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Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Printable Version

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Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Duvelske - 05-06-2012

Hi guys this isn't mine. have one on another mod. But this really looks awsome! Hope this can be an example for future ships!

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship)

Waaaaay to big, you were stretching the forums. Pictures removed, links to them remain.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Aingar - 05-06-2012

Really, really REALLY oversized Chimaera/Dragon.
Very Kusarish nevertheless.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - kikatsu - 05-06-2012

First off, pictures are too big, resize or get links.

Second, it is kind of ugly, and an import, that ship model is a Gorg ship from Nexus the Jupiter Incident with extra bits stuck on

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Aingar - 05-06-2012

It's Archangel, not Gorg ship I believe, the player Flagship frigate.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - McNeo - 05-06-2012

It's an upsized Kusari GB melded with a Gorg ship. Cruiser or destroyer I think.

It's definitely not Angelwing.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - ruihu908 - 05-06-2012

A bad resize job? The entire ship looks over stretched horizontally.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Hawk - 05-06-2012

I don't know about all these other mods. All I see is poor design and poor quality.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Toaster - 05-06-2012

Wow. That is rather ugly. And yeah, it really does look like a Gorg ship.

Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - SparkyRailgun - 05-06-2012


Navitas-class Battleship (Kusari Battleship) - Curios - 05-06-2012

The ship is ugly as hell, so, just give the interface files :|||