Discovery Gaming Community
To: Moka - Printable Version

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To: Moka - PRJKTLRD - 05-08-2012

:::Incoming Transmission:::

ID- Jared Nomak

[Image: 480px-Lerdi.jpg]

Location- Eridu Base

Hello there Moka, long time passed as we did some bussines.

I am contacting you in very urgent moment, I need a favour...

Our enemies grew stronger, we need some greater firepower.

I need small number of your bombers and one gunboat for my pilots.

Respond to me soon, I'm running out of time!

:::Transmission End:::

To: Moka - Altejago - 05-08-2012

[Image: 264pxlrlogo.png]

Incoming Transmission: [color=#FF0000]High Encryption

From: [color=#000000]Moka

Rank: [color=#000000]Pirate Warlord

To: [color=#000000]Jared Nomak

Subject: [color=#000000]Technology


You can use those crafts

At your leisure

Don't lose them

And don't use them against our friends

Have fun!
