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To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - Printable Version

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To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - tomsiux - 05-08-2012

[Image: otf7h1.png]

A message to Mr. James Arland

Greetings, Mr. Arland. I, Mr. Peter Hergins, speak on behalf of whole Arborvitae Inc. (aka. Tree of Life Inc.) We were informed that yesterday's evening, about 8PM in Sirius Time your team were in contact with ship named "Hungry.Bastard". We would like to arrange a short personal meeting in Planet Cambridge, our headquarters for some questions and answers regarding the "individual" you contacted previous evening.
We would like to get your answer as soon as possible.

We would like to thank you in advance, any information you will provide will be important to our corporation.

[color=#000000][font=Franklin]Human body is no more a limit!
Arborvitae Inc.

To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - l3wt - 05-08-2012

Connection established.

Encryption confirmed.

Source: Lieutenant James Arland, New London

Displaying message...

Mr. Hergins,

I regret to inform you that I am not at liberty to discuss the events of yesterday's operation. Please use official channels - not private missives - if you wish to acquire information from the Armed Forces.

However, I will patch my presiding commanding officer for that particular mission into this channel.


Lieutenant James Arland.

End of message.

Sending channel frequency and encryption key to new recipient.

Recipient identified: Vice Admiral Charles Davis

To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - Pacific - 05-09-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Leeds Fleet Command ]
[CommID: Vice Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 13634-15886.gif]

Greetings Mr. Peter Hergins I am Vice Admiral Charles Davis of the Bretonian Armed forces High Command and the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant James Arland. I was leading that patrol in Cortez that you mention and talked to the individual you are asking for.

But Before I give you any relevent data or Information I want to Know more about you and your organisation. What is its Perpouse ? , In what house are you based ? and Why are you intrested about the Individual "Hungry.Batard" and Why didnt you contact the Bretonian Admiralty Board directly ?

That is all !

Charles Davis
Vice Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces 2nd Fleet

[End Transmission]

To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - tomsiux - 05-09-2012

[color=#000000] [color=#000000][Image: otf7h1.png]
[color=#000000]I would like to apologize for my mistake, Mr. Davis. I'm not familiar with all these militaristic statutes and laws, so I've made a terrible mistake in this questioning. I hope that there are no serious problems about all of this.
Well, first of all, let me introduce, the name is Peter Hergins, the director of public relations of corporation "Arbrovitae Inc." Our corporation is specialized in... expanding the limits of human body; to be exact: variety of implants and body parts enhancement. For 80 years we were working for the "ones who can afford it". Probably this is the reason why you never heard of us before. However, we're planning to expand our operations and make it more public-reachable, since the biotechnologies and other innovations are becoming cheaper and more reachable to the middle-class citizens. Our true origin and only headquarters are stated in Planet Cambridge.
Now, lets talk about our "mysterious" "Hungry Bastard". First of all, the person who hides behind this ship name is Lizzie Borden. She was one of our workers few months ago, however, she turned against us by stealing important schemes and data. Since then, Lizzie Borden became renegade to us, calling herself "number 13" for some reason unknown to us. Since there's no serious crime committed yet, we decided to track her without the interception of other organizations. She knows how to hide her tracks well, since she changes the ships and locations from time to time. As we know, at the moment she's lurking somewhere in Bretonia - Liberty borders. Her objectives are unknown to us. However, the data she stole can be used for dangerous causes, by that we mean, that at the moment Miss Borden can be a threat to all our current and future customers. Why is she doing this? We can only guess. Most probably, she became "unstable" because of her sleepless hours of work and schedules. That can be schizophrenia as well.
So, to prevent her from doing anything dangerous and finally catch her we're trying to contact anyone who had any close contacts with her.

I hope you do understand what we're up to and you'll like to collaborate with us.
Waiting for your answer.

[color=#000000]Human body is no more a limit!
Arborvitae Inc.

To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - Pacific - 05-09-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Leeds Fleet Command ]
[CommID: Vice Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 13634-15886.gif]

Greetings Mr. Hergins. Thank you for answering those questions it realy make things all clear now. and Sence your based on Cambridge I can share the date with you. I meet with the Individual in question however she did not show any signs of being insane or inteding to hurt anyone how ever she did mention she was going to Barrier Gate station. How ever I can't garante she will be there.

She was flying a "Broadsword" A Border Worlds Bomber altought it was listed as a Lane Hacker Disign not long ago. She did mention something about the ship not being hers. But from she got I can't tell. The Subject was acting like a normal Human being and passed our scans and short conversation. If you think you cant handle the matter we can alert the Cortez and Magellan Systems Patrol to keep a look out.

Also I want to ask what schematics and data did she steal ? Are they dangorous to any Bretonian and Libretonian people.
That is all !

Charles Davis
Vice Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces 2nd Fleet

[End Transmission]

To: Lt. James Arland of BAF - l3wt - 05-09-2012

Incoming transmission.

Source: Lieutenant James Arland, New London

Displaying message...

Since I've been cleared to discuss this topic in further detail, there is a couple of points I remember rather clearly from our conversation with the subject.

Her behaviour for the duration that we interacted with her worries me. First, she stuck around to watch while we destroyed two offending vessels. While this in and of itself is not particularly worrying, she also stated that she was actually getting... well, sexually aroused by the ongoing violence. I admit, this alone is not a sufficient indicator of violent intent or sociopathy - after all, she may have just been saying things to deliberately unsettle any listeners - but she also half-professed to indeed have killed someone in order to obtain her current vessel, claiming it is "a long story".

Does this behaviour match your psych profile of the subject, Mr. Hergins?

End of message.