. I had been twice engaged, once by a merc, who I began shooting at, and then he was joined by a gunboat who started to pummel me. The merc had left and was attacking SA by this time.

This is a long way of saying that the lawfuls have it hard too.