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Auto-updater website down - Printable Version

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Auto-updater website down - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-09-2012

Title says it all - I'm not the only one who has this problem at the moment.

Just an FYI.

Auto-updater website down - The.Amelia.Earhart - 05-09-2012

sometimes it doesnt work,i have noticed that myself as well.
in that case, you have to download and unzip it yourself from the forum.
just copy the files from the zip folder,into the folder where the discovery mod has been installed.
i think thats the best thing to worked for me.


Auto-updater website down - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-09-2012

' Wrote:sometimes it doesnt work,i have noticed that myself as well.
in that case, you have to download and unzip it yourself from the forum.
just copy the files from the zip folder,into the folder where the discovery mod has been installed.
i think thats the best thing to worked for me.


The forum where the regular files are linked was ALSO down.

Auto-updater website down - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-11-2012

I suspect that it was a case of in Soviet Russia server crashes you...

Suddenly the site where the manual fix came back up, and then the auto-updater started working again.