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Kusari Political Parties - Printable Version

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Kusari Political Parties - Kusari Sunrise Party - 05-06-2012

Sunrise Party Manifesto

Standing the test of many centuries, our morals that showed no defect from the times of our earliest ancestors, combined with the high character of our people, Kusari set up an example for the whole of Sirius to follow. With the protection of our ancestors and the infinite wisdom of our Emperors, Kusari stood tall and mighty among all the other Houses.

Yet, we - Kusari people - had to face many difficulties:
  • Jien Kogen lost the Mandate of Heaven, and his disappearance led to social unrest and to an identity crisis across our society.
  • The heavy losses our forces suffered in Bretonia and the Taus incited criminals to plague the core systems of our house.

[Image: sjZpCL0.png]

Tested by the gods, we had to give many of our heroes as sacrifices. The defence of our country came into question with every losing battle on the Bretonian front. Our nation was at the verge of a crisis unseen before; without a proper defence force remaining at guard in our home, our very existence was threatened.

Since the takeover of the Democratic Party of Kusari we have witnessed a shift in power from the forces that protect us, to those more involved with economics. Our people's protection was not the topmost priority of the government that replaced the exiled Emperor's.

Our police force took the brunt of the damage, while our naval forces struggled still. Undermanned, underpaid, they kept going with their unyielding spirit and heroic nature, taught to them in their cradles by their mothers. They kept going with the knowledge that they stood between our good people and the wolves that would dare to prey on them. They gave many sacrifices, and still are giving for you, everyday, not seeking any return from it, unlike the corporations, except for the hope that Kusari will be able to live on to the tomorrow. They do not begrudge their lives from us, to give us a chance to return Kusari's mighty nature, its roots it sprung from and protected it from the time immemorial.

We can not answer our heroes, our sacrifices, in the afterlife, if we allowed ground for the corporate deals seeking to make cheap profits in exchange for the safety and future of our people.

We are bound with honor and tradition to protect our Kusari from the forces that seek to harm it from outside and inside. We vow to die before seeing the future of our children threatened. This is the Sunrise Party.

[Image: sjZpCL0.png]

Despite our promises being centred on security matters, we are also concerned with the welfare of our people and are well aware of the fact that Kusari can not survive without its economy. Neither its citizens can live decently, without a good enough income.

Furthermore, our House can only survive with secured resources, allowing our defensive capabilities to be restored, and thus, allowing Law enforcers to ensure our economy prospers.

The restoration of such a virtuous circle is what we are aiming for.

We are aware of our ambitious project, which will require all our citizens to be dutiful and ready to serve Kusari with joy in their hearts. We'll cherish with them their patriotism, their hard work, and their good will. Our community will rediscover their self-worth and their values, becoming happier, better and stronger themselves as they strive for a better Kusari together with their loved ones and fellow Kusarians.

[Image: sjZpCL0.png]

In order to start our project, we believe in allowing more legal powers to our law enforcers, co-operation with the other house enforcers, and an increased spending on the protection measures especially for our civilians.

We promise to focus on these objectives:
  • An increase in military and police spending.
  • Re-instatement of capital punishment.
  • A Conscription act: to bolster our forces if the need arises.
  • A retired officers fund.
  • Legal provision for enforcers to set and alter legal policy based on threat assessment.
  • Legal provision allowing enforcers to seize assets and execute suspects as they see fit.
  • Every citizen trained, prepared and armed for planetary/station invasion defence.
  • Enforce curfew in higher crime areas and increase patrols in those areas to ensure the peoples safety.
  • An increase in taxes for foreign financial bodies.
  • An increase in export tax on goods.
  • Legal restrictions on foreign shippers and companies.
  • An increase in public spending on specific educational sectors including: Personal defence, Health & well-being, Moral values, Military history.
  • Ensure a reliable series of contracts that will maintain and increase export of technologies and raw materials within realistic limits considering our own stockpiles.
  • We pledge to preserve Kusari culture through limiting work visas and preservation of Kusari only communities.
  • Income of Visitors from other houses is regrettably vital to the re-building of our nation. To maintain these arteries into Kusari we pledge to increase border and trade patrols through military incentives.
  • We vow to ensure that both Samura Heavy Industries and Kishiro Technologies would be held in equal measure if were elected to power.
  • Contracts would be split as evenly as possible, taxes and subsidies would be allocated in a financially balanced fashion, to ensure neither corporation pays more than the other.
  • Our government would also forward agendas on behalf of each corporation fairly, or when possible, as a joint venture: which the work in Rheinland should serve as an example of.

To summarize,
  • We aim to bring strength back to Kusari both in character and with military might.
  • We aim to bolster Kusari economy by exacting costs from foreigners who would exploit us.
  • We aim to limit the use of arms and strike craft amongst non-peacekeepers in order to decrease the amount of space faring criminals.

We humbly seek your support and your trust in us, so we can restore our Kusari to its lost nature with hard work and vigilance, learning from our past and building for our future.

Kusari Sunrise Party
For a proud Kusari, standing tall and mighty; expanding with the Heaven's will and the prayers of our ancestors.

Kusari Political Parties - Pancakes - 05-07-2012

[Image: white-lotus-flower.gif]

The White Lotus
When the talking about sieging democracy over the emperor'€™s ruling over Kusari started, several Kusari Naval Forces officers, backed up by Kishiro and the other democratic side, started a coup inside the Naval Forces'€™ ranks.

Many of the officers started to wear rings shaped in a White Lotus form, as a symbol to their affiliation, and up to today Naval Officers that back the party can be found wearing them.

What started as a military coup, soon turned to a well backed party by inspired Naval Officers and retired veterans. The party, have most of its votes coming from the citizens of planet Honshu - both former soldiers, and those who aren'€™t, although a significant number of the votes have been registered in planet Kyushu, coming from veteran soldiers who have returned to their homes after the war with Gallia.

Being one of the smaller parties, the White Lotus is found in coalition with the Kusari Democratic Party, both having similar agendas only with the White Lotus focusing on the military'€™s benefit, and looking after its current and former members, who are doing, or did, a great service to our nation.

[color=#FFFFFF][font=vladimir script]Goals:

1) Represent the Naval forces'€™ and retired veterans'€™ interests in front of the Diet

2) Rebuild Kusari'€™s economical strength.

3) Make sure democracy does not fall due to outer and inner threats.

4) Ensure that the laws of the republic are enforced equally on all of its citizens.

5) Establish a fair law system, that is based on the principles of freedom and preservation of human lives.

6) Rebuild Kusari'€™s military strength, both in numbers, and technology.

Everyone with a Kusari citizenship is allowed to register and become part of the party. However, upon registering as part of the party, each member must serve in the Kusari Naval Forces or the State Police or in the Ministry of Defence for at least 1.5 years in any role he wish, unless he already served them previously to joining the party.

Domo-Arigato for your time, and your support. For Kusari, for a brighter future.

Kusari Political Parties - zeta.foxtrot - 05-14-2012


Greater Kusari Prosperity Sphere

[Image: kusariimperialist.png]

"~Eight Chords, One Roof!~" De-facto party slogan.

The Kusari Prosperity Sphere is an organization and political party which has been long-present in the machinery of the Imperial Government, as blessed by the Divine Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Eight Million. We are an organization dedicated to the military growth and survival of the Greater Kusari Empire as a nation, as the last hope for eastern civilization in Sirius.

Among our ranks are oppressed ministers of the Empire, Admirals of the Divine Kaigun, State Shinto priests and shrinekeepers, and various economic movers and shakers, though the primary backing comes from the Kusari Military and especially the Kempeitai.

The Prosperity Sphere desires a "radical restructuring" of the Democratic Parties of Kusari into a "Proper" Imperial Diet, with the Imperial Throne restored under auspices other than Jien Kogen. This is nescessary for the continuity of Kusari. For as long as Kusari, and it's earthbound progenitor Japan, have existed, there was always an Emperor, a divine servant of Amaterasu, sitting atop the Throne, Watching over our great Nation.

Now that balance is threatened. For the Kusari Empire is hollow and helpless without the guidance of the Divine Throne, and direct links to the Divine. We hope to restore proper Imperial rule in a way that suits the needs of the Empire of Kusari.

Principals & Ideals:

"~Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Military~" Minister Suriyama (assassinated 816 A.S. by suspected Consortium cell)

The main and overall goal of the GKPS is the restatement of the Empire, National Mobilization; nationalization of the Keiretsu and all strategic Kusari assets, rebuilding of the military, and local participation in Imperial Affairs via Youth Movements and Neighborhood Associations.

We are a Pragmatic Organization; many policies of the Prior Empire are obsolete and must be balanced to the current day. Political corruption by Corporations, Crime Syndicates, and Agent Provocateurs must be expunged. Communist, Democratic, and Xenophillic lines of thought are highly dangerous to the integrity of the house and must be marginalized in a civil way best befitting the Nation.

Old policies of Sakoku and lingering xenophobia toward other houses must be eradicated to ensure free trade and profit for Kusari; in these times, trade with like-minded foriegn powers (such as Rheinland and Liberty) is an unfortunate necessity to ensure a solid industrial base strong enough to support a re-mobilized military.

The Greater Tau Conflict was righteous and justified, the surprise attack by Gallia was a traitor's move, Gallia is a direct and present threat to the survival of both Kusari and all of Sirius. Further aggression must be anticipated and countered with the full force of the Imperial Navy; we must rebuild our fleets and if nescessary, call on our allies abroad to crush Gallia.

Once the Gallic Threat is dealt with, we will settle the score with the Bretonian Aggressors whom instigated the Tau-Conflict on their own territorial interests.


"~YOU ARE A PINATA! GIVE CANDIES!~" Ame-chan (Disappeared 817 A.S.)
  1. Reimpose Imperial Rule under the Divine Throne of Amaterasu.
  2. Reconstitute the existing parties under a new Imperial Diet, overseen by the Emperor.
  3. Impose a National Mobilization Law; the State will take control of critical resources.
  4. Institute a massive military build-up; restore the Divine Fleet to it's former glory.
  5. Nationalize state Media, Labor Unions, and Corporations in anticipation for Total War with Gallia. Mobilize civic resources for defense purposes.
  6. Normalize and strengthen relations with Liberty and Rheinland; expunge post-sakoku policies of previous agencies. If nescessary, bring in professional foriegn troops temporarily to defend Kusari from outside threats.
  7. Purge destructive and hostile Communist, Ultranationalist, Criminal, and Xenophillic Influance from the State.
  8. Improve public service and curb high delinquency rates through Creation of Youth Agencies and Neighborhood Associations.
  9. Ensure future economic development and political stability through civic, economic, and legal programs.
  10. Expand Kusari territory into uncolonized areas in the Edge Worlds; seek out new Natural Resources and Territories.
  11. Deregulate cybernetics, optronic, biotech, psychic and archanotechnology-based institutes. Expand these fields to improve our technological base and fully exploit our economic output. Use of these technologies is the proper way forward.
  12. Be prepared for any contingency; including but not limited to hostility by foriegn powers, invasion, or conflict with emergent Alien, Extradimensional, Memetic, Archanic, or Divine threats.
Supporting Kusari starts today. Practice self-sufficiency and visit your local shrine. Pray to your local Kami for support.


Members of the Military and Economists are encouraged to join the organization; through numbers we have strength. Those who know Kusari History and respect and desire the guidance of the Empire and strength of the nation should join us. Members will be placed in different branches based on experience.

You may also help by joining one of our Neighborhood associations or donating at your local shinto shrine. Ours is the true way forward!

"Jiyu Banzai! Ten Thousand Years!"

Kusari Political Parties - Kusari Reformation Party - 05-14-2012

For eight centuries Kusari has been a bastion of civilization within the Sirius community.
Having the lowest crime rate of all the great houses and fostering a deep respect towards one’s family and nation.
The citizens of Kusari stood proud of the accomplishments they had created and commanded respect from their neighbors on all sides.
Something has changed recently in Kusari.

The national pride once shown by our people has been replaced by greed and corruption.
All we need do is look out our window to the displaced citizens who must sleep in parks and on benches in the streets due to no longer having an income to support their families with.
To the victims of violent crime that sit in our hospitals, unsure if their new medical insurance policy they were forced to take will cover this procedure.
To the parents who sadly watch while their children grow up in a new world of survival of the fittest and lose respect for the world around them.

We all understand why our nation has become the way it has recently, due to the vision of a few, who are sucking the decency out of Kusari, one credit at a time.
This new regime cares little for the people, as can be seen by the winds of change we are all
being assailed with.
Your house, livelihood, family and culture are all taking second place to the all mighty credit.
The Kusari Reformist Party wishes to halt this slide into degeneration and return Kusari to the grandeur it once was.
A place of high ideals, where everyone has a job and the cost of living is kept low enough for all.
We do not want to see our culture change to become more like Liberty, we are not Liberty.
Kusari has a rich history, culture and tradition, one we will protect.

Stated Goals:
  • To return the Kusari Teikoku to a constitutional monarchy.
  • Economic reforms leading to a greater distribution of wealth for all citizens, greater welfare packages and a mandate written in law to protect the people.
  • An increase in funding for all divisions of Kusari defense forces and police.
  • An increase in taxation on all foreign works as well as goods imported through Kusari to assist with greater tax breaks for domestic products.
  • To bring Kusari back to a position of respect from both our citizens and neighbors.
Requirement for membership:
Membership is open to all individuals holding citizenship in Kusari who are of high moral caliber and over the age of sixteen.

RE: Kusari Political Parties - NixOlympica - 02-04-2014

[Image: OQfd0cE.png?1]

“Freedom, Equality, Prosperity - The Kusari of future”

Liberal party of Kusari (furthermore as LPK) is a young and highly progressive party in the system of Kusarian parliamentary democracy. Its core values lie in a full liberalization of social and economical fields of Kusari.

We fight the old system allowing the privileged to get away with their crimes because of their social status. We demand fair and uniform legal system for all. LPK urges the government to ensure that the military branch of our nation is fully under control of its rightful body - the parliament. We oppose the notion of military having any kind of control over Kusari nation.

LPK demands full equalization of women both socially and financially. We believe that Kusari has to reflect a modern society in which women are treated with the same respect as men. It is also our goal to institute a system of referendums in which citizens of Kusari would be allowed to voice their opinion on important decisions.

The second pillar of our program is a creation of environment that is in order with the ideas of Laissez-faire. We want fair opportunities for foreign companies that are now facing governmental restrictions promoting purely domestic sector. LPK feels that foreign investments will lead to increased prosperity of the House of Kusari. Those investments will lead to a creation of new places for both our workers and engineers allowing our people to get better paid work placements. This goal will also lead to a modernization of Kusari industrial sectors and bolster the national budget which will allow us to enforce more liberal economic policies such as tax reductions.

KPT refuses the hostile policy the previous governments were, at least, indirectly supporting. Our party strongly opposes the notion of our nation being dragged to yet another war.

We consider Kusari family to be a base element of our society. That is why we want our children to live in a free, equal and a prosperous world. The Kusari of future. Therefore we present you our policy standing on 2 pillars each consisting of 5 main points.

First pillar

1) Full civilian liberties
2) Fair and uniform law system
3) Institution of referendums
4) Complete equalization of women rights
5) Higher control of military branches

Second pillar

1) Liberalization of Kusari market
2) Continual demonopolization of Kusari economic sectors
3) Creation of workplaces
4) Reduction of taxes
5) Modernization of Kusari industry, education system and research


Anyone with age of at least 16 years is allowed to apply

RE: Kusari Political Parties - Ame-chan - 02-21-2014



Best Party
Political Alignment: AmeAme -0.9751
Imperial Alignment: Food 1.0
Main Issues: Give candies. Kill Fishies. Eat Golden Cabbage. Take over AmeShrine. Become new AmeEmpress.
Short Description: This is BEST PARTY since it AmeParty. AmeParty wants best thing for KusariPlace wat includes making AmeAme Empress, KILLING ALL BAKAS, Make Cabbages Contraband. Will SHOOT all giant pinatas wat pirate people on SpeedyRings.

Also promise MORE MONIES! Since will end STAGNANT ECONOMIC BOTTLENECK wat with stuff NOT COSTING DIFFERENT when bought sold. AmeParty promise to BUY BACK RENZU from CrustyBakas so will belong to AmeAme again. That best idea since AME IS IN KusariPlace.

Also will invest in GIANT AME YACHT! So can better explode bakas wat not agree with AmeParty!

Should vote now!

RE: Kusari Political Parties - CandidFriend - 02-21-2014

New Party
Party name: Inari Shrine Political Action Committee
Political Alignment: Ultra-conservative/Religious -1.0
Imperial Alignment: Pro-Imperial 1.0
Main Issues: State Shinto, Spiritualism, Youkai Superiority Rights, Environmentalism, Touch Fluffy Tail.
Short Description:
In the 800 years since the exodus, the spiritualism of the Kusari nation has taken a nose dive. In an effort to bring back the old ways, the Inari Shrine PAC has lobbied for official party status. Inari Shrine promotes industry, agriculture, rice, fertility, and foxes through the land, as well as putting the screws to Samura's fur farming operations sound economic and environmental management.

As the goddess of worldly success, Inari~sama has much to bring to the table. With political as well as religious blessing, Kusari's economy has nowhere to go but up! The value of faith is economic strength!~ Restoring the old ways will bring peace, tranquility, and happiness to a chaotic land like ours, and should be made the policy of us all.

Domo Arigatou for your time.

RE: Kusari Political Parties - Aphil - 02-21-2014

New Party
Party name: People's Party of Kusari
Political Alignment: Communist
Imperial Alignment: People's Republic
Main Issues: Equal rights, elimination of corruption, a transition for Kusari to a Socialist State where everyone works together in a common interest. An elimination of the elite upper-class in favor of equalizing all into a prosperous middle-class.
Short Description: The People's Republic of Kusari is a small party which follows the ideology of Communism in order to bring equality to all and allow for a more united Kusari that takes care of the weak and poor.

[Image: Ozh6Ibj.png]

RE: Kusari Political Parties - Markus_Janus - 02-21-2014

All of the above parties are now looking for members to play the role of ministers.
Have a say in Kusari,now is your chance.
The requirements are simple and only there to allow a better role.
They are:
  • Each player may have a total of two (2) positions in the House of Representatives which must apply for membership in one of the voted in parties.
  • Each of those characters may represent different parties.
  • A party may only recruit as many members as they have seats.
  • A character currently active in Kusari (lawful or unlawful)
  • Basic understanding of Kusari lore
  • Accepting to play within the basic framework as applies to each party
  • Each representative character must be of lawful standing within Kusari to gain admittance to the Diet

This is a chance to bring new ideas to Kusari while allowing people so inclined to have fun playing the political machine that is the Republic of Kusari.

The seats available are as follows:
  • Kusari Reformation Party (20)
  • Democratic Party of Kusari (13)
  • Sunrise Party (13)
  • White Lotus Party (4)
  • Inari Shrine Political Action Committee (4)
  • Superior Ame Party (3)
  • People’s Party of Kusari (2)
  • Liberal Party of Kusari (1)
Each party will most likely have one position taken up by the party leader, this is not always the case.
If the positions fill up to fast, we can always double them.

RE: Kusari Political Parties - WesternPeregrine - 04-03-2014

The Democratic Party of Kusari

The Democratic Party of Kusari was created in the aftermath of the Imperial Kusari campaigns in the Taus regions and the defeat of Kusari forces in face of Gallia military. Feeling that the Kusari leadership had acted recklessly in it's expansionism efforts, many of the leaders of what would become the Democratic Party of Kusari collaborated in the republican coup that ousted the militaristic dictatorship from power, allowed peace for Kusari to be negotiated, and the creation of a more responsible regime. This new regime allowed the will of the people of Kusari to be main guide of the House fate, and the Democratic Party sought to be medium for such will to be shown.

The Democratic Party of Kusari is a party who promotes active popular participation in the Kusari affairs through social and political activism, and the establishment and maintenance of a responsible government mindful of the opinion of the citizens of Kusari.

The party also wishes to promote and develop greater diplomatic and economical ties with foreign states and organizations. The party desires that the technological and economical strengths of Kusari industries be deployed abroad, and that Kusari be able to assist in the development of fringe territories, and aid the recovery of war torn systems into their former glory.

In the domestic affairs, The Democratic Party of Kusari aims to use the strengths of the Kusari diligent workforce and excellent management corpus to provide impulse to a greater development of the economy, by developing policy for greater liberalization in arising new technological areas, and state grants for the creation of new industries.

The DPK will also commit to promote judicial reforms, greater inclusion of citizens in local and House governance, reevaluate the education system at all levels, and rethink the role of gender in society.

Lastly, the DPK will strive for Kusari to maintain a respectable military force, greater oversight in the deployment of military forces in foreign operations, and emphasize the role of the police forces in law enforcement inside Kusari. The party will look to provide war veterans with adequate health-care and pension systems to aid in their reintegration into peacetime forces or back into civilian society.

The Democratic Party of Kusari main goals are:
  • Promoting a responsible governance of Kusari with strong influence of citizen's thoughts.
  • Development and promotion of Kusari economical and technological strengths at home and abroad.
  • Greater economic and diplomatic ties with members of the Sirian political actors.

Other party goals include:
  • Military reform
  • Judicial and Law enforcement reforms
  • Social equality and reintegration

(Party Topic: )