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To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - Printable Version

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To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-05-2012

[Image: vcrsew.jpg]

[Image: 11qlfus.jpg]

Hey boys.. How's it going?

Been a while since I talked to you in the latter and I do hope things are going well.

As you can tell from my rather...different... appearance, Overwatch wont approve of myself being accepted into the ranks of the Order Primary fleet. No matter how much leeway Jeremy Hunter has as his good friend.

So that brings me to a bit of a dilemma.

You boys looking for another pilot to fit in? It does get a bit lonely operating solo.

With all regards,

[Image: 3448ggn.png]

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - Mercarryn - 05-05-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Ah, hello Agatha, Colonel Davids hier.

It's been a while since we last saw you. Ja, right now, One Four One is doing quite gut, zhe situation for us
is tense though.
Anyway, forget zhe primary fleet. Sometimes zhey don't know zhat zhey do for themselves. *He starts to chuckle* Zhat's why I took
zhe seat in Order High Command to have some positive influence to zhem. I only hope zhis will pay off in future.

Regarding your application to join us, I don't have ein problem with zhat. I already know you since I have joined
zhe Order as a little agent as well so you don't have to got through any...questions. *He smiles* You get mein point?

One thing though. Even if I know you, you will not get any privileges. You wil have to start as ein ensign like
everybody who wants to join our taskforce. Though if you keep up your level of gut work it will pay off within
our unit quite fast.

If you have any other questions, you know how to contact me.



[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - Dave Synk - 05-05-2012

[Image: CerberusNanoBar-Dave.png]

[font=Agency FB]Encryption : [color=#FFFFFF]Cerberus Phalanx
Protocol : Rubicon Class

Greetings, Major Agatha.

Interesting that you made the call towards our group. As you may know, Cerberus is composed of the most unique individuals across Sirius and despite the activity of the Order and other groups, our expansion is beyond the limitations that The Order posses. Currently Cerberus is in various operations across Sirius as always, and having another unique member within our ranks would be rather an asset. I won't go into further details but I will tell you on short, if you want something to exceed your skills in, Cerberus is for you. Consider the proposition well. I expect you will make the right choice *grim*. The choice is yours.

Dave Synk

[Image: CerberusNanoBarBottom.png]

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-05-2012

[Image: vcrsew.jpg]

[Image: 11qlfus.jpg]

My My My.

I bet next you both will be fighting over who buys me a drink first?

Colonel Davis.

With all due respect, I cannot forget about the primary fleet. It was their choice in which spared my life all that time ago and gave me my chance to make something of myself. Gees has it really been almost three years already? I don't mind whats been done so far all in all despite my differences, however joining up would mean most likely of myself relieving command of the Bane, something I treasure second only to my family.

Operative Synk.

Believe it or not, but the reason I contacted Cerberus was due to the fact it was the organization that helped saved the life of my younger brother Brettonias, now the rank of Pope within TAZ, after being captured by a group of Gallic Royal Navy pilots years ago. I think to that matter I help return the favor. I mean don't think you can get on my good side by calling me unique and such. That wont give you and your men the privilege of being spared if they send cat-calls my way. Last person aboard the Bane that did ending up with a busted jaw and half his tongue ripped out.

I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll see how things go for one month, within the ranks of both Cerberus and Task Force 141. In that time, if your pilots can survive with me being there, I'll make my choice. How about it boys? Or should I simply head back to the bar and see who tries to get a feel of my tail without loosing their arm first?

[Image: 3448ggn.png]

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - PsychO1381 - 05-05-2012

[Image: Dawn-1.png]

Commander Marcus Dawn here.
I'm sure that a few agents within the force would love to fly with you, mis.
I believe 1 of my agents is also ''pouncing around'' with joy.

But no matter.
If you think you have what it takes, we will not deny you a chance to prove it.

[Image: End.png]

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - Dave Synk - 05-06-2012

[Image: CerberusNanoBar-Dave.png]

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]Very well then. I will send several operatives with you. Note that I am not trying to flatter you with uniqueness and such. Cerberus observes things. We will see also if your participation will be an asset or a liability. Until then, safe flights !

[Image: CerberusNanoBarBottom.png]

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - Dave Synk - 05-06-2012

//double post

To Task Force 141 and Cerberus HQ - Tailsdoll - 05-08-2012

Incoming transmission...
Source: Unknown
Recipient: Field Major Agatha
Unknown encryption method detected...
Accessing external memory drive, extracting codesolver.exe...
Message encryption recognised. Encryption pattern: CORSAC
Bypassing security protocols, probing system.
System probe sucessfull. System sucessfully entered. System ID: Unknown
Acessing internal mainframe, anchoring connection, securing data uplink stream...
System anchor in place, streaming transmission. Executing Protocol C...
Message decrypted in private channel.

Greetings, esteemed Miss Agatha,

Seeing as Mr. Synk is currently... indisposed, I've been given temporary authority to speak to you on his behalf.

While we are currently in the middle of some... rather interesting things right now, we at Cerberus would be more than happy to have you within our ranks for the coming month (and who knows, maybe more than that). However, you cannot fly if you aren't there, am I right?

Whenever you wish to partake of the wonderful Cerberus experience, just reply to this transmission. One of our pilots would be more than glad to show you around.

Until then, have a nice day.



Connection lost, system probe withdrawn...
Data uplink stream cut, source disconnected...