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To: Liberty Police Inc. - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Police Inc. - Redon - 05-07-2012

West Point Military Academy, New York System, 7. May 819 A.S.

A tall man enters the bar, carrying a small pad under his arm. He stops at the entrance and brushes his messy hair out of his face. It's not the first time he's here, but the room doesn't feel familiar. Silently, he looks around, trying to locate a quiet place within the surrounding noise. He sighs. "I should really take the time to have my hair cut again."

Sitting down in an empty booth in the corner of the bar, he puts his pad on the table. The screen lights up, and after a few hasty movements, he waits for the device to establish a connection with the Neuralnet, looking out the window, watching planet Manhattan glow in the light of New York's sun. "I guess I can have myself a little break, since I'm here anyway... As it's my duty to make a little report 'bout what I saw." With another few movements he establishs a transmission. A small light blinks up. He straightens his sitting position, and smiles.

"Transmission to the Liberty Police, issued on... -" His eyes wander to the edge of his pad's screen. "- the 7th of May 819, at 19:04. Medium encryption." He clears his throat. "Greetings officers, Bowex employee Jan Peters here. I'm sure your days are busy enough, so I'll keep this short. I'm sending this transmission to inform you about a freelancer trading vessel 'Wage.Shezard' at Manhattan that seemed to be smuggling... Cardamine. I was on my way back from a delivery run to planet Pittsburgh as I witnessed the scoundrel! And he was fast, I'll tell you that! Not even the planetary docking personnel seemed to notice anything, no, he undocked with a load of basic alloy minutes later as though nothing had happened! Now, since I seem to remember that stopping the cardamine dealers is of great importance to you Libertonians, I didn't hesitate to take some pictures as evidence right away. I'm attaching these files as part of the transmission. Best luck with your work, officers, I hope this will be helpful. Have a good day!"

After the little light went out, he stared at the screen and controlled the pad with more movements, seeming to drag around objects. After a faint blip, he seemed relieved, and pushed the pad aside. "Now I can grant myself a drink!"

~ Attached Files: File 1 | File 2 | File 3 ~

To: Liberty Police Inc. - Error - 05-12-2012


Sender: Deputy Chief Colin Sinclair
Location: Red Deer II, Alberta
Subject: Re: Transmission to the Liberty Police

My apologies for the somewhat late reply - this transmission seems to have skipped my inbox somehow. As for the Cardamine smuggler in question here; thanks for taking the time to submit this tip to us. I've personally seen to that he's been filed for addition to the Liberty Criminal Database.

I'll gladly personally refund you that drink as a token of my gratitude if you can give me a Neural Net vessel identifier to send the credits to. There's unfortunately far too few of your kind around nowadays.

-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.