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Addressed to the Bretonian Armed Forces - Printable Version

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Addressed to the Bretonian Armed Forces - Sonja - 05-04-2012

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: Fort Bragg, Planet Manhattan
Encryption: Secure

To whom it may concern;

A while ago, I received an application from one of the Captains in our secondary fleet to relocate his vessel to the Kingdom of Bretonia to act in your defense.

' Wrote:
[font=System]***** Incoming Transmission*****
[font=agency fb][color=#FFFFFF]COMM ID:[color=#99FFFF]Captain Steven Hackett/Battleship Pacifica
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Operation "Ajax"
[Image: Codex_Steven_Hackett.png]
Hackett here, Members of High command I will currently Like to request the Pacifica is be send to bretonia space as a Aid vessel in Combat operations against the Gallic invaders and to take part of Operation Ajax with the soul perpous to hold the Gallics off until more Libretonian Forces become available to be send. We will also provide Information on all gallic equipment that we capture or learn back to you.

The Pacifica will hold its ground and provide Cover fire for LLS units at the Bretonia side and make sure there is a Bretonia for the Liberty Contingent to come save. Commander Angelina Dimitrova already give me clearance but High Command Members are to confirm as well. The Bretonian Admiralty Board will be alerted upon receiving an answer from yourselves. I made sure Commander Dimitova will not allow our presence in Bretonia To endanger the Security in the Colorado system. As well as operations in the Texas system.

Keep me in the loop Hackett out .
[font=System]***** End Transmission*****

[color=#66FFFF]Please consider this application, he seems quite eager to help you out. From my personal experience, Captain Hackett is a trustworthy and level-headed individual who will serve you well fighting by your side. The LNS-Pacifica is a Dreadnought-class warship.

Transmission Terminated

Addressed to the Bretonian Armed Forces - Rubber_Duck - 05-10-2012

**** Establishing Communication Network ****
*** Connecting ... ***
** Link engaged **

* incoming Transmission*

Encryption: high

Hail, Commodore Robinson.

The topic has been forwarded to official governmental channels, while I can tell you that the Bretonian Admiralty does not see any problems about giving out permission to enter Bretonian space for the LNS-Pacifica.

With all due respect, and in everlasting faith of her majesty

Fleet Admiral Lord Hamilton
Admiralty Headquarters, Battleship Harlow, Salisbury system

[Image: hamilton1e.jpg]

* End of Transmission *
** Disconnecting **
*** Disengaging Comm Link ***

**** Signal Lost ****