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To: IMG - Printable Version

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To: IMG - Miaou - 05-05-2012

[Image: GRPCommsGerald.png]

Independent Miners Guild,

You have certain groups and individuals flying around and docking on Java and possibly other stations. I hope you remember that the Crown doesn't like our allies assisting our enemies, so I do hope you will fix this problem soon.

Directeur Gerald Lucas, Gallic Royal Police

[Image: grpendbar.png]

To: IMG - AeternusDoleo - 05-05-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Directeur Lucas
Subject: Java Station
Encryption: Light


I would request a clarification on which individuals you are speaking of. The Taus have all kinds of unusual folk roaming around ever since your house made itself known - fortune seekers trying to obtain rare goods from Gallia, and folk who prey upon those, mainly. And then there's always the Outcasts... It has made sorting out the who-is-who much harder. As a result many of the dock controllers have resorted to the "if it isn't shooting at us, let it dock" default. Not that I'm condoning it, but it's, from my perspective, understandable.

Please forward the details of this incident so I can hopefully prevent recurrances.

- Guildmaster Johnathan Sanders

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: IMG - Miaou - 05-05-2012

[Image: GRPCommsGerald.png]

Independent Miners Guild,

I know you had tight ties with the Colonials before, but they seem to be around your base. I may be wrong, but I did see a few around Java and in the taus so I'd like to remind you that this is unacceptable.

Another one I found actually docking on your bases is a USS-Asgard, some bounty hunter cruiser of sorts. We will not be having warships of Sirian nature interrupting the peace.

Directeur Gerald Lucas, Gallic Royal Police

[Image: grpendbar.png]

To: IMG - AeternusDoleo - 05-05-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Directeur Lucas
Subject: Java Station
Encryption: Light


The Colonials have largely scattered - last I heared, a good portion of their ships has reappeared in the Omegas, suggesting they have migrated there, most likely towards the Zoner controlled system of Omega 49. I'm not surprised to see some of their ships still in service - when they abandoned the Singapore facility that was jointly operated, a number of craft were left behind. We've since put those to good use, since we are familiar with the design. Are you certain it were actual Colonial Forces that you encountered? I'll look into this, regardless.

As for the Bounty Hunters - We and other parties emply them mainly to keep pressure on the Outcasts, who sometimes manage to field capital vessels of their own. I have been trying to review the Gallic regulations pertaining such vessels, but couldn't find any direct reference forbidding non-hostile ships of that nature (who are actually assisting your efforts indirectly - less Outcasts means fewer distractions for the local naval assets) from working in the Tau region. If there are such regulations, and you can point me to them, then I'll have to inform such captains to give the Tau cluster a miss. But that would likely mean a reduction in Niobium and Beryllium production, as well as increased raids against your own forces and supply lines.

- Guildmaster Johnathan Sanders

**** Transmission Closed ****

To: IMG - Miaou - 05-06-2012

[Image: GRPCommsGerald.png]

Independent Miners Guild,

Seeing as I had to remove a Pytho class bomber from around Java and two Colonial Battleships with aid from other parties, they are less that scattered. Make sure they stay far away from Gallic space and there will be no problem.

On the other hand, I do not mind you using mercenaries to defend your ships. Capital ships on the other hand give issue. Warships like that Bounty Hunter caused problems and would not leave the area around Java, and also worked with a Colonial. I am asking you to keep a tighter grip on your own stations. With as much fighting there was around Java, I do hope you don't take my council on this matter lightheartedly.

Directeur Gerald Lucas, Gallic Royal Police

[Image: grpendbar.png]

To: IMG - AeternusDoleo - 05-07-2012

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Directeur Lucas
Subject: Java Station
Encryption: Light


I don't take any matter that concerns the safety of one of our stations, and the people therein, lightheartedly. But I still need a critical piece of information - the ship names of those involved. If you can get me that, I can have this sorted out fairly quick, I think. Nevertheless, I would appreciate if you can forward me to the regulations specifically forbidding nonhostile capital vessels from operating in the Tau fields. I need to be able to present something to them short of your word if I am to turn them away.

- Guildmaster Johnathan Sanders

**** Transmission Closed ****