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Targetting another player while mining - Printable Version

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Targetting another player while mining - Capt. Clicker - 05-06-2012

Hi there,

Since update 5 I can't seem to fill another player's ship whilst mining.
Mining simply fills my own hold and not the target ie I get the yield.

I've tried a couple different ships as below:

Arrastra (Kruger iff and ID) targets a Rheinland Transport (Republican)
Arrastra targets another Arrastra, both Kruger.

We're usually between 100 and 200 away from each other (ie heaps less than 1k).

This worked fine for update 4 but seems to have been broken since update 5.

Other info which may, or may not be relevent...
We're in Cambridge mining Berrylium Ore Nth East of Cardiff (near O3 JH)

The only other thing I can think of is that both players share an external IP.
(that is we're both playing at same time at my house).

Any help would be appreciated.


Targetting another player while mining - Tachyon - 05-06-2012

Are you sure you have less than 600m of distance to the player you are filling ? The method of mining people use these days has a distance limit.

Targetting another player while mining - Capt. Clicker - 05-12-2012

Yep, absolutely less than 300m

More testing with home built 4.86 server shows same problem.

here's what I found.

Kruger tries to fill Kruger in probs.
Kruger tries to fill Republican in cambridge...NO GO.
Kruger tries to fill Republican in probs.

Maybe a bug?